The year 2024, the Year of the Dragon, is a year of confrontation and liberation for Capricorn, with the emphasis on your social and professional role.
The year 2024 starts and ends with a New Moon in Capricorn and can therefore bring unexpected events that require you to make big decisions.
Capricorn will experience two consecutive Full Moons in the Summer of 2024.
The year 2024 is also the year of self-development, of creating, new skills, training and study.
Pluto will leave your sign after 16 years and retrograde asteroid Ceres in Capricorn makes this a meaningful year that is all about farewell and beginning, confrontation and liberation.
Love and Relationships
Uranus in Taurus will remain in your House of Love in 2024 ! Capricorn has seen many surprises and sudden developments in the field of love over the past six years.
A commitment may have suddenly turned your life upside down or it may still happen. Uranus will remain in Taurus until April 2026!
The great Benefactor Jupiter will remain in Taurus, the 5th House of Love and Self-Expression, until May 25, 2024. In the first five months of 2024, a new love can arise, the steady relationship can blossom and take on a new dimension through a marriage or commitment or the birth of a (small) child can enrich your life. Jupiter opens your heart to love and makes you more romantic and affectionate.
On January 25, 2024 there will be a Full Moon in Taurus and this Full Moon promises unforgettable and loving moments, more attention, playfulness and dynamics in love relationships. Favorable time for a date! Capricorn then needs more emotional and physical connection.
New relationships bring you into contact with your inner soul, your inner child, and help you get in touch with who you are. Let yourself be carried away on the waves of creation and life energy!
From June 10 to July 20, 2024, Mars travels through Taurus, taking over from exuberant Jupiter. Mars makes you crave for love and sex. Mars inspires and makes Capricorn more extroverted, so it is a favorable time for dating or for creative pursuits and new projects that focus on children and their activities.
On July 5, 2024 there will be a New Moon in Cancer (House of Relationships). From this moment and in the coming months, a new relationship dynamic will emerge, whether it concerns your lover, business partner, opponent or new love! You could even join forces with a rival.
This is the perfect time for a new step in the permanent relationship or to start a new relationship.
Mercury retrograde in Leo from August 16 to 27, 2024 falls in your 8th House of Shared Power and Soul Processes. This retrograde Mercury gives you the opportunity to tackle deep issues about money, intimacy and trust. This is an auspicious time to bury the hatchet, to make amends with people from the past with whom you have had problems.
From September 5 to November 4, 2024 Mars travels through Cancer. Capricorn then has more energy and drive to invest in relationships, such as entering into new commitments and taking next steps in fruitful relationships.
The Full Moon of November 15, 2024 in Taurus falls in your House of Love and Romance.
There will be more dynamics in love until the end of November 2024. This Full Moon is also about letting go of things that no longer bring you joy or spiritual satisfaction. A new romance can grow or it really is time to put an end to a romance that was not meant to be. So make the decision after all. Be yourself and don’t be distracted by others who think things can be better.
However, there may also be financial worries, responsibilities, disagreements and doubts with your loved one about children and additional financial consequences.
From November 5, 2024 until the end of 2024, Mars will travel through Leo, the House of Soul Processes and Intimacy. During this period it is about working together and merging, both sexually and materially, such as moving in together, getting married, drawing up a registered partnership, but also ending the relationship, divorce, death or breaking off a business partnership. Taxes, loans, insurance, wills, and pooling of resources can be a blessing or a curse. The eighth House is also about processing loss such as a death or ending a partnership and the financial consequences.
From December 6, 2024 to January 6, 2025, Mars is retrograde in Leo and during that period, issues with shared finances and intimacy may surface or you may be confronted with something you’ve been running from for a long time.
It is advisable to tackle these problems now, otherwise they will continue to haunt you.
Family and Home
With the Lunar Nodes on the Aries-Libra polarity, the focus in 2024 is on home, your roots, the foundation of your life, your family, family life, your country, recognition, career, social status and reputation. Attention has shifted to personal stability, because that is essential to be socially successful.
Until January 11, 2025, Capricorn is busy building and strengthening the home base and making moral decisions. Capricorn gets busy with the career or organization, a period of networking, applying for jobs, growth, promotion and social success.
Unfortunately, a stable home situation is not always guaranteed. Capricorn itself, but also in the family, may have to deal with breaking partnerships, divorce, but also with making new connections. From karma, Capricorn will have to deal with opposition and friction at home and this can become public, which can influence your social success.
