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Most of the planets at the top of the Gemini horoscope show that March 2023 is focused on the outside world, but it is also a period of self-reflection.
In terms of career and destination, Saturn in Pisces will give you clear direction from March 8, 2023 and encourage you to realize ambitions.
Don’t wait any longer and don’t run away from problems. Don’t put off what you can solve today! With the inspiring support of Jupiter, go out to find the love and support, find answers and take appropriate action.
The focus in March 2023 is on social contacts, networks, career, love and health.

Love and Relationships
Due to the influence of Pluto in Capricorn in the 8th House of Soul Processes, intimacy, obsession, taboos and sexuality has been a theme for Gemini. This powerful and transformative influence of Pluto will continue until January 2024, but will gradually diminish as Pluto temporarily leaves the sign of Capricorn from March 24, 2023.
The transit of asteroid Ceres through Libra (5th House of Love and Romance) until March 22, 2023 is a period of nurturing and longing to be with your loved one and give loving support to all you love. Ceres is retrograde in Libra until the end of March 2023 and during that period you wonder if you are doing enough or doing too much for others. Do you get in return what you give or are your expectations too high?
Single Gemini will get fantastic opportunities in the field of love in the 2nd half of March 2023 with Mercury in Aries, so spring is off to a good start!
March 2023 is a month of tenderness and love and friendships are also nurturing.
This month there are trips, travel and togetherness. Don’t wait at home!
In the steady relationship it remains important to maintain harmony by finding a good balance between private life and career.

Family and Home
The Full Moon of March 7, 2023 falls into your House of Family and Home and is the cosmic gateway to a change in your living situation, such as a move or renovation. The Full Moon therefore brings something new to the home front, so a new adventure! Perhaps a move to a different place of residence and that may have to do with your career.
It is possible that during your busy career you are also busy with renovations, new styling of your home or you postpone these plans to a later period. Involve family members in every decision, because there is nothing like peace and harmony at home to be happy and successful. In any case, some changes are coming on and around the house. It may also be that the walls are closing in on you and you need more personal space.
The first half of March 2023 is favorable for traveling.
Asteroid Ceres is retrograde in Virgo (House of Family and Home) from March 26 to May 6, 2023, and this can lead to family and family challenges. There may be misunderstandings or responsibilities or Gemini may not feel as supported by family or those you consider family. So in March 2023 there may be trouble at home. In family relationships, there are issues related to older relatives. So it continues to run like clockwork and that can be at the expense of school-going children.

The New Moon in Pisces of February 20, 2023 fell into the 10th House of Career and that shows new professional opportunities in the first half of March 2023. It encourages Gemini to ask for a promotion or quit the permanent job and focus on an incredible career move.
From March 8, 2023, the transit of Saturn through Pisces (10th House of Career and Destiny) begins. Saturn is responsibility, reality, and ethics, so a balance needs to be struck in Pisces between imagination and reality when it comes to goals and aspirations. With Neptune in Pisces in the 10th House of Career for over 10 years now, it hasn’t been easy to make a quick career move or find your destiny. Neptune, the planet of illusion and fantasy, makes Gemini uncertain about goals and career. Neptune in Pisces allows Gemini to intuitively find the right path. Gemini senses whether or not a path taken is the right one. Saturn will go in search of Neptune to put things right in March/April 2025.
Saturn in Pisces in March 2023 can have a slowing effect on your career, but it does give Gemini the space to think seriously about the direction you are taking. Don’t rush anything to ensure long-term success. March 2023 is not a month to rest, you have to move on, you have to act, lay the foundations and complete a project where you can count on the support of your colleagues, management or loyal customer base. Stay tuned to your intuition. Do take the time to take steps to maintain and improve relationships with customers, colleagues and management.

The Moon rules the House of Finance for Gemini. For Gemini, that means every New, Waxing, and Full Moon is a great time to make investments. The Waning Moon is always a period to complete financial matters and pay invoices. With this in mind, Gemini gains financial overview and insight. When something doesn’t go quite right, keep in mind that things will turn out for the better. Just like the waves of the sea on the beach that keep receding and rising again under the influence of the Moon, so it goes financially. Mars in Cancer travels through the House of Finance from March 26, 2023 to May 20, 2023 and this transit can lead to increased income, financial opportunities and rewards. Together with the power of Saturn in Pisces, Gemini can be helped along the way, but be prepared for extra expenses during that period. Due to the nature of Saturn, money for projects comes from various sources such as investments and support from the elderly or those who admire and believe in you. Social contacts contribute to the flow of money, so take the time to maintain those contacts. Gemini can also count on the support of experts and elders to finance and expand existing projects and new ventures.

March 2023 shows a favorable month for your health, but to stay physically fit, a healthy and balanced diet and sufficient exercise in the open air are necessary. Mars in Gemini can be the cause of overstimulation, stress, frustration, annoyance, impatience, criticism and irritations about situations and other people until March 25, 2023. Your health suffers from stress, so you really need to take precautions now, before Uranus in Taurus presents you with a fait accompli. Mental well-being can be ensured through relaxation methods such as meditation and yoga. With Uranus in Taurus in the 12th House of Cosmic Consciousness and Letting Go, Gemini is encouraged to let go of old patterns of behavior, attachment to limitations, old suppressed pain and emotional baggage. Pluto temporarily travels through Aquarius from March 24 to June 11, 2023 and this energy makes you more powerful in the way you present ideas and opinions. You can stick to your beliefs and find new ones that suit you better. The need to make lifestyle changes and release old pain and karma is greater than ever.

Mars travels through Gemini until March 25, 2023 and during that dynamic period you want to do everything at once, including making hasty decisions or passing judgment without thinking carefully. More haste less speed. It is advisable to take regular rest.



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