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January 2024 shows a good and harmonious start to 2024!
Most of the planets on the underside of the Virgo chart, the Night, shows that you are in a preparatory phase. The Night is about inner processing and is cosmically intended to recharge your batteries in preparation for a busy period.
Mercury in Capricorn is your faithful companion in the second half of 2024, so everything will be fine. The focus in January 2024 is on love, daily worries and health.

Love and Relationships
The Full Moon in Cancer of December 27, 2023 fell in your House of Friendships and Social Involvement and that may cause a friendship or love to end in the first half of January 2024.
From January 5 to February 13, 2024, Mars travels through Capricorn (House of Love) and there is also a New Moon in Capricorn on January 11, 2024! This enhanced energy can bring a new love!
The Capricorn New Moon of January 11, 2024 falls in the 5th House of Self-Expression, Love, Passion and Creativity. With this New Moon, the focus is on everything you love. Even though you think you don’t have time and have difficulty focusing on creativity, desires and love life, there is a clear desire to integrate your busy lifestyle with what your heart desires.
Pisces represents the 7th House of Relationships for Virgo. Limiter Saturn in Pisces gives Virgo karmic life lessons about relationships and commitment. Saturn and Neptune in Pisces talk about spiritual and karmic connections. Only good relationships based on intimacy and trust will remain, but non-nourishing relationships will disappear automatically.

Family and Home
Planetary engine Mars travels through Sagittarius, the House of Home, Family and Family until January 4, 2024. Mercury will also transit through Sagittarius until January 14, 2024, and the feeding asteroid Ceres will remain in Sagittarius until February 7, 2024. January 2024 is all about the family and home or everything that has to do with family and home.
January 2024 is therefore all about the familiarity of your home.
The beginning of 2024 shows a period in which you are busy with a move, renovation, saying goodbye or the arrival of a family member or more family responsibilities.
It is possible that Virgo will start the year with the ’empty nest syndrome’ or there will be a completely different interpretation in your home life.
A favorable month to make improvements or make arrangements, move in together or plan a family gathering, make more time for family or with those you consider family.

The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus of October 28, 2023 fell in the 9th House of Higher Consciousness, Study and Travel. Due to this influence, Virgo may have doubts about the direction you have chosen, consider a business-oriented study or career abroad or want to start a project abroad.
In January 2024 there will be changes in the workplace or in your daytime activities due to reorganization or other circumstances. These changes will be beneficial for Virgo.
Projects that involve creativity and self-expression are more likely to be completed successfully during this time. From January 21, 2024, the Sun will be in Aquarius, marking the beginning of a period dedicated to teamwork, sharing ideas, brainstorming and developing new concepts.
With Mars in Sagittarius until January 14, 2024, you can make a good social impression by dedicating yourself to humanitarian causes and vulnerable groups. A business-oriented study can support your career.
The Sun in determined Capricorn wants to see results, so Virgo must be resourceful and organized. The best period to come up with a new initiative is with the Sun in Capricorn until January 20, 2024.
January 2024 is not a favorable month for studies, but business travel will benefit Virgo this month.

Due to the influence of the North Node in Aries (8th House of Shared Assets), it is advisable to re-evaluate shared financial responsibilities, such as mortgage, alimony, inheritances, tax matters, insurance issues. With an eye to the future, Virgo will make thoughtful changes to improve the financial situation.
From January 24, 2024, Venus will travel through Capricorn and you will be motivated to make wise investments. You are therefore much more frugal and think twice before spending money. The last week of January 2024 is favorable to draw up a financial plan that will significantly improve the financial situation.
It is important to maintain a fixed financial budget, so do not spend more money than you receive. Invest in yourself, your creative efforts, studies, developing new skills, your career and your business.
There will be enough money coming in this month January 2024, but the cost of living is high. It is best to make a financial decision after the Full Moon in Leo on January 25, 2024.

A regular daily routine, a healthy diet and taking care of yourself physically is of the utmost importance for Virgo in January 2024 to stay mentally and physically healthy.
January 2024 is a favorable month for medical examinations and check-ups, cosmetic procedures, skin care, hair care and nail care.
On January 25, 2024 there is a Full Moon in Leo in the twelfth House of Cosmic Consciousness and it shows a period of rest, introspection, relaxation and meditation. Time for the subconscious… time to catch up on sleep or take a short holiday to (re)find inner balance.
With this Full Moon you want to be on your own to focus on your inner life. Dreams are lucid and predictive and your intuition is stronger. This emotional Full Moon can evoke deep-seated fears, feelings related to stability, limitations, your dreams and desires, your place in the world.
By withdrawing, you create space in your head for insights and clarity.

Pisces is opposite Virgo in the horoscope. Saturn in Pisces forms an opposition to Virgo from the House of Relationships. Experiences from the past make you more critical and less optimistic when it comes to relationships. That may be the reason why you take some distance.
Do you believe in your own truth or in the truth of someone else.
Think for yourself.
When you believe in something, you set energy in motion and you attract it to you, which can be both positive and negative.
In January 2024 you may feel as if you are running into a closed door, i.e. emotional distance or hesitation in your environment. Then don’t give up and try to convince others of what you think.

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