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The partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio of October 25, 2022

The Moon passes in front of the Sun, blocks the light and casts a shadow onto the surface of the Earth.

The Sun symbolizes consciousness, the ego.  
The Moon symbolizes unconscious, intuition and feelings.
When the Moon obscures the divine light from the Sun, an enormous amount of unconscious psychic energy is released, both on a personal and social level.

The power of a Solar Eclipse is 10x as strong as a regular New or Full Moon.
A Solar Eclipse is manifested by external events, usually about 6 months after the Solar Eclipse has occurred.

On the Moon’s node axis Taurus/Scorpio, this Solar Eclipse forms a bridge between past and present and symbolizes the transformation process of death and rebirth.
This Solar Eclipse at 2:00 am in Scorpio is directly related to themes of the last Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio of May 16, 2022 and subsequent Blood Moon Eclipse in Taurus of November 8, 2022.

The underground world of Scorpio symbolizes passion, intrigue, mystery, emotions, desire, shadow side, power and control.
This Solar Eclipse in Scorpio directs the energy inward. The conjunction with Venus (feminine principle) in Scorpio quincunx retrograde Jupiter in Aries reveals hidden motivations and inner emotions.

This Solar Eclipse coincides with the very last square between Saturn and Uranus.
Tangible self-evidence must be released and economic sacrifices must be made to secure the future.

Mars, the co-ruler of this Solar Eclipse is in the shadow phase of retrograde in Gemini.
Mars goes in retrograde from October 30, 2022.

The partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio of October 25, 2022 during Mars in Gemini square retrograde Neptune in Pisces and the very last square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus could be a defining moment in American history, as these are similar transits from 1963 almost sixty years when President J.F. Kennedy was assassinated.
When Mars goes direct into Gemini on January 11, 2023 (at the critical degree 8º Gemini), history might just repeat itself.

This partial eclipse is visible in Europe, South/West Asia, North/East Africa and the Atlantic Ocean.

Anyone with natal ascendant, Sun, planets or Lights from 0º to 7º in the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) or ascendant, Sun, planets or Lights from 27º to 29º in Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) will have the most impact from this Solar Eclipse in Scorpio.

Influence of this Solar Eclipse on all zodiac signs (Ascendant and Sun)

The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio of October 25, 2022 falls into your 8th House of Assets, Resources, Insurance, Taxes etc. This Solar eclipse forms a quincunx with Aries. In recent months, secret or unrealistic financial decisions may have been made and this Solar Eclipse is exposing all of this.
A Solar Eclipse in the 8th House makes you aware of responsibilities towards others: both physically and emotionally. There is news about a stalled financial issue that will allow you to build up reserves, make an investment and strengthen your financial position in the coming six months. Events force you to re-evaluate financial responsibilities, including issues related to intimacy, sex, passion, and power. Dare to face your dark side (born out of fear). It will make you stronger.
A period of evaluation, letting go and adjustment is essential to make sure you are doing the right things, with the right people, for the right reasons. Trust the process.

The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio of October 25, 2022 falls into the 7th House of Relationships and forms an opposition to Taurus. This Solar Eclipse will give Taurus more insight in the coming six months, about attitudes towards others and adaptability, private or business. It indicates a new phase with your partner, entering into or breaking off a new business partnership or relationship. This Solar Eclipse in opposition Taurus indicates a period of personal development and change, the need to change comes from outside. Something has come to completion or something is coming to completion. Some facts may seem hidden, so stay alert. Who you work with now will likely have a major impact in the next six months. In the long run, this collaboration can even bring about a positive life change. For your evolution and development, remain open to powerful new connections.

The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio of October 25, 2022 falls in the 6th House of Work and Health and forms a quincunx with Gemini. In the coming six months, it will bring clarity to your situation at the workplace and to your relationship with colleagues, a new job or a new position or career direction. Over the next six months, this turbulent Solar Eclipse will profoundly affect daily life, work, physical and mental health, stamina, well-being and levels of satisfaction. The connection between mind and body is put to the test by this Solar Eclipse, such as by a burnout, feeling burned out or exhausted or you simply cannot or do not want to go on. Now is the time to completely let go of an unhealthy lifestyle or work situation.

The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio of October 25, 2022 trines Cancer and falls into your 5th House of Love and Romance. In the next six months, this Solar Eclipse will also profoundly affect children, self-expression, playfulness, creativity, sexuality, relaxation, fun and your inner child, so being able to be yourself. Your life energy, Prana, the eros flow or creative life force, is a healing and protective force. It is a constant invisible and timeless flow with which every human being is connected to give heart and soul expression to whatever comes to mind. This Solar Eclipse opens the heart and makes it flow abundantly. Over the next six months, this passionate and sensual event marks the beginning or the end of a love affair. A new love, but also more dedication, a commitment or deepening of an existing relationship or abrupt change in your love life.
This Solar Eclipse brings a lot of intensity, so stay focused on what’s happening.

