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March 2024 is a month of independence, vitality and personal strength, partly due to the influence of red Warrior Mars in your sign Aquarius.
There is a clear planetary shift towards the bottom of the Aquarius horoscope. A shift from the outside world to the inside world.
The focus in March 2024 is on inner strength, finances, home, family, love and building stability for your career.

Love and Relationships
On February 24, 2024 there was a Full Moon in Virgo in the House of Intimacy and Trust.
This lunar influence shows in the first half of March 2024 a challenge that is intertwined with shared resources, investments, trust and feeling safe both emotionally and sexually, about give and take, both financially and emotionally, paying off debts, financial or otherwise such as emotional blocks. Communication is key, so talk about your feelings to explore new dimensions of love.
The calming influence of Mars in Pisces from March 23, 2024 will melt your heart and fill it with love. The last week of March 2024 is favorable for a date or dreaming about the future together.

Family and Home
The all-changing energy of your ruling planet Uranus in Taurus in the 4th House of Family, Home and Origin has led to enormous shifts in your private life in recent years. New life, saying goodbye to the old, developments in your career and external factors “force” adjustments such as renovating the house or moving.
Uranus will remain in Taurus until April 26, 2026, so until then you have to take into account changes in home and family life, such as moving, renovation, new family members or the loss of family members and other changes in living situation or family. March 2024 is a favorable month for a trip with your family. In March 2024, a decision must be made on a house or housing that will have long-lasting consequences. Mercury in Aries from March 11, 2024 (until May 15, 2024) is the best time to hire a real estate agent. Don’t make rash decisions, this also applies in traffic.

A business trip this month not only brings new knowledge and experience, but also influential contacts for future projects.
Thanks to Venus in Aquarius until March 11, 2024 and Mars in Aquarius until March 22, 2024, life runs a lot smoother. This transit in your sign allows you to see life from a different perspective and let go of all negativity.
Visualization is the first step to realizing a goal and this is the best time to do it.
On March 25, 2024 there will be a Lunar Eclipse in Libra and this cosmic event in the 9th House of Philosophy asks you whether you are on the right track in terms of your career or studies. Do you believe in what you do and your direction in life? When you believe in something, you set energy in motion and you attract it to you, which can be both positive and negative.
This Lunar Eclipse gives you insights from your higher consciousness about trust. Having confidence in your own feelings and holding on to your thoughts gives a feeling of unprecedented strength.

On February 24, 2024, there was a Full Moon in Virgo in the House of Shared Finances and Intimacy. Due to the influence of this lunar energy, profits can be made in the first half of March 2024 through dividends, real estate and marketing projects.
Pisces represents the House of Finance.
Financially speaking, Saturn in Pisces is a less good period. It’s about balancing tangible and intangible needs.
With the New Moon in Pisces on March 10, 2024 in the 2nd House of Finance and Value, Aquarius receives information needed to make an informed financial decision. This is a New Moon to set financial goals for the future, but also a New Moon to appreciate what you already have. Don’t take more than you can carry.
This New Moon shows where money should be invested and where priorities should be set to achieve a favorable financial position. Make a wish with this New Moon. Mars travels through Pisces (House of Finance) from March 23 to April 30, 2024 and with this energy more money comes in through a good negotiating position, pay increase, a side job, hobby or more turnover in your company.

The beneficial transit of Venus in Aquarius until March 11, 2024 is an invitation to pamper yourself.
Everything new affects your physical and mental health.
Due to the influence of asteroid Ceres in the House of Cosmic Consciousness and Letting Go, Aquarius is consciously addressing unconscious problems to process the past 10 years.
Your head wants so much, but your body needs rest.
Mindfulness, meditation, pampering yourself or being creative are good for supporting your mental well-being. Trust your unique perspective and let your authentic self shine.

Pluto in Aquarius will travel through your first House, the House of Personality, over the next 20 years. During these years you undergo a true transformation of yourself.
On March 25, 2024 there will be a Lunar Eclipse in Libra and this cosmic event provides insights from your higher consciousness about what truth and justice are. Trusting your own feelings and beliefs and supporting this with your thoughts gives a feeling of unprecedented strength.
Good financial planning and reducing unnecessary expenses remains advisable.

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