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Most personal planets below the Virgo horoscope indicates that this period is about inner processing, family and domestic circumstances. It is a period of preparation, evaluation and working on the emotional aspects and communication skills in your career. November 2022 is all about communication, home, family, career, education and finances, health and finding a balance between your personal ambitions and the interests of others. November 2022 is generally a favorable month, but you should stay alert.

Love and Relationships
Retrograde Jupiter in Pisces will remain in the House of Relationships until December 20, 2022 which has a beneficial and beneficial influence on your relationships, both private and business. Keep in mind the influence of retrograde Neptune in Pisces in the House of Relationships. Until March 2025, the illusion of Neptune will bring you people who seem too good to be true. There may be mistrust, apparent perfection, or you may think things are being kept secret, both private and business. Trust your gut. The most important relationship events will take place in mid-November 2022. Virgo may face an important choice this month. There are always two sides to a story, especially when it comes to a financial issue. is. If there are clearly selfish interests at stake, this is definitely not your option. Don’t waste time on people you can’t change.

Family and Home
The partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio of October 25, 2022 in the House of Communication and Connection will bring changes in education, short trips, brothers, sisters, neighbors and your immediate living environment in the coming six months and changes the way of communication with close relatives, friends, etc. school and in the family. You say what you think and you do what you say! There are changes at school or in the search for the right education or study direction for yourself or your children. Asteroid Ceres will remain in Virgo until mid-December 2022 and with this nourishing, supportive energy Virgo feels grounded, centered and confident to pass this energy back on to those who need it, especially children. The New Moon in Sagittarius of November 23, 2022 falls into your House of Family and Home. This cosmic influence indicates a new beginning in your home situation, such as a move, repair or renovation. In any case, there is a new beginning or restart in your private life, including more short trips, more visitors, phone calls and messages between close relatives.

The Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus of November 8, 2022 falls into the 9th House of Higher Consciousness, Study and Travel. This cosmic event asks you to distance yourself from too many emotional stimuli through TV, Social Media and following current events. You don’t know what to believe anymore. Do you believe in your own truth or in the truth of another. When you believe in something, energy flows to you which can be both positive and negative. This Total Lunar Eclipse has your insights from your higher consciousness about what is truth and justice. Trusting your own feeling and supporting it with your thoughts gives a feeling of unprecedented power. The retrograde Mars in Gemini (House of Career) reconsiders, rearranges, rehearses. However, you have to work harder and try harder to get results. The key is to be responsive to the needs of others, providing guidance and support. Be an example. Until the end of November 2022, the emphasis will be on working abroad with business travel, business-oriented training abroad or employee exchange.

Venus is the ruler of the House of Finance. In the first half of November 2022, due to the influence of the Sun in Scorpio, there will be income from the government and expenditure for school, study, image and sound, computer equipment or telephony. Be selective with your November 2022 purchases. Buy what you really need. Venus will travel through Sagittarius from November 18, 2022, spending money on the household, home appliances, family and relatives. November 2022 is an expensive month, so watch your budget.

Last October 2022, the final square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus took place, leading to so many unexpected and stressful moments since 2021. With this last square, Virgo is challenged to clean up major emotional and physical issues. Saturn’s transit in Aquarius to March 7, 2023 (House of Work) raises the bar for Virgo and that leads to extra responsibilities, delay, work pressure and stress.
Virgo may experience joint pain or old ailments due to the influence of Saturn in Aquarius in the 6th House of Health. You may also experience digestive and eye problems this month. It is important to pay attention to your body, mind and well-being and not to lose yourself in work and daily duty.
Your health is hard work too! Go for regular walks, go swimming and regularly visit the spa to boost your immune system.

Interesting and long-awaited career opportunities are also coming your way in November 2022, so head there for a business meeting or party.
Trust your sixth sense. Don’t reveal valuable information.
The last ten days of November 2022 are extra special, because unprecedented opportunities and experiences are coming your way. Everything that comes must flow and comes naturally.
It comes to you, but at a price! So the more open you are to do the right thing, the more you receive. The more you give, the more beautiful the reward.

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