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Most planets are now at the top of the Pisces horoscope. This is the time of year when you are focused on career and worldly goals. The Full Moon in Pisces of September 10, 2022 foreshadowed a new cycle in your life that focuses on who you are and where you want to go in this life. The focus in October 2022 is on career and aspirations, finances, health, real estate, house and family affairs.

Love and Relationships
In general, October 2022 shows a calm course for relationships and cooperation. From mid-October 2022, new opportunities will arise, so a dream can become reality for the single Pisces. You are expected to take action yourself! During October 2022, the Sun and Venus travel together through Libra (8th House of Secrets and Transformation) and that is an intense, emotional and often uncomfortable time when hidden desires, expectations, fears and insecurities about intimacy come to the surface to be healed or transformed. With Mercury, Venus and the Sun in Libra there are questions like: What does my partner feel for me? How do I feel for my partner? You are insecure about your partner, but most of all about yourself. You must first look for love in yourself. Do you love yourself? Do you cherish yourself? Keep talking to each other!
Talk to yourself, too.

Family and Home
The dynamic transit of Mars in Gemini (House of Family and Home) also indicates activity in October 2022 with projects in and around the house, but also unrest, change or a new beginning, such as moving, building a house or renovation. In the second half of October 2022 (exact from 11 to 15 October 2022), Mars in Gemini forms a tension square with retrograde Neptune in Pisces. This influence can lead to suspicion, lies, jealousy or guilt about something from the past. Retrograde Mars in Gemini from October 30, 2022 (it will remain retrograde until January 11, 2023) can be the cause of delay when buying or selling real estate, renovation or conversion can be delayed or tension can arise with, for example, the broker, contractor, repairer or architect and can lead to problems and tensions with family members and your immediate living environment.
To distance yourself from unnecessary negativity, it is advisable to set boundaries and surround yourself with optimism and positive vibes to create a healthy foundation for yourself.
The beneficial influence of Jupiter in Pisces from October 29 to December 20, 2022 can lead to better relationships and a positive approach in the family and family, where forgiveness and friendship will play a major role.

The beginning of October 2022 is best for making big decisions in your career. There are events that require immediate action. Start with feeling when making a decision. The influence of the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio of October 25, 2022 makes positive and optimistic. Pisces is in the spotlight, sees more perspective and the opportunities ahead. This cosmic gateway will see major changes in your company’s organizational structure, career path and major changes in students’ goals and spiritual beliefs over the next six months. However, there are developments that make it better to postpone study plans for the time being. The focus is on the development of your career and social objectives. Choose innovation. The first half of October 2022 will see the final square between retrograde Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus, which could be the cause of the return of unresolved issues from 2021 related to social networking and social media and education. During that period of Mars retrograde, Pisces needs to pay more attention to their health and to delegate tasks at work.

The New Moon in Libra of September 25, 2022 fell into your 8th House of Joint Resources, Joint Assets, Taxes, Credit Cards and Loans. From that moment until the end of October 2022, there will be developments in your partner’s financial circumstances, such as due to a legal decision, payment or payment, bonuses and commissions. A favorable period to focus on drawing up a budget plan, savings plan or budget, conducting business negotiations or signing contracts for a long-term project in technology or real estate. A new relationship (business or private) gets off to a brisk start, but can stumble over a financial issue. The Full Moon in Aries of October 9, 2022 falls into your House of Finance. In the next two weeks, more money will come in through another job or salary increase or more turnover in your company. However, be careful when making new investments. It is advisable to reduce unnecessary expenditure. Jupiter retrograde in Aries to October 28, 2022 may dampen the optimistic mood. You may discover that you have been too trusting or that there are financial obstacles. During that period, Pisces needs to focus on their own inner resources. From October 10, 2022, the Sun and Venus will travel together through Libra (House of Shared Resources) and that is a favorable period to pay old debts or outstanding fines or to be eligible for compensation and forgiveness of debts (such as tax debt or benefit debt) or your partner can get a pay increase which leads to extra cash flow.

Due to the influence of Saturn in Aquarius in the 12th House of Cosmic Consciousness and Letting Go, there is a great temptation to fall back into a victim role, depression or a nonchalant attitude. Saturn in the 12th House of Cosmic Consciousness is a “prenatal period” to withdraw and prepare yourself for rebirth, like a butterfly waiting in its cocoon. So this is a period until early March 2023 to solve old unresolved problems, say goodbye to unhealthy relationships or time-consuming and fruitless projects that yield nothing. Get rid of everything that doesn’t make you happy. A healthy diet and regular exercise is advisable to improve your mental and physical condition. With Mars retrograde in Gemini from October 30, 2022 (will remain retrograde until January 11, 2023), Pisces needs rest and introspection and then wants to retreat to safe ground to meditate. Pisces can become overwhelmed and have less energy when performing daily tasks. The last days of October 2022 are suitable for going on holiday, a moment of time out.
Even though it is difficult, now in everything you do, think of yourself first.

The year 2022 is the year to reinvent yourself to get closer to your spiritual self leading up to the next phase of your life. From the end of October 2022, when Mars goes retrograde in Gemini and Jupiter goes retrograde in Pisces, you’ll get a repeat of what the spring of 2022 brought.
When you trust your heart and inner voice, the Universe listens.

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