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The year 2024, the Year of the Dragon, with Saturn in Pisces is all about healing and restoring confidence, but is also the year of unfinished business and second chances.
For Aries, the year 2024 actually starts from April 2024 with a Total Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8, 2024. With retrograde Mercury in Aries you get a second chance to make up for something, finish it or do something you have the opportunity to do so and that is especially the case with Aries born between April 4 and April 14.
With this total Solar Eclipse you will clean up your act and restore confidence in yourself and others.
From May 1 to June 9, 2024, your planet Mars travels through Aries, so through the first House of Personality. With this enthusiastic energy you are motivated to initiate plans.
On October 18, 2024 there will be a Full Moon in your sign Aries in which it becomes clear what you have done so far and what it has brought you, especially Aries born between April 11 and 16 who feel this most strongly.
Your ruler, Mars, goes retrograde in Leo (5th House of Love and Self-Expression) on December 6. December 2024 may be disappointing and the best way to deal with it is to be flexible and go with the flow. Mars remains retrograde until February 23, 2025!

Love and Relationships
On October 14, 2023 there was a Solar Eclipse in Libra (House of Relationships) and in the first three months of 2024, this influence can provide new opportunities to establish, restore or renew new collaborations, partnerships and new commitments.
On January 25, 2024 there is a Full Moon in Leo (House of Love and Self-Expression) and with this cosmic event a spiritual connection can be deepened and strengthened, but if that is not the case, this is a moment of evaluation or making a decision.
On March 25, 2024 there will be an Annular Lunar Eclipse in Libra (House of Relationships) and that can be the cosmic gateway to more commitment and equality in the relationship or taking the next step in the relationship or partnership. This also includes letting go of relationships and strained or unhealthy connections.
On April 23, 2023 there is a Full Moon in Scorpio (8th House of the Soul) and that can bring up deep-rooted problems which makes it impossible to build a relationship of trust.
It will then be possible to solve and improve those blockages.
Aries will face challenges in the social network in the Summer of 2024, especially with friends and elderly relatives. Existing friendships are broken and Aries gains new influential friends.
On August 4, 2024 there is a New Moon in Leo (House of Love) with a strong impulse of love and romance. The best option for single Aries to fall in love or get attention. In the steady relationship, this New Moon if the perfect moment to fall in love again..
Mercury retrograde in Leo from August 16 to 28, 2024 can be clingy or asking for attention in the second half of August. This period is favorable to let go of a relationship that makes you insecure.
The Solar Eclipse in Libra of October 2, 2024 (House of Relationships) opens the door to a fruitful period in which new commitments and partnerships are made.
The New Moon in Scorpio on November 1, 2024 (House of the Soul) strengthens emotional bonds.
From November 5, 2024 until the end of December 2024, Mars will travel through Leo (House of Love) and this is a period of romance and passion. Especially the first half of November 2024 is all about passion, love and seduction.
Mars goes retrograde from December 6, 2024 and therefore there may be challenges in love due to unprocessed and suppressed anger, the return of an ex or an argument-like atmosphere due to minor mutual irritations.

Family and Home
Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008 and will remain there until November 20, 2024.
Capricorn opposes Cancer. Cancer symbolizes the House of Family and Home for Aries.
A twenty-two year period will end, a period of psychological trauma related to your mother, motherhood, parental issues and authority figures.
On July 5, 2024 there will be a New Moon in Cancer and from that moment on there will be change in yourself, family life, domestic affairs and living situation, such as a move or renovation or improvement of your living situation. Family ties can also be strengthened.
Red Warrior Mars travels through Cancer from September 5 to November 4, 2024.
Mars in Cancer is a favorable period for physical work at home, such as renovation, moving, odd jobs or spring cleaning. It is also good to travel together with your family during this period or to do something about sports or a creative project that you can work on together. Aries can also actively seek outlook for domestic improvements or help with a move. In any case, there will be improvements in the living situation, so that your house is actually the safe and solid home base for you that you need to be successful in your career.
With Mars in Cancer, Aries will also spend more time with family or those you consider family.
You will offer your family more support and you will also get support in return.

