Leo June 2019

With most planets at the top of the Leo horoscope, the focus in June 2019 will be on career, your social life and cooperation. June 2019 is a month of productivity, creativity and innovation.
Health and finances require your attention.

Love and Relationships
The New Moon of June 3, 2019 falls into your House of Friendships, group processes and social involvement. June 2019 is therefore a social and outward-looking period of meeting new people or falling in love! Leo prefers someone with a positive influence on your career. On June 10, 2019, the Sun opposite retrograde Jupiter makes you exuberant and happy. However, your strong and happy attitude can lead to conflict and envy. Retrograde Jupiter in your House of Love rekindles a lost love or reconnect a relationship. Due to retrograde Saturn in Capricorn, it is advisable not to make important relational decisions in June 2019, because you need more time to think. It is also advisable give each other space, not only in your relationship, but also in friendships. The Full Moon of June 17, 2019 falls into your House of Love, Romance and Fun! The second half of June 2019 will be focused on love, your social life, creativity and going out, parties, networks, friends and associations. Something in your social life comes to completion.

Family and Home
The Full Moon of May 18, 2019 fell into your Home of Family and Home. This Full Moon was the cosmic gateway to a change in your living situation, such as a renovation, restyling, new interior or a move to another place of residence. Plans to relocate become concrete this month or there is an actual relocation due to your career, a joint vacation or family gathering. It is possible that you are busy renovating your house or garden. This month there are also challenges in your family. Disagreements about money with an older relative are pushed to the fore. It is up to you to solve a family problem in a good way.

With retrograde Pluto in Capricorn you can experience stress at work and problems can arise when expressing creativity at work or in daily life.
The influence of Uranus in Taurus in your Career Home makes everything new and exciting.
Leo is applying for a job or already has a new job or is starting a business. Especially Leo who works in technology can count on major developments. Through Uranus in Taurus you set a new course for yourself. From June 21, 2019, the Summer Solstice, you can count on business success. A business trip is paying off for you, Leo! June 2019 also shows good results for study, training or business-oriented training.

June 2019 is not a favorable financial month, Leo. In the previous months, you may have regretted making unwise financial decisions. Investments have not brought the intended result. On June 10, 2019, the Sun opposite retrograde Jupiter, you are in an exuberant mood. This can lead to overspending by compensating something, so you don’t make hasty decisions and avoid impulse buying. For the future, you have to diversify income and expenditure as much as possible.
Ensure good planning. Do not rely blindly on well-intended financial advice, but rely on your own gut.

From June 21 to November 27, 2019, Neptune is retrograde in Pisces.
During this period you need mental and spiritual balance. The month of June 2019 is a good time to go on holiday. A nice month for a retreat or creative course. Take time for yourself.
The health of Leo is good in June 2019, but you do suffer from stress and tension. Stress can lead to emotional overload. The last week of June 2019 shows less energy with the Sun in Cancer. Emotionally, you are not that fit and this affects your self-confidence. You need more exercise, rest, regularity and relaxation to deal with this.

June 2019 is the month par excellence to go on a journey to get back to yourself.
Watch your dreams, they will tell you everything you need to know.
Even your daydreams offer an unprecedented source of insight! So listen to the voice of your soul.
From June 27, 2019, Mercury travels through Leo. This grand and theatrical aspect allows you to communicate from the heart.
Great aspect for a speech, but be careful not to overdo things or posturing.
In the last week of June 2019, there is good news about your career, but don’t make a hasty decision.

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