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Most personal planets will also be at the top of the Capricorn horoscope in October 2022.
This is the time of year when you focus on your career and your worldly goals. This month the emphasis is on career, friendships, social circle, networks and private life. Due to the influence of Jupiter in Pisces, there will be a period of introspection and reflection on events of the past year from the end of October 2022. Think about how it came about and where you are now in your career and in relationships.

Love and Relationships
Until November 2022, Capricorn is dealing with the influence of the Black Moon (or Lilith) in Cancer (House of Relationships). Also in October 2022, the influence of Lilith makes relationships less accessible and complicated. The Black Moon in Cancer hides nothing and allows emotions. No longer procrastinating, but cleaning up. October 2022 is also the month to talk or confess something about your relationship, friendship, career and health. Due to the influence of retrograde Jupiter in Aries, a new love can arise until the end of October 2022 during a family gathering or party at home where the intervention of a family member plays an important role.
Due to the influence of retrograde Uranus in Taurus, a fledgling relationship can be ended until January 21, 2023. From October 30 to November 22, 2022, Jupiter is retrograde in Pisces and during that time Capricorn should be cautious about giving or receiving information, as not everyone is trustworthy. Towards the end of the year it is important to spend more time together, but the freedom of the partner must be respected.

Family and Home
The Full Moon in Aries of October 9, 2022 falls into your House of Family and Home and is the cosmic gateway to a change in your living situation, such as a renovation, new interior or a move to another place of residence. Plans to move become concrete whether there is an actual move due to your career, a joint holiday, or family gathering. It is possible that during your busy career you are also busy with a renovation or purchase or sale of real estate or you postpone these plans until a later period. Jupiter will retrograde back to Pisces from October 30, 2022, and from that point onward, Capricorn may face rivalries in the family, school, or immediate home environment. Due to the influence of retrograde Jupiter, Capricorn needs to be more careful about information and how to use it to your advantage. Not all information comes from a reliable source.

The New Moon of September 25, 2022 fell into your House of Career. October 2022 will therefore be dominated by ambition and the realization of new projects! Saturn is Capricorn’s ruling planet. Retrograde Saturn in Aquarius to October 22, 2022 can be tricky, besides bureaucracy this period is meant to reconsider your position and to deal with any complications. Red Warrior Mars in Gemini (House of Work) goes retrograde from October 30, 2022 to January 11, 2023. This retrograde period of Mars is a favorable period to return to the drawing board, a previous workplace or to reconnect with former employers, employees and colleagues when you are not satisfied with your current job. Capricorn could experience work stoppages in public transport, commuting and domestic travel in October and the coming months, problems with communication, work pressure, layoffs and resignations, mergers, acquisitions and cancellations, especially in health care, education, the media, academia, the internet and publishing houses. Mars retrograde complicates and slows down, but gives you a chance to think about measures you could take to avoid jeopardizing your sense of well-being.

The whole month of October 2022 is a favorable period to buy a house or piece of land or to expand or refurbish your home or to donate money to family or to invest in working from home.
In October 2022, the last square between Saturn in Aquarius and retrograde Uranus in Taurus. Capricorn can then be confronted with an unexpectedly high bill or expense that may have to do with the home, children or creative projects. It brings Capricorn back to financial events of February and December 2021 whether they were good or bad. In any case, take into account this latest planetary teasing. Due to retrograde Jupiter and Saturn, matters relating to siblings, communications, domestic affairs, third-party money or shared wealth, loans, and mental health are slowing down. For sound financial management, it is advisable to take a close look at your finances. Look at your investments, insurance and savings accounts, but dive into the cash flow of your tax partner, your business partner or your family members as well.

With the shift from the Lunar Nodes to the Taurus/Scorpio axis, the focus is no longer directly on health, but that doesn’t mean Capricorn doesn’t have to worry about health and vital energy, it’s about recovery now and prevention. From October 30, 2022, Mars will retrograde in Gemini in the 6th House of Daily Routine, Work and Health and Well-being and that can lead to complications such as infection. Mars is physical energy and health and in relation to the psyche how we express our feelings. When dealing with inflammation, it can indicate imbalances related to suppressed emotions and work stress. Mars retrograde lasts until January 11, 2023, so during that retrograde, Capricorn must maintain a daily routine of healthy diet and exercise. Make sure you build up a good resistance. With Mars retrograde, your energy level is lower, as is your patience and tolerance. During this retrograde of Mars, it is advisable to take a step back in your daily routine so that you are less busy. Inner peace!

With Jupiter retrograde from July 28 to November 23, 2022 in Aries and from October 29, 2022 in Pisces, Capricorn should be more careful about gathering and sharing information. Not all information comes from a reliable source. Save yourself from tensions and worries and focus on family and loved ones. Who are you proving yourself to? Stay patient and try to understand your partner instead of losing your temper. Spending more time together and showing more attention without restricting the partner’s freedom.

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