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Most planets are now on the right side of the Libra horoscope.
So the emphasis is on others and cooperation.
It is not a period for personal initiative, but a period of observation, waiting, adaptation, compromise and negotiation. This month the focus is on your social skills, relationships, work and health.
March 2023 is about finding a balance between your personal ambitions and the interests of others, cooperation and consensus.
The message of the Cosmos is clear: cooperation is the key to success.
Saturn in Pisces will restructure your daily life and routine from March 8, 2023.

Love and Relationships
Saturn, Lord of Karma, will remain in Aquarius, Libra’s 5th House of Love, until March 7, 2023.
It could be that from March 2020 (the beginning of the cooling and confining transit of Saturn in Aquarius in the 5th House of Love), Libra may have felt neglected or not given the attention it needed. With Saturn in Pisces from March 8, 2023 you know what love means to you and what love should be, you also know who your true friends are.
Libra can then seriously focus on healthy, solid love relationships and friendships.
Pluto in Aquarius in the House of Creativity and Love is a transformative and innovative journey, a profound metamorphosis to yourself, to your heart, your inspiration, your passion, your authenticity, playfulness and creativity. Pluto temporarily resides in Aquarius in the 5th House of Love from March 24 to June 11, 2023. This plutonic foretaste brings more passion into the relationship in March 2023, but there is also more power and control with those you love or being attracted to people in power.
The New Moon of March 21, 2023 falls into the 7th House of Relationships.
From this moment on, a new relationship dynamic arises whether it is your lover, business partner, adversary or new love! You could even join forces with a rival. For Libra, this is a New Moon of making choices, like being at a crossroads. Pluto in Aquarius reveals where emotional blocks lie to break through them and focus on what you love, your creative ambitions and projects that really inspire you.

Family and Home
Pluto in Capricorn has been traveling through your House of Family and Home since 2008. Pluto will literally and figuratively overhaul your definition of the family, your past, your roots and your sense of security until January 21, 2024. Cosmic lessons during these years are meant to show you the right way. Pluto’s transformative journey through the House of Family and Home is actually a literal reorganization and transformation of your home and your soul. These are the years of the “big cleaning”, so great inner processing. A lot has changed in your private life during these years.
Pluto will remain in Capricorn until March 23, 2023 and then temporarily shift to Aquarius.
From June 12, 2023 to January 21, 2024, Pluto will be back in Capricorn for a little while to sweep away the last remnants of dust from the depths of home and hearth.
Pluto has changed what home means to you, what you need to feel at home, what family means to you, who you consider family, or where your safe haven is.
Libra wants to be together, participate and work together in March 2023. March 2023 shows planning a trip, reunion, big party or event that will bring family members and friends together.

Saturn in Pisces points Libra from March 8, 2023 to the fact that you should do work that you really relate to, that you seriously love. If you haven’t already found that, Libra is going to make a conscious, well-thought-out decision and change jobs. Keep in mind that the new job can come with more responsibilities.
For Libra, it means a period of hard work for less money. Saturn in Pisces is the cause of constant pressure to perform and more responsibility in terms of work, daily functions, habits and health, sometimes also feeling like you are bogged down in everyday life. Saturn in Pisces cleans up your daily routines through a more structured and productive use of your time. Saturn in the sixth house can lead to overload and stress due to more responsibility and work. Saturn in the 6th House signifies adjustment, effectiveness and reorganization.
The transit of Mars in Cancer from March 26, 2023 to May 20, 2023 through the House of Career makes Libra more ambitious and driven to succeed. This is the best time to make a good impression, apply for a job, sign a contract, gain recognition, learn new skills or realize long-term plans. It is about new technologies, safety at work, teamwork and new ideas in the field of well-being and the environment.

In March 2023, more money can be generated by pooling assets such as concluding a business partnership or marriage.
Mars in Gemini encourages Libra to generate more money or make a payment arrangement to pay off any outstanding debts.
The North Node will remain in Taurus until mid-July 2023, so until then the financial situation will remain intertwined with the past and making things right. Due to the influence of the South Node, there are also unforeseen expenses in March 2023 that cause your bank balance to fluctuate.
Due to the influence of Uranus in Taurus in House of the Soul and Intimacy, there are ambiguities or unexpected events surrounding shared financial resources. Be careful when taking out a loan and seek advice in good time.
During business negotiations and any communication about financial matters, leave no room for doubt. Stay sober and don’t make hasty decisions.

Saturn in Pisces will clean up your daily routine and habits from March 8, 2023. Pisces is the sixth house of health for Libra.
Through ergonomic applications and more structured, healthy and productive use of your time, Libra gets overview and space to function properly.
With Saturn in the 6th House, Libra can experience back, bone, hair or nail problems. Health problems can be traced back to poor diet or lack of exercise. Asteroid Ceres in Virgo is retrograde from March 26, 2023 to May 7, 2023 in the House of Cosmic Consciousness and Release. This period can reveal subconscious issues about your feeling of being nurtured and supported. You can gain insight into how old problems have affected and made you insecure.
Ceres will stay until June 21, 2023 to help you process and release.
The Full Moon of March 21, 2023 falls into your House of Cosmic Consciousness and Letting Go.
With this Full Moon you can connect with your inner self, with your soul. In solitude you will find the wonderful fullness to heal inner pain, so seek the tranquility of retreat or a place of spiritual rest to gain the insights you need.
Listen to what is being said and listen to your inner voice, your soul. A lot is happening around you, but you also have a lot of influence on everything that happens around you.

Asteroid Ceres is retrograde in Libra until March 22, 2023, and during that time you may feel like you’re not getting the support you need, or that you’re short of things, you have financial problems, or you’re insecure about yourself. During that period you should not give up, but be creative with what you do have or return to old methods or sources. Be open to compromise, because you get a second chance.
Cherish your true friends, seek meaningful connections, but also let go of those who are not worthy of your friendship.

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