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Chiron retrograde in Aries

From July 23, 2023 to December 27, 2023, asteroid Chiron in Aries goes retrograde, meaning it moves in the opposite direction of planet Earth.

The apparent backward movement may hinder forward progress on our planet.

The Greek centaur Chiron, the Wounded Healer, symbolizes the deepest inner pain you carry with you all your life.….

The intense retrograde of Chiron in Aries challenges us to confront this inner pain.

Often we know how to heal the pain of others, but that is not self-evident for ourselves.
Healing others is then a form of denial in order not to be confronted with one’s own pain, the core wound.

With the cathartic period of Chiron retrograde, one’s own hidden wound is brought to light in various ways to be healed by setting aside insecurities that prevent us from following the path of consciousness.

Helping yourself, entirely in the sign of the primal power of Aries.
By becoming aware of your own inner pain and vulnerability you are able to heal yourself by giving love and compassion to yourself.

The influence of Chiron retrograde based on your zodiac sign (assume your ascendant).

Aries (March 20 – April 19)
Retrograde Chiron in your own sign of Aries allows you to go inside yourself to reflect on recent experiences that have made you doubt yourself or have damaged your self-confidence. To gain clarity, it is good to take the time to reevaluate during this retrograde. Focus your attention on what you need and the steps you need to take to heal yourself.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Retrograde Chiron in Aries falls into your 12th House of Cosmic Consciousness and inner Psyche. This period in particular brings up painful memories, words or situations from the past that have made you vulnerable. Retrograde Chiron forces you to face emotional pain that you would rather not be reminded of. It is possible that during this retrograde you prefer to avoid interactions, but you should not. You can heal hidden pain yourself by looking up to people.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Retrograde Chiron in the 11th house of Friendships and Involvement can make Gemini insecure in groups. Gemini can feel lonely but not alone and that’s because you don’t feel the connection. Repressed pain of not being able or daring to trust gives a feeling of loneliness and isolation.
Right now you need to open up and give yourself confidence, because that is the way to healing.

Cancer (June 21 – July 21)
Retrograde Chiron in the 10th House of Career and Reputation is the cause of fear of failure due to insecurities rooted in your childhood. This inner insecurity prevents you from leading a new project or taking on more responsibility at work. It is advisable to take a time-out for some form of therapy during this retrograde to determine whether that self-doubt is justified.

Leo (July 22 – August 21)
Retrograde Chiron in the 9th House of Higher Consciousness is what causes you to question beliefs, Leo. You may even end up in a crisis of faith. A period of confusion in which you are presented with the choice to rethink deeply held personal philosophies. Embracing a new perspective by traveling or studying or developing spiritually is the path to inner growth and is going to free Leo from limiting beliefs, without judgment or condemnation.

Virgo (August 22 – September 21)
Retrograde Chiron in the 8th House of Shared Power, Transformation and Trust can be a particularly intense period for you, Virgo. During this period, there are emotional traumas related to trust and intimacy that you need to come to terms with. Trust in the support of the universe. Don’t approach everything with logic, but follow your intuition. Getting out of your head and listening to your heart makes inner healing possible.

Libra (September 22 – October 22)
Retrograde Chiron in the 7th House of Relationships reveals imbalances in relationships, both business and personal. You may have pushed these imbalances away, but they need to be addressed to restore balance. Maybe your own insecurities are getting in the way of you starting the conversation or you’re stuck in a circle of pleasing and satisfying when you’re not being heard. Retrograde Chiron wants you to take time out to find out why you’re doing this and what you can do to turn uncertainty into inner strength.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Retrograde Chiron in the 6th House of Work and Health puts the focus on your physical and mental health, Scorpio. A wrong lifestyle may have disrupted the relationship between your soul and body and that can be detrimental to your work and daily life.
Retrograde Chiron is a favorable period to recover, rest and seek comfort from Mother Nature and the animal world. Setting healthy boundaries is the way to self-esteem, inner strength and well-being.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 20)
Retrograde Chiron in Aries in the 5th House of Love and Self-Expression shows you why you have inadvertently denied yourself joy, creativity and love. You may have had to take care of others while forgetting about yourself. The point is that you too have the right to love and relaxation. Seek help, delegate, and set healthy boundaries for yourself.
Do things that make your heart sing.

Capricorn (December 21 – January 18)
Retrograde Chiron in the 4th House of Private Life, Home and Family takes you back to your early years, Capricorn. Chiron retrograde brings back trauma from your early years or even generational trauma. Focus on restoring your sense of emotional security. Nurture your inner child and spend time with anyone who makes you feel safe. Retrograde Chiron is a favorable time to reestablish contact with your family to restore yourself. Forgiveness is the way to healing.
That includes forgiving yourself.

Aquarius (January 19 – February 17)
Retrograde Chiron in the 3rd House of Communication and Connections gives you the confidence to be heard.
You may have had to withhold something or hesitated to say it like it is. Chiron retrograde helps you find the cause of that fear of speaking. You may be insecure about the judgment of others. Chiron retrograde gives you the power to think about how you can better stand in your truth and be heard.

Pisces (February 18 – March 19)
Retrograde Chiron in the 2nd House of Finance and Valuation puts you in touch with a lack of self-esteem, fear of deficiency and also the fear of falling short.
It is possible that you think that social approval depends on money, status or social expectations. Chiron retrograde shows you that the inner worth, your soul is worth so much more than money or outer wealth. The way to healing lies in connecting with spirituality and letting go of the connection with the material.

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