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Most planets are still at the top of the Gemini chart.
This time of year is about personal strength, independence and self-reliance.
March 2024 is all about career, ambitions, social network, relationships and love.
The Lunar Eclipse in Libra on March 25, 2024 brings great creative energy, making goals achievable in the career field and in general.

Love and Relationships
From February 7, 2024 asteroid Ceres travels through Capricorn, the eighth House of Soul Processes. Ceres will remain in Capricorn for almost all of 2024, so whether or not you get trust and support will remain a recurring theme for now.
The Lunar Eclipse in Libra on March 25, 2024 strengthens the bond with loved ones with whom you have a serious, spiritual and healthy relationship and allows you to distance yourself from anyone with whom you do not. Venus travels through Capricorn until February 16, 2024, when the focus turns to responsibility and long-term goals. Be selective with a new love, friends or the group you choose because these can make or break you.

Family and Home
On February 24, 2024 there was a Full Moon in Virgo (the House of Family and Home), so the focus in the first half of March 2024 is on the home, family or those you consider family due to past events or memories. Plans to move become concrete or you are moving. There is a family reunion, a joint holiday or renovation this month.
However, there may be tensions with elders in the family and it is advisable to avoid confrontation and not get drawn into drama.
Children attending school or studying require a lot of attention in March 2024.
It is advisable to keep everything well organized at home in March 2024.

Neptune rules Pisces. Pisces is the House of Career and Destination for Gemini.
The New Moon in Pisces on March 10, 2024 in your House of Career reveals new professional opportunities and encourages Gemini to focus on an incredible career move or make other social changes. Still, something is bothering you and it is good to clear your mind emotionally before taking a new step. Stay strong and remain confident, even if you face headwinds and delays.
Your planet Mercury will remain in Pisces (House of Career and Destiny) until March 10, 2024, which is a favorable mental transit for focusing. Great for applying for jobs, negotiating or launching creative ideas. Mars travels through Pisces from March 23 to April 30, 2024, and with this extra planetary energy and drive you can really make progress.

March 2024 shows a financially stable month for Gemini. Whether that situation remains stable depends entirely on you. Financial planning and sensible budget management can help you save a lot of money. It is advisable to invest money in a creative course. Everything you learn now will pay off. The influence of your planet Mercury in Aries from March 11, 2024 makes it easier to focus on a goal, so you are no longer so easily distracted by external temptations.
The Moon rules the House of Finances for Gemini.
The Waning Crescent Moon until March 10, 2024 is suitable for completing financial matters and paying invoices. During the Waxing Crescent Moon from March 11 to 24, 2024, more money will come in. Provide financial overview and insight.

With the Sun in sensitive Pisces until March 20, 2024, you may suffer from stress and emotional moods. If you are not feeling well, take a warm bath with essential oils or create wonderful scents around you. Thoughts affect your health. Negative thoughts can translate into tension, stress complaints, pain, fatigue and physical complaints. Red planet Mars travels through Aquarius until March 22, 2024, which means you won’t stay in a negative mood for too long.
Mars in Pisces from March 23 to April 30, 2024 reinforces the insight that life is meant to be lived.
Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus ((12th House of Cosmic Consciousness) encourage you to let go of fears and limiting beliefs through meditation, retreat and seclusion and to surrender to loving connection, unity and spirituality.
Gemini needs relaxation such as meditation, exercise, yoga, body work and massages. Be kind to yourself.

March 2024 is a fruitful month for your professional life.
In order to keep up with the speed of all these developments, it is advisable to stick to good planning. Venus and Mars in Aquarius can push you mentally with new ideas all the time.
By completing assignments one by one, you stay on schedule, manage stress and leave time for fun things.
Due to the influence of Neptune in Pisces (since April 2011), Gemini can be uncertain about the direction in their career. Saturn strengthens Neptune in Pisces and will provide an increasingly strong foundation for your career. If you don’t know what to do or are lost, Saturn’s influence brings karmic lessons to strengthen your connection with yourself.
Once you have found your way, you will receive recognition and admiration from others, who in turn will appreciate you and offer great opportunities.

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