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The Full Moon in Gemini of December 19, 2021

The Full Moon in Gemini of December 19, 2021

At Full Moon, the Sun is opposite the Moon and shows the opposing forces or polarities in our lives. As the New Moon shows a new beginning, the Full Moon is about completion, the result, but also the end and letting go.

The Full Moon of December 19, 2021 falls at 27º29′ in the mutable sign of Gemini (Air). 
Following on from the December 4, 2021 Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius (opposite sign of Gemini) we see a continuation of the theme of letting go and cleansing.

The theme of this final Full Moon of 2021 is looking back to let go of past karmic pain.
The Full Moon in Gemini is aligned with the collective consciousness.
A major cleansing on Earth of releasing and letting go of old, blocked vibrational patterns.
During this period, evil is presented the bill of abuse and deceit ….

The Full Oak Moon will also activate Saturn’s third square in Aquarius and retrograde Uranus in Taurus in 2021 (exact December 24, 2021). Uranus square Saturn wants liberation from limitations on both an individual and collective scale.

Mercury, the messenger of the gods and Ruler of Gemini, is during this Full Moon at 8º15′ in Capricorn and forms a square with Chiron in Aries and with this planetary tension we feel misunderstood or feelings and sadness cannot be expressed.

At the same time as this Full Moon, Venus in Capricorn is going retrograde, indicating the need to make clear choices.
With the complicated injunction of the Full Moon with retrograde Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn and the inauspicious Fixed Star Polaris, power imbalances in relationships, sexual abuse and transgression, manipulation and financial loss come to light.

Taken together, these are dynamic aspects of discontent, hypersensitivity, friction and struggle. Words can be hurtful, resulting in verbal arguments or collective outrage.

The Full Moon in Gemini forms a harmonious trine in Air with Jupiter in Aquarius and sextile retrograde Uranus in Taurus. Fortunately, the stronger influence of Jupiter and Uranus, supported by the power of the great red Fixed Star Betelgeuse, is winning over all those planetary challenges…..
Jupiter, Uranus and the powerful Betelgeuse manage to prevent worse and restore balance.

Influence of this Full Moon on all zodiac signs (Sun or ascendant)

The Full Moon in Gemini of December 19, 2021 falls in the third House of Communication, Connection, Transport, Education, short trips, siblings, acquaintances and neighbors. It’s high time to work things out in this area, things that are bothering you. Sometimes conflict is unavoidable, but it is necessary. Be mindful of your words, how you say something and what you say. Listen carefully and then answer. A contract may be signed that is linked to training, education, mobile telephony or means of transport.

The Gemini Full Moon of December 19, 2021 falls into the House of Finance and is a perfect time for financial planning and strategizing and to approach financial matters with rationality and logic. This Full Moon also shows a financial completion or that something financially needs to be completed or improved. A temporary financial crisis shifts Taurus’ material focus. This Full Moon is a wake-up call to appreciate yourself in other ways.
Less money teaches you to appreciate the tangible blessings around you. It brings you back to the core, to yourself, to what you really need. You are not what you own!

The Full Moon in Gemini of December 19, 2021 falls in the House of Personality!
It is the harbinger of a new cycle in your life in which the focus is shifted to who you are and where you want to go in this life. The Full Moon tells you exactly what it takes to overcome emotional blocks for inner growth. Letting go, both internally and externally.
The need arises to put yourself first and helps you to set clear boundaries.
Don’t always adapt yourself to others, but be true to yourself!
It gives your personality a great boost and shows how far you have come.
The time has come to complete a project. It is not so much about what you show the world, but about your specific personal contribution.

The Full Moon in Gemini of December 19, 2021 falls into the House of Cosmic Consciousness, Introspection and Detachment. Especially with Venus retrograde from December 19, 2021, you now need rest, relaxation, TLC, a retreat and meditation to get and stay in balance mentally and physically. What has been simmering for the past few months come to a boiling point in the light of this Full Moon. From December 19, 2021, Venus goes retrograde in the opposite sign of Capricorn and then it becomes clear that you can’t always rely on others for help. Cancer is in an emotional battle and must make a decision. Whatever happens, it will come at the right time.

