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Most personal planets are at the top of the Aquarius horoscope at this time of year.
November 2022 is all about career, finances, social activities, love, relationships, home and family. For now, keep in mind that you need others to achieve your goals. There is more possible than you might think… so make your dreams come true.

Love and Relationships
Retrograde Mars in Gemini falls for Aquarius in the 5th House of Creativity, Self-expression, Children, Love and Romance. This Mars retrograde until January 11, 2023 will be a period of stress, because your creative flow is interrupted. You may be faced with drama or disappointment when it comes to love or you may feel misunderstood or rushed in your creative expression. Growing children or the children of others, demanding contacts or emotional friends, pregnancy and anything related to it, can be a source of concern. What you need is time, space, tolerance and tact. Don’t get angry and be patient and don’t expect too much. In the field of personal relationships, outside advice can be of great significance. Be candid, but don’t tell everything. Not everyone in your area means well. The New Moon in Sagittarius of November 23, 2022 in the House of Friendships and Social Processes brings new hopes, dreams and new friendships. It is the best time of the year to start new projects or plans, especially projects involving group energy and forms of collaboration. Whatever you decide now, this New Moon will add stamina, growth and stability. The single Aquarius is about to discover something very special!

Family and Home
The Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus of November 8, 2022 falls into the 4th House of Family and Private Life and directly affects your home and family. This Lunar Eclipse brings out unspoken anger and negative aspects in the family sphere. Emotional reactions are inevitable, but they do help resolve a lingering issue. Something that has been hidden involving parents, elders or elderly relatives even from previous generations is now coming out. There may be a career move in the next six months that necessitates a move. It is also possible that you are going on a trip with your family or that there is a joyful event to celebrate in the family. However, it is of the utmost importance that the balance between private life and career is restored. The last square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus last month has a financial impact on your home, family, and family life. Financial or material issues from 2021 will be followed up, because delayed deliveries or renovations can now go ahead. Be mindful of mood swings at home. It is important that you can find out and solve the reason for those mood swings.

The partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio of October 25, 2022 fell into your 10th House of Career and Social Status. A true game-changer in your career this year, a period of self-development, ambition and drive. Symbolizing the House of Career for Aquarius, Scorpio is the cosmic gateway to business success and allows major changes in the organizational structure of your company. The Solar Eclipse shows a six-month period in which new commitments are made or broken, both private and business. However, when you experience the opposite, the time has come to make adjustments. In this period of self-development, ambition and drive, creative solutions and networking is the key to achieving success. This cosmic event marks a period of 6 months in which social progress is made or not. Either you gain public recognition or you can fall deep due to wrong business connections. Progress and success can only be achieved if you put your heart and soul into it. Early November 2022 is favorable to solve business technical problems.

Due to the last square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus last October 2022, Aquarius could face unexpected and high expenses related to the home or family in November 2022. Retrograde Jupiter in Pisces (House of Finance) can provide some financial relief or find a way to generate money. The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio of October 25, 2022 could affect your way of earning money, forcing you to adjust plans in the final months of the year 2022 to make progress. Be careful with finances, the risk of deception or fraud probably remains with retrograde Neptune in the House of Finance. Due to the presence of retrograde Neptune in Pisces, you have to be careful with large purchases, financial commitments and making large investments.

Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008, which for Aquarius is the 12th House of Cosmic Consciousness and Letting Go. Pluto is almost at the end of Capricorn, so you are now taking big steps to clear out old baggage to follow your own path in this life. A form of therapy can be a guideline in your transformation. From late March to early June 2023 and from late January 2024, Pluto will travel through Aquarius. Pluto in and Aquarius will then have a huge impact on the physical body. A true transformation of yourself and the end of a long cycle of self-transformation and self-improvement. November 2022 does not show a direct astrological influence on your health, but there are things to watch out for. Make sure you don’t get overworked, because stress is obvious, not just emotional stress, but physical discomfort as well. A good exhaust valve is indispensable. Exercise, go outside or get a relaxing massage. Take it easy, Aquarius.

Jupiter retrograde is back in Pisces (House of Finance) and that could cause challenges at work and your finances until December 20, 2022. Timing is everything, so wait for the right moment. Mars retrograde in Gemini until January 11, 2023 could be a period of stress where Aquarius is prone to making hasty decisions that they will later regret. From 2024, everything will be better with Jupiter and Uranus in Gemini. Don’t wait, just now collaborate and participate in different activities. Keep a close eye on the competition! Be objective. Patience, tact and diplomacy are important now. Listen to each other, because you may also be wrong.

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