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January 2024 brings a boost of energy and vitality for Sagittarius.
What may have gone wrong at the end of November 2023 can be corrected at the beginning of 2024 with retrograde Mercury in Sagittarius.

Love and Relationships
The Full Moon in Cancer of December 27, 2023 fell in the eighth House of the Soul. The first half of January 2024 is therefore about finding balance in the give and take in the financial field, but about security, intimacy and space in an intimate relationship.
Wanting to be independent and have freedom in the relationship is the underlying energy in January 2024, so it’s important to be clear before leaving a committed relationship for a fleeting romance.
In the second half of January 2024 you notice that your partner is less tolerant and more is expected of you. If you respect each other, there is nothing wrong and boundaries are respected. January 2024 is a favorable month to travel together.
Single Sagittarius can meet someone while traveling with whom you will embark on an adventure. So life can take a complete turn in January 2024 when an unexpected romance comes into your life, which also applies to Sagittarius in a steady relationship.

Family and Home
January 2024 is a favorable month to go on holiday with your family.
Saturn and Neptune in Pisces will also have a major influence on your home and private life in January 2024. Through Saturn in Pisces, Sagittarius receives karmic life lessons regarding home and family.
Family problems from the past (even from previous lives) and unresolved emotional traumas are now being addressed by direct Saturn and Neptune in Pisces. This marks a time of great inner processing and themes surrounding your attachment to the past. Sometimes it manifests as a literal reorganization of your home.
Family ties are broken or fall away when they are not nourishing or Sagittarius (still) leaves an unsafe situation or place that no longer offers a solid foundation.
In the second half of January 2024, Mercury in Capricorn may cause problems with money or a lot is expected of you by elders in the family. Your career also demands a lot from you, which means you have to find a balance between work and private life.

The strong influence of the Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus of October 28, 2023 will also be in effect in January 2024. Sagittarius must take into account a reorganization or leaving your current job.
Your planet Jupiter has been direct in Taurus again since December 31, 2023, and this month gives you space to put your professional plans into action or set out a new strategy.
In any case, you can count on major shifts in your career with more income and the chance of promotion. Patience is the key because you can’t force anything.
Venus in Sagittarius until January 23, 2024 shows the best period for a business trip where you can easily combine work and private life.
This business trip brings financial benefits and valuable contacts that allow you to make big steps forward.
Venus in Sagittarius is in your favor in negotiations and meetings to express your positions. It makes you optimistic, strong and confident.
Don’t be discouraged by obstacles. Stay positive and try again if things don’t work out.

The Full Moon in Cancer of December 27, 2023 fell in the eighth House of the Soul.
Entering into financial partnerships and financial agreements are favored by the Full Moon until mid-January 2024. With this Full Moon, Sagittarius sees the financial results such as a dividend payment or return from investments, but also unexpected and hidden costs of the partner and paying off debts or financial arrangements are possible.
Use your seductive charisma in financial negotiations, Sagittarius!
Capricorn represents the House of Finance.
With the New Moon in Capricorn on January 11, 2024, financial uncertainties are clarified. Sagittarius gets all the information needed to make good financial decisions and implement changes. This New Moon can lead to unexpected windfalls! Pay close attention to your expenses and always think when you want to buy something or take a financial risk: “Do I really need this?”
It is advisable to postpone a large investment until a later date.

Taurus represents the 6th House of Health for Sagittarius. Your ruling planet Jupiter has been direct again since December 31, 2023 and you also feel that beneficial influence immediately, everything feels lighter and gives more energy to exercise or create a healthy lifestyle.
Take time for yourself, because time for yourself is the most valuable thing you can give to yourself.
The Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus of October 28, 2023 will continue to have a major impact on your health in January 2024. To prevent stress, a healthy diet, exercise and a fixed daily schedule are essential to stay mentally and physically healthy and fit.
January 2024 is a favorable month for your health, but you have to pay attention to what you eat and drink, because you are more sensitive to stomach complaints.

With the power of Mars in Sagittarius until January 4, 2024, you will feel invincible, but January 2024 will take on a more serious touch due to the influence of Mercury and Mars in Capricorn.
Don’t postpone things that you can deal with now, especially in the areas of money and responsibilities towards elderly relatives in the family.
Professional successes and personal problems are intertwined in January 2024, making it an eventful month for Sagittarius.
With direct Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus (from January 27, 2024), the lights turn green and that is the signal to make progress and make a good impression. However, don’t be impatient and wait for your chance.

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