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The year 2024, the Year of the Dragon, is the year of second chances for Leo!
This applies especially to Leo born between August 11 and 17.
The Full Moon in Leo on January 25, 2024 is the harbinger of a new powerful cycle in your life in which attention is focused on who you are and where you want to go in this life.
This Full Moon is a good opportunity to take stock of your lifestyle, personal goals, ambitions and strategic planning. This Full Moon asks you to remove everything in your life that does not fit who you are or want to be. In the light of the Full Moon you see everything much more clearly, what works and what doesn’t, so that clear steps can be taken.
This Full Moon has a great influence on Leo born between July 25 and 29.
On August 4, 2024 there is a New Moon in Leo and that is like a new beginning for you as a person. The year 2024 really starts, especially for Leo, between August 2 and 6, 2024 and gives you the determination to manifest dreams.
Try to focus your energy on second chances!

Love and Relationships
The year 2024 starts well with Mercury in Sagittarius and Mars in Sagittarius until January 4, 2024. Sagittarius is the 5th House of Love and Self-Expression!
Asteroid Ceres will travel through Sagittarius until February 7, 2024, so there is every opportunity for love, to make amends or for new beginnings.
Retrograde Mercury in Sagittarius at the beginning of 2024 makes you aware of everything you need to work on and Ceres helps to nurture and support love relationships.
Pluto travels through Aquarius (House of Relationships) from January 22, 2024 to September 2, 2024 and officially begins the long journey through Aquarius from November 19, 2024.
With Pluto in Aquarius in the 7th House of Relationships, Leo can expect profound shifts in relationships and cooperation until March 2043.
Major changes are coming in relationships, interactions, the people you are or are not attracted to and what you desire and need in relationships.
With Mars in Aquarius (House of Relationships) from February 14 to March 22, 2024, you have the energy and drive to make important transformations.
The New Moon in Aquarius on February 9, 2024 (7th House of Relationships) is the perfect time to take a new step in the steady relationship or to start a new relationship. From this moment and in the coming months, a new relationship dynamic will emerge, whether it concerns your lover, business partner, opponent or new love! A new business partnership or burying the hatchet with a business relationship or private relationship is possible.
The conjunction of Saturn and Neptune in Pisces (8th House of Soul Processes) has a great influence on the spiritual connection with loved ones and Saturn makes everything more concrete and realistic, allowing karma to be redeemed and old issues, emotional baggage and traumas to be resolved.
Mars in Pisces from March 23 to April 30, 2024 gives the power to work with an open mind on problems with intimacy and trust.
The New Moon in Pisces on March 10, 2024 requires you to take stock, both financially and emotionally. What is really important to you? There may be unresolved pain about deepest desires, intimacy, passion and sensuality.
You have to make choices about what you really want, even if it means saying goodbye to something or someone.
On May 23, 2024 there is a Full Moon in Sagittarius (House of Love) and because of this there is a strong desire to let things go and have fun. New relationships bring you into contact with your inner soul and who you are. This Full Moon is also about letting go of things that no longer bring you joy. So go ahead with that decision.
On August 19, 2024 there is a Full Moon in Aquarius (House of Relationships) and it shows changes in the relational field, creating space for growth and deepening in the relationship. It can mean a break in a business partnership or relationship, but also a new step by making a promise or marriage proposal, getting married or engaged or entering into a business partnership. If that is not the case for you, then it is high time to make the right decision.
On September 18, 2024 there will be a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces (House of Soul Processes).
A journey to the inner Self, but then you must confront your shadow side. Due to an intense emotional experience, Leo will clear out the soul’s life until early 2025, such as breaking contact with negative people and situations, including limiting beliefs. Sensitivities related to shared money issues and intimacy require resolution for yourself, your health, and sense of self.
Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius from November 25 to December 15, 2024 (House of Love)
can make you frustrated and impatient with new love or dating. This is actually a good time to focus on a committed relationship or reconnect with an old love. The New Moon in Sagittarius on December 1, 2024 shows what makes you shine with happiness.