It is of the utmost importance that attention is paid to your private life. Involve your family in all decisions you make.
The powerful New Moon in Pisces on March 10, 2024 is about improving the bond you have with close relatives, neighbors, brothers and sisters, schoolmates and people who think like you.
This is a New Moon for setting and manifesting intentions. You may need to let go of a rigid attitude or belief.
Mars will travel through Pisces from March 23 to April 30, 2024, and during that period there may be a project near where you live in which you will take an active role. Capricorn can also purchase a mobile phone, car or other means of transport during that period.
The total Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8, 2024 has a major influence on the home, private life, emotional bonding, roots, place of residence, parents and children.
The Solar Eclipse in your 4th House of Family and Home underlines this energy and is the gateway to improvements in your living situation, a renovation, move or new interior, spending more time with your family or with people who are like a family to you or planning it of a family gathering.
Due to the profound effect of this Solar Eclipse, you say goodbye to a place that causes you heartache or you distance yourself from an unhealthy family dynamic. Focus on creating a safe base for yourself, on creating a place where you feel at home. Capricorn searches for the origin.
A journey into the past, delving into family history, back to your roots. It’s about rebalancing your private life with your public life and making your home a safe haven.
Mercury travels through Aries from March 11 to May 15, 2024. During this period you come up with the best ideas at home and make decisions based on what you feel. This is a great time to communicate with family or with those you consider family or with people you feel comfortable with. Favorable period for working from home, dinners and appointments at home.
Mercury goes retrograde in Aries from April 1 to April 24, 2024 and during that period domestic problems may require your attention, including minor repairs, new furniture or domestic purchases. During this retrograde you notice that housemates are more demanding and that can burden you emotionally. This is a good time to return to a place you previously lived or get in touch with a former roommate or family or those you used to consider family. Processing things from the past helps you become emotionally stronger in the present.
There will be a Full Moon in Aries on October 17, 2024, so it’s time to pay attention to your family or reconnect with relatives.
At home or in the family, something is being completed, such as a renovation, a new project, moving, joint holiday, family gathering, new interior or a move to another place of residence that may be intertwined with a career.
The tense square of the Full Moon in Aries with Capricorn shows the need to compromise.
Be willing to listen to family members. Don’t make problems that are not resolved during Mercury retrograde in Aries (April 2024) bigger than they are, but find a solution to bring everything back into balance.
Solving problems and completing projects at home or with the family creates peace and connection.
Libra is the House of Career, Life Path and Social Status for Capricorn.
In 2024 there are two Eclipses in Libra, placing a strong focus on developments in your career and your social role.
On March 25, 2024 there will be a total Lunar Eclipse in Libra, your 10th House of Career and is the cosmic gateway to changes in your career. This cosmic event shows the possibility of progress and success, but only if you put your heart and soul into it.
Finding emotional peace and building a solid home front are the pillars of your success. This Total Lunar Eclipse shows that projects are coming to completion or being pulled off. Profound career changes such as a reorganization or change in company policy, other government regulations or management changes are possible.
It is also possible that you will take a completely different course in the next six months.
The universe offers Capricorn a helping hand to take control of your life. Opportunities will come your way, but you must ensure that the emotional pillars underneath are strong enough to support your success.
Jupiter in Gemini will travel through your 6th House of Health, Work and Daily Routine from May 26, 2024.
If you do not like your work, you may be offered another job or given a different workplace within the company where you work, there may be inspiring work projects, new colleagues or clients or a different working environment or daytime activities. Jupiter makes everything happier and lighter. With this transit there is a better atmosphere at work with your colleagues.
The New Moon in Gemini on June 6, 2024 brings great opportunities in the field and daytime activities are a great time to apply for a job or to make your workplace more efficient, productive, safer and healthier. It’s about new technologies, teamwork and new ideas in the field of well-being and the environment. This New Moon calls for a fresh start. Maybe there is a rut, bad habits or have you set the bar too high? Do you feel like you can’t keep up or are there situations at work or daily life that are holding you back?
New opportunities may arise that feel better suited to your life and desires, but first a clean sweep must be made.
Mars travels through Gemini from July 21 to September 4, 2024 and during this proactive period Capricorn provides energy and motivation to find new work or you take initiatives at work that allow you to make important steps forward. There may be work pressure and conflicts with colleagues.
