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With many planets at the top of the Sagittarius chart, October 2022 is a career-oriented month and worldly goals. A major planetary shift is taking place for Sagittarius. For the next six months, the eastern half of the Sagittarius horoscope will be dominant. That means more independence and the freedom to live your life the way you want. A period of more independence and personal power to create conditions for yourself. Yet you need the cooperation of others to make your dreams come true. October 2022 is not a month to start an adventure, but it is a month to build relationships.

Love and Relationships
The Full Moon in Aries of October 9, 2022 falls into your House of Love, Romance and Fun! October 2022 is therefore a social month to spend fun moments with your loved one and your friends. A month of spontaneous fun, group activities, going out, parties, dancing, creativity, talking, making love and sporting events. This Full Moon promises unforgettable, passionate and loving moments! New relationships bring you in touch with your playful inner soul and who you really are. Your planet Jupiter is retrograde in Aries until October 28, 2022, which is a pleasant period of love and celebration for Sagittarius. Lost time is made up for and in many cases that means a new beginning. October 2022 also promises to be a great month for love when the Sun and Venus in Libra merge in your House of Friends, Networking, Social Engagement and Hope. With this energy comes plenty of opportunities for the single Sagittarius to meet new people or even a soul mate within the social circle. So go to parties you were invited to and don’t turn down an invitation to a holiday, concert, creative project, social or recreational event.

Family and Home
With Neptune in the fourth House of Sagittarius, many unusual and subtle changes are taking place in your home and personal life that are a reflection of the changes taking place in your inner self, in search of the ideal of what “home” should be, the ideal home or ideal family. Relatives ‘disappear’ or leave you, need special care or Sagittarius is involved with relatives at some distance. The last Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus in October 2022 could cause mental turmoil in the family sphere. Unresolved issues with siblings are the cause of stress, discomfort and power struggles. Sagittarius can also face generational conflicts. It is important to solve problems. Don’t let things take their course, because that will only make it more difficult.
It may seem like acquaintances and family members are blocking your growth and these relationships can be strained as a result.

Your ruling planet Jupiter in Aries will retrograde back into Pisces from October 30, 2022. Pisces is about your home, family and family life. Retrograde Jupiter then forms an opposition to the House of Career and now asks Sagittarius to make more time for private life until the end of December 2022 or at least to find a balance between work and private life. Mars retrograde in Gemini from October 30, 2022 until January 11, 2023 can cause problems in forms of cooperation in the professional sector. Mars retrograde is a period to reorganize partnerships. Don’t close yourself off, even if you don’t feel like working together at all. The road of cooperation brings developments. Sagittarius may make an unexpected discovery, a secret at work is revealed.
Use this information without showing that you are aware of this.

Saturn is your planet of Finance, Saturn is ruler of the House of Finance. Saturn is retrograde in Aquarius and this influence shows that financial investments require careful assessment. Read all documents three times before signing. Saturn will be direct again from October 23, 2022, but that doesn’t mean this retrograde influence is over by then. The shadow period will last until January 26, 2023 and until then you have to take this delaying influence or your finances into account. During the joint journey of the Sun and Venus in Libra in October 2022, large purchases should be used with caution. Your ruling planet Jupiter is retrograde to November 23, 2022, during which time there is a risk of being overly generous or coming under the influence of scammers or individuals not worthy of your investment or generous gifts. In the second half of October 2022 you will therefore have to deal with the danger of overspending and the urge to speculate.

In the first half of October 2022, health will improve due to the conjunction of the Sun and Venus in Libra. This conjunction puts Sagittarius in touch with the right social contacts, doctors or therapists to help you move forward with what you are currently facing. The last Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus in October 2022 can be the source of mental turmoil and stress. Sagittarius can suffer from hearing organs and joints, muscles, legs and feet making it more difficult to travel. Due to all the mental turmoil, it is good to regularly distance yourself from situations by listening to yourself and exercising regularly in the fresh air. The partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio of October 25, 2022 falls into your twelfth House of Cosmic Consciousness and Detachment. Due to this cosmic influence, you will need more relaxation in the coming months. Regular exercise and a good and varied diet is essential to stay healthy and fit.

The first ten days of October 2022 can feel like there’s no progress at all. It is a period in which little happens, you have nothing to do or don’t really feel like doing anything.
Sagittarius is worried, but it’s no time to give up!
There are still opportunities waiting for you this month!
A good start is half the work.

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