Family and Home
On March 25, 2024 there will be a Lunar Eclipse in Libra in the 3rd House of Communication, Education and Immediate Living Environment, your relationship with the outside world.
Everything you have taken for granted until now needs to be reevaluated to make you more aware of how you communicate with yourself and with others such as neighbors and brothers and sisters. Use your intuition to assess situations and don’t rely on facts and logic. Be careful what you say, how you say or don’t say something.
With this Lunar Eclipse you decide to let go of negative thoughts as much as possible and focus on what really matters.
On April 23, 2024 there is a Full Moon in Scorpio, the House of Family and Home.
This Full Moon is the cosmic gateway to a change in your living situation, such as finishing a project, a move or renovation or a move to another place of residence and that may have to do with your career. However, this Full Moon also brings underlying relationship tensions to the surface or that the walls are closing in on you and you have a greater need for personal space.
By opening yourself up to the moods of partners, family members and close friends, emotional dramas can be prevented. Nothing beats emotional stability, peace and domestic harmony at home to be happy and successful in your career.
On November 1, 2024 there is a New Moon in Scorpio, in the 4th House of Family and Home.
What does “coming home” mean to you in a literal and figurative sense? What does “family” mean to you? Who do you consider “family”? Family is an integral part of finding your purpose in this life. The house where you live comes corresponds to the degree of stability within yourself.
A house is not always a “home” and there can be tensions because our personal space and freedom are increasingly restricted. This New Moon takes you back to basics to return to your roots to restore contact with family.
This New Moon is an auspicious time to renovate, makeover or plan a move. Changes are coming to your home or living environment, such as the arrival or departure of new neighbors, family members or pets.

The zodiac sign Taurus represents the 10th House of Career and Destiny for Leo. Uranus will remain in Taurus in 2024 and will remain in the company of Jupiter until May 25, 2024.
The collaboration is beneficial and guarantees professional and social success.
The year 2024 will open doors for you!
From January 5 to February 13, 2024, Mars travels through Capricorn (6th House of daily Work) and this gives Leo a lot of energy and perseverance and enthusiasm for the work you do or success in finding new work.
The New Moon in Capricorn (House of Work) on January 11, 2024 calls for a fresh start, balance and better employment conditions. New projects may arise that feel better suited to your life and desires, but then a clean sweep must first be made.
Asteroid Ceres will travel through Capricorn (House of Work) from February 7, 2024 and retrograde again from May 14 to August 25, 2024. This underlines the theme of 2024, that you should have work that you feel passionate about, that fulfills and nourishes you.
During Ceres retrograde there are two Full Moons in Capricorn, on June 21 and July 21, 2024.
Two Full Moons in the House of Work point out to Leo the need to find work-life balance and let go of old patterns and imbalances in your daily routine to achieve physical and emotional balance. A planned work project can come to fruition.
If you are not happy with the work you are doing, it will become unbearable and you will have to make a decision. If you love your work, you will make great strides and become successful. Ceres will remain in Capricorn until December 7, 2024, so 2024 offers you the opportunity to follow your heart.
The New Moon in Taurus (House of Career) on May 8, 2024 marks the start of professional and social success in 2024. It brings incredible opportunities and encourages Leo to focus on an incredible career move or make other social changes.
In the next six months, Leo will have the opportunity to change course, gain recognition and make new connections.
Mars will travel through Taurus from June 10 to July 20, 2024.
This energy makes Leo ambitious and a real striver! You may feel like you’re on the right track after all these years of hard work.
On October 2, 2024 there will be a Solar Eclipse in Libra with new ideas and new plans that will allow plans to go ahead.
Pluto in Capricorn has brought about many changes in your daily life since 2009. From January 22, 2024 to September 2, 2024, Pluto is in Aquarius, but back to Capricorn for the last time from September 3 to November 19, 2024. During this last period of Pluto through the 6th House, changes may be made in the last quarter of 2024 regarding responsibilities, ergonomics, control and safety at work.
On November 15, 2024 there will be a Full Moon in Taurus (House of Career) and that is the prelude to a period in which things will change in your career or your attitude about your work will change. Leo can be put in charge of an important situation or project.
If you feel overworked, underpaid and unappreciated or if there is doubt about the path you took six months ago, there may be conflicting results or delays that require you to make a decision.
The New Moon in Capricorn of December 30, 2024 (House of Career) closes the year 2024 with new professional opportunities and recognition for the work you have done.

