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The Full Moon in Pisces of August 31, 2023

There are two Full Moons in August 2023. The first was on August 1, 2023.
The second Full Super Moon this month falls on August 31, 2023 and is called the Blue Moon.
It’s the final full moon of summer in the northern hemisphere.

Every Full Moon symbolizes the end and letting go.

The Blue Super Moon at 7º25 in sensitive and spiritual Pisces is astrologically linked to Neptune, the god of the oceans and all that lies beneath the surface of the water.

Pisces is the last zodiac sign and is therefore associated with the end of a cycle.
With this Full Super Moon in Pisces, something needs to be released in order to move forward.

The gravity of this Super Moon in Pisces can cause spring tides and flooding.
There are events with water, life at and below sea level, rivers, lakes, seas and oceans, marine life and shipping, severe storms and abundant rainfall.

Due to the influence of this Full Super Moon in Pisces and six retrograde planets, we look back to the past and can be more sensitive to what is happening around us and what others are thinking and feeling. Pain and injustice can be taken personally.
Abundance of tears… A lot of sadness can be released….

This Full Super Moon is right next to retrograde Saturn in Pisces, the Lord of karma.
This conjunction shows the need to let go of fear and pain to clear the way for healing.
Don’t run away in a form of addiction, but take responsibility for yourself….

Pisces is intuitive, imaginative and compassionate and this Full Super Moon in Pisces is a great time to connect with your spiritual self.
Listen to your inner voice to find out which blockages, behavior patterns and negative energies need to be released.

The influence of this Blue Moon in Pisces of August 31, 2023 lasts for two weeks until the New Moon in Virgo of September 15, 2023.

Influence of this Full Super Moon in Pisces on all zodiac signs (ascendant or Sun):

ARIES (March 20 – April 19)
The Blue Super Moon in Pisces falls for Aries in the Twelfth House of Cosmic Consciousness and Detachment. You need rest, reflection, relaxation, a retreat or meditation to gain inner peace and balance mind, body and soul. Time to catch up on sleep, relaxation, hobbies or a short vacation. A clear head gives you insights about relationships and situations that hold you back on your path. Time to let go…
Connect with your inner self and find your own unique path to stillness and peace.

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)
The Blue Super Moon in Pisces falls for Taurus in the House of Friendships, Groups and Organizations, Interactions and Social Circle. This Full Super Moon brings clarity to any suspicions within your social circle. Something is coming to completion in your social circle.
The truth comes to light and you gain insight into whether your social circle resonates with your personality and your dreams. Who can you rely on? Who adds value to your life and who doesn’t? Cherish your true friends, but also let go of those who are not worthy of your friendship.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)
This powerful Blue Super Moon in Pisces falls for Gemini in the House of Career and Destiny.
You may be at a crossroads.
A time-out is good to be able to see the big picture, because then you can see how far you have come in your career or social position. When there are power struggles, stress and subterfuge, you really need that time out to evaluate your career direction before moving on to the next stage on your way to the future. It’s time to let go of limiting beliefs and doubts. Let go of the need for external approval or success as well. Listen to your inner voice.

CANCER (June 21 – July 21)
The Blue Super Moon in Pisces falls for Cancer in the ninth House of Philosophy, Wisdom, Belief and Spirituality.
This Full Super Moon invites you to broaden your horizons and discover the world, such as with a course, language lesson or a beautiful trip. Gaining new experiences by stepping outside your comfort zone is the path to growth and development.
This Full Super Moon encourages you to grow as an individual and to develop your spiritual and philosophical sides. Take a step back from the world of stress and Social Media to find yourself.
Your own inner wisdom tells you so much more.

LEO (July 22 – August 21)
The Blue Super Moon in Pisces falls for Leo in the House of Shared Finances and Intimacy.
A new commitment can lead to passion and deep connection. In the committed relationship, a new discovery can open doors to happiness and pleasure.
Unexpected income can occur, including income from dividends, returns, your social network and tax partner. Entering into financial partnerships and financial agreements such as investments and tenders are favored by this Blue Super Moon in Pisces. Setting healthy boundaries is a theme with this Full Super Moon. You are not responsible for other people’s baggage, you just have to carry your own.

VIRGO (August 22 – September 21)
This Blue Super Moon in Pisces falls for Virgo in the House of Relationships.
This Full Super Moon shows changes in the relational field, creating room for growth and deepening in the relationship. It can be the end or the beginning of a business partnership or relationship, but also taking a new step in your relationship by making a promise or proposal, getting married or getting engaged. Evaluate all your relationships, both personal and professional and assess whether they still resonate with your desires. A wonderful moment to boost a relationship or to put an end to a relationship.

LIBRA (September 22 – October 22)
The Blue Super Moon in Pisces falls for Libra in the House of Work and Health.
Time to clean up your workplace or your living environment to promote your health and well-being. A better daily routine! It is also a wonderful time to make the decision to stop harmful habits, more exercise, a healthier diet. Don’t delay any longer, but do it.
The Blue Super Moon also shows that it is time to solve any problems with a business partner or customer, to complete existing projects at work or at home.
It’s about finding balance, it’s about your well-being and inner peace, Libra.

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)
The Blue Moon in Pisces falls for Scorpio in the House of Self-Expression, Creativity, Love, Romance and Fun!
This Full Super Moon gives you insights about the love in your life and whether this love resonates with what your desires are.
You have a strong desire to let go of everything that no longer gives you pleasure and to look for what fills your heart and soul with love and happiness.
New relationships and hobbies bring you into contact with your inner soul and who you are.
Scorpio gets great opportunities to make an indelible impression in love, at a party or in your career.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 20)
The Blue Super Moon in Pisces falls for Sagittarius in the House of Family and Home.
A cosmic indication to pay (more) attention to your family or to restore the bond with relatives. Something new is coming on the home front, such as a new project, renovation, new interior, reconciliation or a move to another place of residence.
Sagittarius is going to clear out paperwork or reorganize closets and drawers.
Take a moment of self-reflection to evaluate your emotional landscape. It’s about how your home can provide you with a sense of security and comfort and what you can change if you experience instability at home.

CAPRICORN (December 21 – January 18)
The Blue Super Moon in Pisces falls for Capricorn in the mental House of Communication, Connection, Education, short trips, siblings, acquaintances, immediate living environment and neighbors. Clear communication in your daily interactions is a theme with this Full Super Moon. Talk things out that bother you. Sometimes conflict is unavoidable, but it is necessary.
Mind your words though, as a secret may be revealed.
This Full Super Moon is all about communicating more effectively and being more present in the moment.

AQUARIUS (January 19 – February 17)
The Blue Super Moon in Pisces falls for Aquarius in the House of Finance and Property.
This influence shows more stability so that you can meet payment obligations. This Full Moon also shows completion in the financial field or that something needs to be completed or improved or secured. Perfect time for finance, planning and strategy.
It is important to remember: save more, spend less.
With this Full Super Moon in Pisces, take some time to think about how money or possessions affect you emotionally. Does having money and possessions contribute to your inner peace and inner worth?

PISCES (February 18 – March 19)
The Blue Moon in your own sign of Pisces heralds a new cycle in your life in which attention is focused on who you are and where you want to go in this life.
During this magical moment of the Full Super Moon in Pisces, the focus shifts to self-awareness and embracing a new perspective on yourself.
Clean up, Pisces…let go of the old, not only your old clothes that you no longer wear, but also all thought patterns that no longer suit you and have outgrown you. Show yourself as you are.
This Full Super Moon promotes self-reflection so that you know exactly what it takes to overcome emotional blocks for inner growth.

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