On October 2, 2024 there will be a total Solar Eclipse in Libra in the House of Career and Social Status.
A true game-changer in your career this year, a period of self-development, ambition and drive. This cosmic event marks a 6-month period of self-development, ambition and drive in which social progress is made or not. Capricorn can achieve a milestone, achieve something important and receive recognition, for example you retire deservedly or receive public recognition, but you can also fall deeply due to wrong business connections and a period of setbacks and delays follows and goals have to be reevaluated.
The focus will be on balancing your private life and your career.
On December 15, 2024 there is a Full Moon in Gemini in the House of Work and Daily Activities. With this Full Moon you look back on a year of major changes in your career. Existing projects at work have reached completion or are being completed.
The Full Moon also shows that it is time to resolve any problems with a colleague, business partner or customer or other blockages before the new year begins.
After things are finished, you can look back with satisfaction.
The first half of 2024 will be the most successful. There are then opportunities to earn more money. It is important that your income and expenses must be managed properly.
Real estate investments could be very profitable in 2024.
Aquarius represents the second House of Finance and Valuation for Capricorn.
With the transit of Pluto in Aquarius from January 22, 2024, Capricorn will already have to deal with financial restructuring, but also challenges. Your patience, perseverance, reliability, self-discipline, realism, practicality, organization, diligence are tested. Capricorn wants to get back to basics and not waste money (anymore) on impulse items.
Pluto goes retrograde from May 2, 2024 and returns to Capricorn from September 3 to November 19, 2024. From November 20, 2024, Pluto’s definitive journey of almost 20 years through Aquarius will begin.
Money and possessions are no longer about having, but about what you can do with it.
In the long run you may come to the conclusion that ownership is very relative. Spiritual possessions and moral values will play an (even) greater role in your life.
On February 9, 2024 there is a New Moon in Aquarius in the 2nd House of Finance and Value.
This New Moon gives Capricorn the information needed to make informed financial decisions. This New Moon shows where money should be invested and where priorities should be set, such as the purchase of energy-saving and smart equipment, a house or car, a renovation, creative project or drawing up a retirement plan.
A New Moon to set financial goals for the future, but also to appreciate what you already have.
From February 14 to March 22, 2024, Mars travels through Aquarius, the 2nd House of Finance, With this transit, more money can come in through additional earnings, an allowance, a reward or benefit. It doesn’t happen automatically, you have to fight for it, but in the end it will work.
Financial plans are being worked out. Take unexpected expenses into account during this period. Financial opportunities that arise now can be used for years to come.
On August 19, 2024 there will be a Full Moon in Aquarius in the House of Finance.
This Full Moon will bring in more money through a pay increase, another job or more turnover in your company. You might be tempted to make an investment, make a major purchase or replace something. This Full Moon is favorable to settle an existing money situation. The message of this Full Moon is to hold on to money and to give new shape to your earning, saving and spending habits, make an appointment at the bank or financial institution to arrange matters or draw up a budget plan.
Look at where your time and money has gone over the past six months. Which activities are more than worth your investment? Stay committed to your future by rewarding yourself for everything you have done so far.
Asteroid Ceres will travel through Aquarius from December 8, 2024. The transit of Ceres in the House of Finance at the end of 2024 shows the need to take control of your finances and become self-sufficient if you have been financially dependent on others.
Ceres also shows that it is good to share money and possessions if you have too much and keep it for yourself if you have enough. Selflessly caring for others and for yourself, that is the transit of Ceres in the House of Finance in a nutshell.
Saturn and Neptune in Pisces will remain in the 3rd House of Communication and Mental Processes through 2024. Capricorn therefore intuitively knows what people mean behind words.
The transit of the Sun in Capricorn until January 20, 2024 gives Capricorn more physical strength at the beginning of 2024, which is beneficial for recovery or therapy, personal improvement and self-care
Due to professional challenges related to creating balance in your life, it is advisable to focus your precious energy on health this year.
The transit of the Sun in Capricorn until January 20, 2024 gives Capricorn more physical strength and that is beneficial for recovery or therapy, personal improvement and self-care.
At the beginning of 2024, Capricorn may feel a bit tired, because you are unconsciously busy letting go of emotional baggage and cleaning up your house.