The Full Moon in Virgo on February 24, 2024 has a major influence on your financial situation in the first half of 2024. With this Full Moon in Virgo you can reap the financial benefits of the past six months, regardless of whether they are sour or sweet.
More money can come in through a pay increase, another job or more turnover in your company. You might be tempted to make a large purchase or investment or replace something.
This Full Moon is favorable to settle an existing money situation. The message of this Full Moon is to give new shape to your earning, saving and spending pattern, by making an appointment at the bank or financial institution to arrange matters or draw up a budget plan.
Mercury is retrograde in Virgo (House of Finance) from August 5 to 15, 2024 and with this Mercury retrograde you can expect money back. It is possible that you have lent money to a friend or that you are owed money from the tax authorities or government or have overdue wages or outstanding invoices in your company.
This Mercury retrograde may be a more financially uncertain time or you may have difficulty managing money for one reason or another. He will charge extra costs, so make sure you have a financial buffer for that time. A second job or return to employment can provide additional income.
On September 3, 2024 there is a New Moon in Virgo (House of Finance).
With the New Moon in the House of Finance, Tax Affairs, money, valuation and personal possessions, Leo is focused and proud of what you have, both material and intangible.
Financial ambiguities are clarified after the Mercury retrograde with this New Moon and Leo receives all the information needed to make good financial decisions regarding loans, debts and personal obligations to third parties.
Creative opportunities may arise that allow you to earn more money to invest and do the things you want to do.

On March 25, 2024 there will be a Lunar Eclipse in Libra and with this cosmic event you decide to let go of negative thoughts as much as possible and focus on what really matters.
Letting go of unreal thoughts is a liberation of the mind.
Mercury retrograde in Aries from April 1 to April 25, 2024 may make you need more personal space. You may feel trapped, restricted or held back in your freedom.
The total Solar Eclipse in Aries of April 8, 2024 is the cosmic gateway to six months of “continued growth” as a human being, the beginning of a journey, a sabbatical, retreat, study, a new perception of Life and life philosophy that can lead to career changes or work opportunities. You learn to integrate philosophical and spiritual insights into your world.
You will see things from a different perspective by taking a trip, training, therapy or study.
On July 5, 2024 there will be a New Moon in Cancer in the House of Cosmic Consciousness. This New Moon makes Leo sensitive to moods and trends in the world around him and is the cosmic pointer to go into depth to look for yourself. A wonderful opportunity to give yourself to a selfless cause or charity project, to assist someone else or to live a dream. Embrace transformation and purification, withdraw from the world in silent surrender to care for your inner well-being. You can understand yourself better and you will be more open to sharing something that you have kept hidden. This will make you stronger.
Mars will travel through Cancer from September 5 to November 4, 2024. With this power you are more likely to be tired or exhausted by the energy of others. You gain more insight into the past and are encouraged to tackle unconscious problems and let go of emotional baggage.
On October 17, 2024 there will be a Full Moon in Aries. The Full Moon is like a cosmic spotlight that shows you what is or is not true and who or what you can or cannot trust. Take some distance to see the big picture.
A great moment to go on a journey, in thought or really on a journey in search of yourself and love. The path becomes a little clearer, the horizon opens for something to manifest.
At least the truth, even if it’s not what you want to hear, is better than staying in the dark.
Mars will travel through Leo from November 5, 2024 until the end of 2024 and that fire energy brings energy, initiative and enthusiasm to start a new project. Mars goes retrograde in Leo from December 6, 2024 until the end of 2024, so December 2024 may be accompanied by frustrations and irritations, accidents or even injuries, physical or emotional, especially those Leo born between July 26 and August 1 suffer. of this Mars retrograde.

The year 2024 is full of professional opportunities and personal development for Leo!
Leo has every opportunity to make progress in achieving your ambitions.
Bear in mind that there will be opposition, as not everything will go according to plan this year.
Discipline, determination, but also support and financial help from your social network are needed to achieve your goals. Things are going to change at work and that also affects your financial situation.
It is possible that money will be released from an inheritance, insurance or from the tax authorities.
When it comes to love, you no longer settle for superficiality. Leo searches for consciousness and wisdom. Leo will end relationships that are no longer nourishing.
Your social circle expands with new business partners and friends who give you perspective and insight.
From August 16, 2024, Mercury will be retrograde in Leo, so don’t miss that second chance at the end of August 2024!
Mercury retrograde in Leo from August 14 to 28 can be an unpleasant time of misunderstandings and a lack of focus, and Leo can also be absent-minded, anxious and stressed during this Mercury retrograde in the second half of August 2024.
It can also be challenging, just think of the second chance that awaits you!

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