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Most planets are at the top of the Taurus horoscope.
This is the time of year when you are focused on career and worldly goals, a time of greater independence and personal strength, but with more responsibility.
Collaboration is always good, but it’s your life with your rules. Now you follow your own path, independently of others.
March 2024 is all about your social network, friendships, work and health.

Love and Relationships
On February 24, 2024 there was a Full Moon in Virgo (5th House of Love, Self-Expression, Creativity, Romance and Fun! Due to the influence of this Full Moon, love blooms in the first half of March 2024. This Full Moon strengthens a love bond , but is also about letting go of things that no longer bring you joy.
The New Moon in Pisces of March 10, 2024 in the 11th House of Social Processes brings hope and new friendships. Don’t stay at home, go out and meet people!
Taurus also gets the opportunity to convince friends or business contacts of your plans for a special project. What is born now will develop in the next six months.
Saturn in Pisces (House of Friendships) strengthens that energy, because it remains a positive flow for teamwork or for taking on a joint creative or business project with friends.
Great time for networking and getting some buzz on social media.

Family and Home
The Full Moon in Virgo on February 24, 2024 will influence activities around children in the first half of March 2024. It shows an achievement by a child or a child can express his or her feelings and that can strengthen or end a bond.
Influenced by your planet Venus in Aquarius until March 11, 2024, there are major developments in your career that require adjustments to be made at home. With Venus in Aquarius it feels like much more is possible. An idea may be born to redistribute roles within the family.
A new division of roles can have a major impact on your family. That’s why it’s better to postpone big plans for now and do it in stages.

The first ten days of March 2024 will bring big changes for your career.
Due to the influence of Venus in Aquarius, it is possible that you will be offered a new job or you will have the opportunity to work freelance. With Venus in Aquarius everything is possible and it feels like liberation. Mercury in Aries from March 11, 2024 makes you impatient to make progress.
Pluto in Aquarius in the Tenth House of Career and Destination will bring significant changes to Taurus’ career, reputation and life path.
Red planet Mars travels through Aquarius, your House of Career and Destiny, until March 22, 2024. This driven energy strengthens Pluto’s power to succeed and achieve your goals. The dynamic Lunar Eclipse in Libra of March 25, 2024 falls in the 6th House of Work, Daily Routine and Health and that can give rise to major changes at work such as receiving recognition, but also a reorganization, retraining, saying goodbye to your current job, a new job, resulting in a new daily routine or lifestyle.

March 2024 will be a month of financial stability. There is enough money coming in and that gives you a safe case. Yet you are prone to impulsive spending habits, because you want to reward and pamper yourself. Financial security is a priority for Taurus, whether it’s purchasing real estate, productivity at work, or household items. It is advisable to draw up a budget plan so that you get an overview of your income and expenses.
It is advisable to focus on long-term financial planning, exploring innovative ventures and making wise investments. Trust your gut feeling in everything you do and seize the opportunities that come your way. Patience and perseverance, as well as embracing change, are the keys to financial success.
Don’t spend money on things you can’t afford or give in to the urge to make hasty purchases or investments.

Due to the influence of the Lunar Nodes on the Aries/Libra polarity, it concerns health, lifestyle, service and work. This influence asks you to set your limits to restore balance. Distance yourself in time if you feel that something in your daily life is becoming too much.
From March 21, 2024, spirituality and inner development will play a major role for Taurus. The Lunar Eclipse in Libra of March 25, 2024 falls in the 6th House of Daily Routine and Health. This Lunar Eclipse therefore indicates changes in your daily routine to stay healthy. To prevent stress, it is good to delegate or outsource work. You may need to let go of things to create space for relaxation.
It’s about your sense of well-being and your physical and spiritual health.
Change is necessary, especially when that change is also an actual and safe improvement that better suits your lifestyle, health and personal circumstances.

The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on October 28, 2023 concluded the eclipse cycle on the Taurus/Scorpio axis. Taurus commits itself in a phase of completion and termination. You notice that things are coming to an end or results are becoming visible.
In your pursuit of social and professional success, there may be a danger that you become overworked or feel that others are trying to undermine you. Criticism or resistance from your environment can lead to frustration, delays and block any progress with the risk of psychological problems and problems at home.
Find a creative outlet when things around you overwhelm you.

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