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The first three weeks of March 2024 are intended to review and reorganize your activities.
With the Sun in Aries from March 21, 2024 there’s progress to be made!
Especially in the areas of love and finances, good results can be achieved with the support of your planet Mars in Aquarius and Jupiter in Taurus.
The main areas of focus for March 2024 are relationships, love, finances and health.
The focus in March 2024 is on personal ambitions and career, entrepreneurship, independence, spirituality and vision.

Love and Relationships
In the first half of March 2024 you have spring fever, you are flirty and there is a great desire for change in yourself and your environment. Something different, so a different styling or hair color! Due to the influence of Venus and Mars in Aquarius, Aries is attracted to everything and everyone that is exciting, unusual and mysterious. Your partner requires more attention, so make more time in your permanent relationship to do fun things together. Love is and remains a verb, Aries.
The annular Lunar Eclipse in Libra on March 25, 2024 falls in the 7th House of Relationships and forms an opposition to Aries. This makes you want to succeed, but it can work in different directions. Good and stable relationships, both business and private, are consolidated, such as marriage, signing business contracts and making serious commitments. However, the downside can be divorce, lawsuits or legal entanglements. So there will be major shifts in partnerships, groups and organizations. Letting go of unhealthy relationships and connections that have seen better days is also part of this. There could be a reconciliation at the end of March 2024.

Family and Home
The transit of your planet Mars in Aquarius until March 22, 2024 is the best period to sell your house or buy a house or take action at the right time regarding real estate, construction or renovation, so for a quote, the choose the best option in terms of price and quality.
However, March 2024 may bring challenges to the mutual relationship in your home.
Unrest may arise because outsiders interfere in your private affairs.
Disharmony affects the entire family and children’s academic performance. It is up to you to calm the situation, because children need a lot of attention and stability.
Pay close attention to what your children do, because external influences can be detrimental to their development.

The Full Moon in Virgo of February 24, 2024 fell in the House of Work and Health and with this energy you will see the result or progress of a project or receive recognition for the work you have done in the first half of March 2024. This is also a good time to reassess work, delegate and resolve any issues with a business partner or client, wrap up existing projects at work or at home, and deep clean your daily routine.
March 2024 is a favorable and lucrative month for business travel.
Asteroid Ceres (nourishment, support and resources) in Capricorn (the House of Career) is your cosmic support and offers fruitful opportunities for all your career goals.
Mercury in Aries from March 11, 2024 is pure persuasion and logical thinking, so the best period for important meetings, deals and new projects.
The Full Moon in Libra on March 25, 2024 shows tangible changes in your career.
March 2024 ends with a positive push in your professional life, because then plans can be put into action, despite some minor adjustments.

Taurus represents the House of Finance. Uranus in Taurus has been direct again since the end of January 2024 and more money can come in through a pay increase or more turnover in your company. March 2024 is favorable for starting and expanding projects.
With Mars in Aquarius until March 22, 2024, there is money to be made. By listening to your inner voice you know exactly which offers or options deliver the best financial results. At the beginning of March 2024 there will be a profitable offer for Aries.
The financial flow will be stable in March 2024 and that will make it easier to achieve set goals. However, it is advisable to be frugal and look for new sources of income, such as a business partnership. Speculation can be profitable.

The influence of the Full Moon in Virgo on February 24, 2024 encourages you in the first half of March 2024 to stop harmful habits, exercise more and eat healthier. Through Saturn (Karma) through Pisces (House of Cosmic Consciousness and Letting Go), Aries will let go of old unprocessed emotional baggage.
Saturn in Pisces in the 12th House can be seen as a great cleansing of the mind and soul.
The New Moon in Pisces of March 10, 2024 in the 12th House of Cosmic Consciousness is the cosmic pointer to make changes and embrace new challenges with courage. The New Moon also makes you more sensitive to moods and trends in the world.
Tension and suppressed aggressiveness can lead to headaches, joint pain and muscle pain.
Avoid stress. From March 23 to April 30, 2024, Mars travels through Pisces, the 12th House of Letting Go and Cosmic Consciousness,. Due to this influence in Pisces, it is time for reflection and introspection.
You need rest, relaxation and time for yourself to recharge and bring mind and body back into balance.

The influence of Pluto in Aquarius will show radical changes in your social network in the coming months. Pluto in Aquarius forms a sextile with Aries, bringing hidden talents to the surface!
New partnerships are emerging that are equivalent to your true cosmic purpose. Be selective with new friends and loves. Lower your expectations.

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