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Uranus in Taurus goes direct from January 18, 2022

Uranus in Taurus goes direct from January 18, 2022

From January 18, 2022, Uranus will resume its direct orbit around the Sun at 10º49 in Taurus.
The revolutionary Uranus, astrological ruler of Aquarius, was retrograde as of August 20, 2021.

For the past five months, the revolutionary energies of retrograde Uranus have been directed inward. An interim period of relative ‘rest’ has come to an end. 

Even though Uranus goes direct in Taurus from January 18, 2022, we have to take into account retrograde Venus in Capricorn and the first Mercury retrograde of 2022 (from January 14, 2022 at 10º Aquarius until February 3, 2022 in Capricorn).
For now, we are left with that slow, syrupy retrograde energy for a while.

Venus retrograde in Capricorn and Mercury retrograde in Aquarius (ruler Uranus) and Uranus in Taurus turning direct from January 18, 2022 can indicate a period of uncertainty and confusion.

We all want it to be better, but it’s just not possible.
It can feel like we are being pulled in different directions and feels like two steps forward and one step back….

Especially the zodiac signs in Fixed Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius and anyone with natal ascendant, Sun, Moon or other Lights and planets from 8 to 12º in these Fixed signs can experience this slowing and confusing energy.

The year 2022 will only really start from mid-February 2022, after the shadow period.

The released pent-up energy from Uranus in Taurus (Earth) is enormous, so suppressed energy erupts on a personal and global scale, such as threats of war and violence, but Mother Nature also makes herself heard with landslides, mudslides and volcanic eruptions.
In the coming months, we must anticipate sudden, unexpected events and unprecedented developments in our monetary system, economy and information technology.

Influence of direct Uranus in Taurus on all zodiac signs (Ascendant or Sun)

For Aries, direct Uranus in Taurus means a big change in the financial situation. Aries can make more money. More income comes with more responsibilities to spend money wisely. Time for a good financial plan, whether more or less money is coming in.

For Taurus, direct Uranus in Taurus means to make physical change after a period of internal change. It’s about how Taurus presents themselves to the world, so change your appearance or clothing style. Outer change also changes your inner self-image.

For Gemini, direct Uranus in Taurus means great spiritual growth. Gemini has undergone a great spiritual development during retrograde Uranus in Taurus. A period of letting go of old pain and emotional baggage. It’s time to surrender yourself to the Higher!

For Cancer, direct Uranus in Taurus means change in your social circle or existing friendships.
The loss of social contacts is a cosmic process, so have faith. Staying true to yourself, nurturing relationships that support you. Spend less time on social media, but focus on real tangible friendships and personal interactions.

For Leo, direct Uranus in Taurus means that the time has come to make decisions about your career. In recent months, Leo has been developing and enhancing special talents through study and training. The time has come to make changes. Your career will change. Have faith in the cosmic process!

For Virgo, direct Uranus in Taurus means change of lifestyle! With Uranus retrograde in Taurus, you were searching, preparing, studying, learning, traveling and exploring. Now that you’ve found what you were looking for, it’s time for a change. Let go of the old and welcome the new.

For Libra, direct Uranus in Taurus means new insights into appreciation for life. In the past months you have seen what you really need and what your true wishes and desires are. Direct Uranus brings forgiveness. By forgiving others and yourself, spiritual and emotional growth is possible.

For Scorpio, direct Uranus means change in relationships.
In recent months you have gained insights that will make you look at the relationship with your partner differently. With direct Uranus in Taurus, the time has come to break free from relationships or situations that no longer serve you, both private and business. Don’t wait too long, or direct Uranus will make the decision for you at unexpectedly.

For Sagittarius, direct Uranus means change in your daily life and health.
You have learned to take responsibility for your own well-being and health.
Now that Uranus is direct again, you can see that things in your daily life have changed or are about to change. Your health is worth everything and should never be neglected by anyone or anything.

For Capricorn, direct Uranus means the beginning of a new romance or creative hobby! The direct Uranus in Taurus brings inspiration! A new creative hobby can even be lucrative.
In the past months of peace and tranquility, the creative fire within you has started to burn, making you dare to embrace the adventure.

For Aquarius, direct Uranus means change at home, in your family life, with your home or residence. Uranus is the ruling planet of Aquarius, so this greatly affects Aquarius. In the past period you have made choices, made peace with the past or let things go or restored them. Whatever happens now, allow this cosmic process to happen.

For Pisces, direct Uranus in Taurus means a change in self-organization to manage your time better and efficiently. A better daily schedule, so that you have time to do fun creative things. There is so much work and responsibilities, but you have a responsibility to yourself as well.
You have found that inner strength in recent months!

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