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The year 2024 shows a dynamic start for Aries!
The mental energy Venus and Mars in Sagittarius, Mercury direct again in Sagittarius and asteroid Ceres in Sagittarius show a whirlwind of action and ideas at the beginning of January 2024.
With most planets at the top of the Aries chart, the energy is focused on the outside world and purpose all month long. The New Moon of January 11, 2024 in Capricorn shows change with regard to your work and social destiny.
Everything comes with a price, make sure you have a good work-life balance, Aries.

Love and Relationships
The influence of the Solar Eclipse in Libra (House of Relationships) on October 14, 2023 can provide new opportunities in January 2024 to establish, restore or renew new collaborations, partnerships and new commitments. Relationships that no longer complement or nourish you are (still) broken. This energy is strengthened by the entry of Pluto into Aquarius from January 22, 2024. Pluto in the eleventh House of Friendships, Social Processes and Community Involvement shows radical changes in your social network. New partnerships are emerging that are equivalent to your true cosmic purpose.
The Full Moon in Leo of January 25, 2024 falls in your 5th House of Love and Romance!
You have a strong desire to let things go and have fun. New relationships bring you into contact with your inner soul and who you are. This Full Moon forms a trine with Aries and with this collaboration you can handle everything better. Of course there are conflicts, but you see these more as learning moments. This Full Moon is also about letting go of things that no longer bring you joy. So go ahead with that decision. Cry out and move on.

Family and Home
Due to the influence of the Full Moon in Cancer on December 27, 2023 in the House of Family and Home, the emotional focus is on the home, family or personal life in the first half of January 2024. This Full Moon shows completion or completion at home, such as a move to another place of residence because of your career, a joint holiday, reconciliation, family gathering or renovation. Plans to move become concrete or there is an actual move. January 2024 is a favorable month for purchasing a house or car. Changes are coming in your career. It is important to involve your family members in all your decisions.
In the second half of January 2023, a traffic violation could cost you dearly.
January 2024 with Venus in Sagittarius until January 23, 2024 is favorable for going on holiday, visiting amusement parks, theaters and exhibitions and making contact with people from a different cultural background.
With the Full Moon in Leo on January 25, 2024, there may be some problems related to children or a love relationship. It is advisable to avoid confrontations as much as possible for the sake of peace and tranquility.

Mars travels through Capricorn (House of Career) from January 4 to February 13, 2024, showing just one word: purpose.
Self-promotion, setting new goals, showing initiative, making progress, getting recognition, starting out as your own entrepreneur, a new project, making a good impression at a meeting, presentation or job application are all better with the goal-oriented drive of Mars in Capricorn.
The New Moon in Capricorn on January 11, 2024 makes Aries feel like something big is about to happen. This is a good time to change jobs or dust off your resume, as Aries can look forward to new offers. A pay increase, subsidy or professional award is all possible with this New Moon.
A new job comes with more responsibilities and that can affect your family and health. Get a good balance, Aries. Teamwork, group spirit and networking become increasingly important to achieving goals as the month progresses.

Taurus represents the House of Finance. Due to the influence of the Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus of October 28, 2023 (your money sector, personal resources, possessions and material attachments), January 2024 will show the results of financial decisions made in the last quarter of 2023. Retrograde Uranus in Taurus is of has a major impact on how you manage money, how you earn money and how you spend money, so it is important to reevaluate and examine your relationship with money. From January 27, 2024, Uranus will be direct again in Taurus and more money can come in because of your work. Mercury in Capricorn in the second half of January 2024 makes everything streamlined and clear. With relevant information you know how to act to make the most profit possible. The second half of January 2024 is also favorable to appeal against a financial decision from the government or tax authorities.
The end of January 2024 shows good opportunities to strengthen your financial position.

Due to the influence of Mars in Sagittarius at the beginning of January 2024, Aries is restless.
A positive attitude and focus is crucial in January 2024.
Your planet Mars in Capricorn from January 5, 2024 can lead to a contradictory situation.
On the one hand, your physical endurance increases, but at the same time so does the risk of injuries. Patience is the key.
January 2024 is a month in which a lot is expected of you and that can be the cause of stress and fatigue.
Don’t be discouraged by temporary setbacks or responsibilities.
A sensible and varied diet, sport, yoga, meditation and outdoor exercise are also necessary this month to stay mentally and physically fit.

It is advisable to join a business club or become a member of a business association in January 2024. Together you achieve more than alone.
January 2024 promises to be an eventful and transformative period for Aries.
You are not given much rest and a lot is expected of you.
Not everything will go smoothly, but with determination and perseverance, Aries can exceed the wildest expectations.
Saturn, ruler of the 10th House of Career is in Pisces (12th House of Cosmic Consciousness and Letting Go). Saturn shows Aries what you have achieved in your professional life and whether your life path is going as you envision it. Self-criticism or regret that you didn’t do things or could have done them differently if you hadn’t been thwarted can open the door to improvements and adjustments to do better.

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