Aquarius March 2019

Most planets are situated on the left half of the Aquarius horoscope.
This is your time of year! It’s about independence, self-confidence and personal strength.
However, there’s a clear planetary shift to the Lowe half of the Aquarius horoscope. A shift from the upper world to the underworld. From Day to the Night with increasing emphasis on inner strength, home, family and building stability for your career.

Love and Relationships
The Full Moon Eclipse in Leo of January 21, 2019 fell into your House of Relationships.
This cosmic events a considerable effect on relationships in the first half of 2019. In March 2019, there are profound emotional changes in the relationship with a good friend, loved one or business partner. Situations may lead to a break or legal complications, but also a new relationship, marriage, business contract or serious commitment.
From 5 to March 28, 2019 Mercury is retrograde in Pisces. Mercury rules over your House of Love and Self-expression. The whole month of March you are mainly concerned with coming to terms with a relationship and with yourself and you are more realistic when it comes to feelings and love and relationships. A period of evaluation. What do I want? What do I need? What are my feelings for him or for her?
From March 21, 2019, with the Spring Equinox, there will be clarity. This will be followed by a period of hope, trust and deepening. In the last week of March 2019 you are ready to give your heart away or take a new step in a relationship, private or business. The single Aquarius finds love at work, during a meeting, business trip or financial institution.

Family and Home
All during March 2019, Mars travels through Taurus. Taurus symbolizes your House of Family and Home.
Uranus and Mars in Taurus causes a dynamic atmosphere at home. Something requires your attention. Something causes unrest, disagreement or change affecting peace and stability at home. There may be quarrel, a move or renovation, buying or selling a house or property.
At least a restless domestic period. Children may require a lot of attention during that period. Venus in Aquarius is the peacemaker this month. From March 21, 2019, the Spring Equinox, there will be a period of peace and stability in your private life.

Aquarius is currently in a period of construction, preparation and evaluation for later success this year. March 2019 is a favorable period for a business trip and for study.
It is important to manage your expectations towards study, because you have to work harder this month to achieve your goals. Mercury retrograde in Pisces allows you to evaluate and reflect on your direction. Are you on the right track? Do you want to carry on the way you do or do you want you change your course?
Be honest with yourself and listen to your heart. The way of the heart leads you to the right career path! There is good news in the last week of March 2019.

March 2019 is a favorable financial month.
The Full Moon of February 19, 2019 fell into your House of Shared Resources and Fianances.
There are developments in the financial affairs of your spouse of business partner.
The New Moon of March 6, 2019 falls into your House of Finances. Due to the influence of this New Moon in March 2019, financial opportunities such as a better paying position or business opportunity, promotion or a great offer for your company to wrap up your financial duties.
A strong planetary occupation in your House of Finance this month enables cooperation from friends and social contacts to secure this favorable financial position.

Until March 2020, the influence of Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn in your House of Cosmic Consciousness makes you aware of your unconscious problems and motivations that originated in the past. Saturn shows the need to clear away old pain and karma in order to follow your unique path in this life.
The Moon symbolizes your health. Every time the Moon is in its Waxing phase, so does your health. You feel better. That is from March 7 to March 20, 2019.
A varied diet, sufficient exercise, rest and relaxation in between is most important to stay fit and healthy.

The first half of March 2019 is favorable for entering into financial partnerships and financial agreements such as investments and tenders.
March 2019 is a favorable month for the purchase or sale of real estate.
There is a situation that is not quite right as you initially had thought it to be.
Take a moment to allow everything to sink in and to get yourself together.
From March 21, 2019 you see things more clearly, Aquarius.

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