The Full Moon in Gemini of December 19, 2021 falls in the House of Friendships, groups and organizations. With this Full Moon, a common project is completed in your social circle or there may be a fight about different views or who will take the credit. Communication is key at this Full Moon. Especially in these times you come to the conclusion who your true friends are. Take your time and have a close look at your friendships and your social life. Cherish your true friends, look for meaningful connections, but also let go of those who are not worthy of your friendship or who cannot or will not share your dreams visions and goals.

The Full Moon in Gemini of December 19, 2021 falls in the House of Career.
A long-term goal or project can be completed, there can be promotion.
Due to the influence of the Eclipses, there can be doubts about career choices. Perhaps you have postponed things for too long or you are dissatisfied with your social position. You may have missed something vital due to the Eclipse influence, so make sure everything is correct before closing anything. Is there any doubt about the career path you chose six months ago? It is good to take a step back to see the big picture. Try to keep work and private life separate before starting the next stage on your way to the top.

The Full Moon in Gemini of December 19, 2021 falls in the House of Philosophy, Wisdom and Spirituality. This Full Moon challenges you to learn, grow as an individual and develop your spiritual and philosophical sides. With this Full Moon comes an opportunity to study or develop spiritually, to travel or to write a book. With this Full Moon, Libra is committed to standing up to injustice. It is not only about others, but also about your own spiritual needs. Step away from the world of stress, from Social Media to come to yourself. Your own inner wisdom tells you so much more. Concentrate on what really matters, look for the answers within yourself. Everything around you changes, but nothing or no one can turn you into something you are not. Just be yourself.

The Full Moon in Gemini of December 19, 2021 falls into the House of Shared Finance and Intimacy and closes a difficult period. It is about balance, about giving and taking, both financially and emotionally, paying off debts, financially or otherwise. There is unexpected income, including income from your social network and tax partner. This Full Moon is transformation, as there must be room for something better in terms of shared financial responsibilities and intimacy.
Scorpio does not like quick change, you prefer to do it gradually.
Entering into financial partnerships and financial agreements such as paying off debt, investments, and tenders are favored by this Full Moon, but can also shed light on an emotional situation that has caused you great anxiety or is still present. Acceptance brings peace of mind.

The Full Moon in Gemini of December 19, 2021 falls in the House of Relationships and shows changes in the relational area, creating space for growth and deepening in the relationship. This Full Moon emphasizes the importance of unity and connection with your life partner, as well as putting the partner’s needs above one’s own needs.
An auspicious Full Moon for a date! Business partnerships are also covered, so stick with the business relationships that add something and let go of everything that doesn’t serve your business.
If there is insincerity and deceit whether in business, love or otherwise, it is now exposed. It can mean the break of a business partnership or relationship, but also a new step by making a promise or marriage proposal, getting married or engaged or entering into a business partnership. If that is not the case for you, then it is high time to make the right decision.

The Full Moon in Gemini of December 19, 2021 falls in the House of Work and Health
and is a wonderful time to make the decision to stop harmful habits, exercise more and eat healthier. You want so badly to save the world, but you forgot to take care of yourself. In your work situation and daily life, honor can be a lot of stress and that is at the expense of your well-being. You simply can’t carry the world on your shoulders, nobody can. This Full Moon reminds you to slow down. Concentrate on recovery and your own well-being. The Full Moon also shows that it’s time to resolve any issues with a business partner or customer, complete existing projects at work or home, and do a big cleaning in your daily routine. It’s about your physical well-being and inner peace, Capricorn. Body, soul and spirit are one!

The Full Moon in Gemini of December 19, 2021 falls into the House of Self-expression, Creativity, Love, Romance and Fun! You have a strong desire to let go of things and have fun, especially if you have experienced limitations. Surrender to everything that makes you happy. This Full Moon can also be the completion of an artistic project. This Full Moon stimulates your imagination and idealism, but also let go of what you no longer enjoy. When group dynamics hinder your own self-expression, you have to make a choice. New relationships bring you in touch with your inner soul and with who you are. This Full Moon can be the beginning or end of a romance, depending on whether something feels right or wrong for you.

The Full Moon in Gemini of December 19, 2021 falls in the House of Family and Home, so time to pay attention to your family or reconnect with relatives, with where and how you live. Discussions about a current living situation can come to a head.
It may be time to move or take the next step or seek professional advice on housing, careers or bringing up children.
Before you decide to buy a house or sign a rental agreement, you should do good research.
There may be a problem at home that needs to be addressed! From December 19, 2021, Venus will go retrograde and then it will become clear that you cannot always rely on others for help.

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