It is now or never! Pluto in Capricorn will remain in your House of Career and Destiny until January 21, 2024.
From September 1 to November 19, 2024, Pluto returns for the very last time in Capricorn.
Pluto traveled through Capricorn from the end of November 2008, so during these years, Aries has gone through a number of professional transformations. Now you have a clear vision of what the goal will be in your life.
Now that Pluto will definitively leave the House of Career in 2024, Aries can still dot the i’s and cross the t’s, before Pluto continues in Aquarius.
Mars travels through Capricorn (House of Career) from January 4 to February 13, 2024 and that is pure energy and drive for Aries in their quest for success. Setting new goals, making progress, getting recognition, starting as your own entrepreneur, a new project, everything is possible with this drive from Mars.
The New Moon in Capricorn of January 11, 2024 makes you feel like something big is about to happen.
The Full Moon in Virgo of February 24, 2024 (House of daily Work) shows the result or progress of a project or you receive recognition for the work you have done.
Asteroid Ceres (nourishment, support and resources) transits Capricorn (the House of Career) from February 8, 2024 to December 7, 2024, providing cosmic support and fruitful opportunities for all your career goals. Ceres retrograde from May 14 to August 25, 2024 can lead to blockages and delays, requiring you to make adjustments. After Ceres’ retrograde, there is room to make progress again.
Mercury in Virgo is retrograde (House of Work) from August 5 to 15, 2024, so August 2024 is a month of slowdown that will require you to make adjustments. However, this is a good period to pick up an old project or return to a former employer.
On September 2, 2024 there will be a New Moon in Virgo (House of Work), giving you the opportunity to start a new project. From this New Moon onwards there will be no more delays. Capricorn is the House of Career for Aries. Pluto’s long transit through Capricorn is almost coming to an end. Pluto in Capricorn can be seen as the completion of phases that are closed that have to do with goals, direction and destiny in this life. Over the past fourteen years, there has been progress or major changes in all of these areas.
Until the end of 2024, transformation planet Pluto will continue to shuttle between Capricorn and Aquarius, but from November 20, 2024 to January 19, 2044, Pluto will travel through Aquarius without interruptions.
The New Moon in Capricorn on December 30, 2024 closes the year on a positive note, allowing you to face your professional goals in 2025 with confidence.
At work, it is important to consolidate achievements by showing strength, courage and determination. The year 2024 brings many possibilities and new opportunities, but always focus on one goal at a time and avoid impulsive actions.

Due to the influence of the Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus of October 28, 2023 in your financial sector, personal resources, possessions and material attachments, the financial situation in the first three months of 2024 may come under pressure.
At the beginning of 2024, this partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus can show the fruits of financial decisions made, regardless of whether they are sour or sweet.
Uranus in Taurus will remain in your House of Finance throughout 2024. Uranus will therefore also have a major influence in 2024 on how you deal with money, how you earn money and spend money. On May 8, 2024 there is a New Moon in Taurus that offers you financial opportunities and security to face any challenges. The Great Benefactor Jupiter in Taurus will remain a supportive factor until May 25, 2024. Jupiter forms a conjunction with Uranus in Taurus in the second half of April 2024 and this conjunction promises unexpected benefits or a reward.
Mars travels through Taurus from June 10 to July 20, 2024 and that force motivates you to earn more money, for example by turning a hobby into something profitable, a second job or a part-time job.
Collaborative activities can be lucrative in the second half of the year. It is also possible to receive money from investments, insurance or an inheritance.
Start looking for investors for your company. Before you start a new project, carefully consider all your options.
On November 14, 2024 there will be a Full Moon in Taurus and this cosmic event will show the financial results and you can reap the benefits.

Neptune in Pisces will remain in the 12th House of Letting Go and Cosmic Consciousness in 2024. Neptune in Pisces helps you connect with your subconscious, letting go of the past and process the past.
Due to the long transit of Saturn (Karma) until February 14, 2026 through Pisces (House of Cosmic Consciousness and Letting Go), Aries will let go of old unprocessed emotional baggage.
Saturn in Pisces in the 12th House can be seen as a great cleansing of the mind and soul.
Due to the influence of Saturn you need more time for yourself for reflection and introspection.
Mars travels through the 12th House of Letting Go and Cosmic Consciousness from March 23 to April 30, 2024, and there will be a New Moon in Pisces on March 10, 2024.
In summary, March and April 2024 are the months to pay more attention to your subconscious, to understand and let go.
The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces of September 18, 2024 shows how far you have come or you can become aware of everything you still need to work on.
In general, Aries in 2024 is confronted with the theme of farewell and letting go as a cosmic preparation for the period of Saturn in Aries (from February 15, 2026) in which your inner development will take off.
Aries may experience problems with the digestive system in 2024. A varied diet is therefore advisable.

The year 2024 begins with Mars in Sagittarius (until January 4, 2024), Mercury goes direct again in Sagittarius from January 2, 2024 and Ceres travels in Sagittarius until February 7, 2024.
With this mental energy, your head is bursting with ideas and you are excited about all the possibilities.
On May 23, 2024, the Full Moon in Sagittarius will show the results of all those great ideas.
Jupiter in Gemini from May 26, 2024 emphasizes the mental theme of 2024 with new impetus, new initiatives and ideas, new plans and optimism, a wonderful energy for Aries.
The Full Moon in Gemini on December 15, 2024 shows the result of all those plans!
Mars is the astrological ruler of Aries. Mars travels through Gemini from July 20 to September 4, 2024 and this gives extra energy and drive to realize your ideas and plans.
It is advisable to keep some plans ‘on hold’ for a while, because you will need them later this year.
The New Moon in Gemini on June 6, 2024 brings great opportunities for Aries and Mars gives you extra energy to get started.
The year 2024 is an ambitious year and shows many opportunities in the economic field and changes in your personal life. Always concentrate on one thing at a time and complete that first. Seek support from like-minded people and allies.
Mercury turns retrograde in Sagittarius from November 25 to December 15, which means that plans need to be revised or adjusted.
On December 1, 2024 there is a New Moon in Sagittarius and in the midst of Mercury retrograde, old ideas can be picked up, something from the past that you were excited about and never had time for yet.

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