Capricorn needs rest due to the influence of Mercury retrograde, Mars and asteroid Ceres in Sagittarius (House of Cosmic Consciousness and Letting Go), and therefore a short holiday or time-out at the beginning of 2024 is advisable to recharge for the new year.
On February 24, 2024 there will be a Full Moon in Virgo and that is a good time to go on holiday and spend time studying and expanding your mind through reading and traveling (can also be done in the mind).
On May 23, 2024 there will be a Full Moon in Sagittarius in the 12th House of Cosmic Consciousness. Introspection and Detachment. You now need rest, relaxation, TLC, a retreat and meditation to achieve and remain mentally and physically balanced. You may need to work on something from the past and this Full Moon makes you aware of something that has been hidden from you.
The benefic transit of Jupiter in Gemini from May 26, 2024 in the 6th House of Health
more energy to exercise or create a lifestyle that simply suits you better. Being satisfied with selfless and generous acts, so by lending a helping hand, gives you so much satisfaction. Jupiter in Gemini gives you insight into toxic daily situations that undermine your health.
Jupiter offers great opportunities for improvement, but beware of exaggeration. Not too much of anything. Take care of yourself. A healthy lifestyle, healthy food and regular visits to the spa…Taking time for yourself is the most valuable thing you can give to yourself.
On September 3, 2024 there is a New Moon in Virgo and that is a great time to go on a journey or return to a spiritual place you have visited before to learn something that can help you with your coping process.
On September 18, 2024 there will be a partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces. With this Lunar Eclipse you decide to let go of negative thoughts as much as possible and focus on what really matters.
On December 1, 2024 there is a New Moon in Sagittarius in the 12th House of the Unconscious and Letting Go.
This is a New Moon of spiritual awakening. Spiritual development is only possible if you give it a chance. Give yourself the chance. It is possible that during this period of inner reflection you regret something from the past, something you have lost. Capricorn longs for emotional peace. Capricorn may be able to make choices about something old or something new at this time. To create something new in your life you still need that old piece, even if you have tried to avoid or forget it.
Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius from November 26 to December 14, 2024, falls in your 12th House of Cosmic Consciousness and Letting Go, just like at the beginning of 2024.
This retrograde Mercury has a major influence on your energy level. You feel overwhelmed, exhausted and burned out. You need a lot of sleep to refuel. Rest to recover. Take a relaxing bath every now and then, light a candle, read a nice book. Being kind to yourself helps you find peace and tranquility.
The first half of 2024 is therefore the best period of the year.
Halfway through the year there may be a change that makes everything less obvious.
Pluto has been transiting through Capricorn since January 2008 and this transit has transformed your entire life for the past 16 years.
Pluto remains in Capricorn until January 21, 2024 and returns to Capricorn one more time (in retrograde), from September 3 to November 19, 2024 to add finishing touches, especially for Capricorn born from January 18 to January 31.
From January 5 to February 13, 2024 Mars travels through Capricorn, giving you renewed energy for new beginnings, new projects and new opportunities. From that period, the year 2024 begins for Capricorn.
The New Moon of January 11, 2024 in Capricorn is your personal New Year!
A New Moon of good intentions or putting things right and that especially applies to Capricorn born January 9 to 13.
A New Moon of awareness, self-reflection and self-transformation and a powerful and spiritual new beginning for every facet of your life.
Asteroid Ceres will transit through Capricorn from February 8 and then retrograde in Capricorn from May 15 to August 25.
During Ceres in retrograde, you may feel insecure and less supported, a sense of inadequacy and that is due to unresolved vulnerabilities that you would rather forget, but still come back to be healed.
Two consecutive Full Moons in Capricorn during retrograde Ceres on June 21 and July 21, 2024 can bring up insecurities and old emotional pain, which is detrimental to your self-confidence.
Ceres will remain your sign until December 7 in Capricorn, so until then, be kind to yourself, take time for yourself to heal and process.
The year 2024 started with a New Moon and ends with a New Moon in Capricorn.
The New Moon in Capricorn of December 30, 2024 is your personal New Year and is all about your personal wishes and needs and the physical body, a new personal beginning, such as a new look!
This New Moon of awareness, self-reflection and self-transformation.
Capricorn, finally freed from Pluto, gives Capricorn the energy and inspiration to embrace life with confidence, especially for Capricorn born between December 28 and January 1.