The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio of October 25, 2022 forms a square with Leo and has a major impact on the home, private life, emotional bonding, roots, residence, parents and children. The Solar Eclipse in your 4th House of Family and Home is the gateway to improvements in your living situation, a renovation, relocation or new interior, spending more time with your family or with people who are like a family to you or planning a family gathering. Through the profound effect of this Solar Eclipse, you say goodbye to a place that causes you heartache or you distance yourself from an unhealthy family dynamic. Focus on creating a safe base for yourself, on creating a place where you feel at home. Leo goes in search of the origin. A journey to the past, immersing yourself in family history, back to your roots. It’s about rebalancing your private life with your public life. This Solar Eclipse is the cosmic gateway to evolution, love and growth, even if sacrifices have to be made.

The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio of October 25, 2022 forms a sextile with Virgo and falls into your third House of Communications, Connections, networks, information, and the things you are familiar with. In the coming six months, it will profoundly affect the way of communication with neighbors, close relatives, school, acquaintances and social circle. This Solar Eclipse in the 3rd House encourages us to reevaluate the things we take for granted and become more aware of how we communicate with ourselves and with others. In the coming six months, mutual ties will be restored with close family or acquaintances or distance will be taken from family or friends that you have outgrown. The powerful mental energy of this Solar Eclipse can be the gateway to writing a book, a blog, following a course or workshop, a coaching trajectory or psychotherapy.

The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio of October 25, 2022 falls into your second House of Finance and will profoundly affect Libra’s financial situation over the next six months. This Solar Eclipse in the 2nd House brings good financial tidings, but makes Libra more aware of material attachments: the things we think we can’t live without. It will be a time to re-evaluate and examine your relationship with money. What is truly yours and what belongs to someone else? This Solar Eclipse affects your tangible and emotional resources, so your financial and material assets, but also your skills and talents. You may not want to let go of something for fear of loss. Sometimes you have to let go or lose things in order to find yourself again. What was important to you a year ago is no longer the case.

The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio of October 25, 2022 falls into your first House of Personality and Sense of Self, and this special cosmic event paves the way for a whole new you. A total makeover, a new lifestyle. This Solar Eclipse indicates a period of personal development, growth, self-acceptance and self-presentation. The need to change comes from outside. This is a cosmic gift to start over. Set your intentions for the coming months and years. Make a plan. Be ready to embrace the unexpected and don’t resist the process that will take you to a new chapter. Scorpio is going through an inner and outer transformation in ways you never thought possible. From this Solar Eclipse, it feels like your life is starting over, a new start, a new you, a new relationship with yourself and with the world around you.

The intense Solar Eclipse in Scorpio of October 25, 2022 falls into the 12th House of Letting Go and Cosmic Consciousness and affects your mental and spiritual well-being. An external event makes a deep impression on you. The connection between mind and body is put to the test by this Solar Eclipse, such as a burnout, feeling burned out or exhausted or just can’t or don’t want to go on. Isolation or retreat gives you spiritual insights and liberation from repressed feelings. Sagittarius is always looking for an external goal or philosophy that you can orient yourself on. Your true North! Just now is the time to find the purpose within yourself. The coming six months is favorable for a form of therapy or a spiritual journey, which can also be done in the mind. There can be a cathartic change in the way you think about yourself and others. It is about restoring precious mental and physical balance by establishing a harmoniously integrated rhythm of life.

The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio of October 25, 2022 forms a sextile with Capricorn and falls into the eleventh House of Friendships, Group Participation, Future and Hope indicates changes in your social network and individual expression. New alliances with a vision for the future and broadening your social network is of great influence for the future. Your social life is going to change in the next six months. With this Solar Eclipse, Capricorn can expect the unexpected! With the powerful and ambitious energy of this Solar Eclipse, you plan how to strategically achieve a future goal. Where do you want to be in five years? Who am I going into the future with? The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio is a cosmic moment to take a closer look at your social circle.
Who can you trust and who is not worthy of your friendship? New friends may not be the type of friends you would initially think of, but they will give you that missing piece to make your dreams come true.

The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio of October 25, 2022 squares Aquarius and falls into your 10th House of Career and Social Status. A true game-changer for your career this year, a period of self-development, ambition and drive. This Solar Eclipse could herald an important new start in the coming six months that will have a major impact on your social position. This cosmic event marks a period of 6 months in which social progress is made or not. Either you gain public recognition or you can fall deep due to wrong business connections. This Solar Eclipse doesn’t provide all the information you need, so do your research before taking a step that is irreversible. Stand in your light, as it makes you stronger and helps you stay true to your integrity and values. Progress and success can only be achieved if you put your heart and soul into it.

The powerful Solar Eclipse in Scorpio of October 25, 2022 trines with Pisces and falls into the spiritual 9th House of Philosophy, Abroad and Study. This transforming Solar Eclipse is about your relationship with the world, the big picture. Pisces can make great strides in inner growth through travel, higher education or teaching, publication or book publishing. A cosmic gateway to a “growth” as a person through a journey, study or new perception of Life and philosophy of life that can lead to career changes or work opportunities. A foreign love, a return to a place you once visited or study or research can now become a reality.

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