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Spring month of March 2024 is optimistic, because your career is going well!
The focus of March 2024 is on home, abroad, studies, religion and career.
Cancer is ruled by the Moon, so the Moon is your cosmic guide.
New, Full Moons, but certainly Eclipses have a major influence on Cancer.
The annular Lunar Eclipse of March 25, 2024 leads to peace and harmony in the family.

Love and Relationships
Venus is in Aquarius until March 11 and Mars is in Aquarius until March 22, 2024. Aquarius is the 8th House of Trust and Intimacy at the soul level for Cancer. A new intimate connection can be revitalizing and even healing. Intimate relationships are now intensified. You or your partner want a deeper commitment. Mars in Aquarius is the perfect time to experiment and get to know each other better on an intimate level. Surrender is trusting each other completely, growing towards each other and transforming, understanding, improving and strengthening connections for the better.
From March 12 to April 5, 2024, Venus is in Pisces and that is favorable for Cancer. It strengthens your attraction, making it a favorable period for dating and romance.
With Mars in Pisces from March 23, 2024, romance will bloom, but don’t rush into action.
You want to give love so badly, but pay attention to your limits.
In your social circle you will encounter people who are looking for attention. Distance yourself in time. Be selective with social contacts.

Family and Home
Venus in Aquarius inspires Cancer to get rid of clothes you no longer wear in the first half of March 2024. Make room for something new!
For Cancer, Libra represents the 4th House of Family and Home.
The annular Lunar Eclipse in Libra on March 25, 2024 has a very strong emotional energy and brings out unexpressed anger and negative aspects in the family sphere. Emotional reactions are inevitable, but they do help to find a solution to restore a protracted situation. Something that has remained hidden and that has to do with parents, elders or family members, even from previous generations, is now coming out. However, it is of the utmost importance that the balance between private life and career is restored.
This Lunar Eclipse in Libra will bring a move, major renovations or the arrival or departure of family members or housemates, the sale or purchase of a house or real estate in the coming six months.

In March 2024 there will be profitable offers and promising projects. From March 11 to 15, 2024, Mercury in Aries squares Cancer, making you nervous, indecisive and easily distracted. Speaking is silver, silence and listening is gold, Cancer. Don’t be pressured or rushed into making important decisions.
The New Moon in Pisces on March 10, 2024 is a good time to participate in competitions, apply for subsidies and take exams.
Mars travels through Pisces from March 23 to April 5, 2024, and this transit, along with Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, encourages you to pursue ideas and big plans. Following a study, taking a nice trip, writing a book, sharing knowledge with others, it is all possible. It’s about sharing your wisdom and insights with the world. Everything you do now is part of your recovery process.

Venus travels through Aquarius, the eighth House of Shared Power, until March 11, 2024 and Mars until March 22, 2024.
In the first half of March 2024, Cancer can expect financial benefits from third parties, such as your partner or money back from the tax authorities, insurance, allowance or inheritance.
Due to the influence of Mars in Aquarius, there may be ego conflicts over joint property or money. Important financial decisions have to be postponed.
Pluto in Aquarius in the 8th House is about trust. Make sure you have the right people around you, people you can trust and who understand you well. Trust your intuitive abilities. Be careful of people who suddenly want to be friends with you when there is money.
The good news is that with Pluto in Aquarius you can filter superficiality and appearances and recognize and ‘read’ the deeper layers of people. Cancer becomes increasingly selective and cautious towards others as well as itself, on its way back to individuality, authenticity and spiritual self. Pluto in Aquarius makes Cancer increasingly aware of subtleties of human interaction.

In March 2024 you are more susceptible to catching a cold or flu.
In the first half of March 2024 you may suffer from fatigue and a feeling of exhaustion.
You will feel better in the second half of March 2024, but make sure you get enough rest.
Listen to your body’s signals and make time for yourself.
The cosmic energies encourage you to find harmony in mind, body and soul.
When you feel down, do things that make you happy!

Never underestimate the power of the thought, because visualizing success really leads to success! In this time of change, there are new business opportunities.
Investments are now starting to pay off.
Because Venus in Aquarius creates a sense of happiness and connection, you will feel a wave of inspiration.
Pluto has been traveling through Aquarius since January 21, 2024 on its way back to individuality, authenticity and spiritual self. Follow that inner desire to start something new in your career or profession.
Even though you are venturing into unknown territory, life is meant to learn from it.

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