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Astrological monthly forecast June 2021

The first summer month of 2021 offers us a volatile month of turbulence and delay.

Pluto in Capricorn and Saturn in Aquarius are already in retrograde, but Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces are also turning retrograde this month. 

Retrograde planets reflect delay on the terrestrial plane, so for the time being, we must take into account delays and revision of social processes.

The retrograde influence of Mercury in Gemini remains strong this month.

Mercury retrograde in Gemini affects unresolved emotions and feelings involving

the past, origin, family and home. It is mainly about healing and recovery, setting boundaries, relaxation, renewal and research.

Mercury will remain retrograde until June 21, 2021, the time of the Summer Solstice.

June 2021 is further characterized by the influence of Mars in Cancer opposite retrograde Pluto in Capricorn, the Solar Eclipse in Gemini of June 10, 2021 and the second exact square between retrograde Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus on June 12, 2021, which is a thread running through June 2021.

The transit of Venus through Cancer between June 2 and 27, 2021 is the softening planetary patch during this turbulent month. Venus in Cancer wants to restore and improve interconnections.

On June 6, 2021 Mars in Cancer is exactly opposite retrograde Pluto in Capricorn, and that intensely combative and competitive aspect can have an explosive and aggressive effect.

This day can be labeled as the most dangerous day of the month. There may be violence of war, threat, upheaval, turmoil and muscle flexing.

It can also be a day of remarkable achievement in all areas that require courage and strength, especially with projects that started a year or two ago. This opposition can lead to fierce stressful situations in which control must be let go to be conformed to a higher power. This can be on a large scale, but also at home there can be dominant behavior, aggression, uncontrolled desire or be undermined by some form of dependence or loss of strength (s). The genie appears to be out of the bottle, so expect an explosion of emotions, often triggered by an external situation, other person or group.

Eclipses are cosmic gateways to awaken humanity and act as a catalyst on our collective path to the future.

Eclipses represent major changes in the next six months and force us to face the dark side of our personal subconscious mind.

On June 10, 2021, there will be an annular Solar Eclipse at 19º47 in the sign of Gemini.

This Solar Eclipse can be seen in large parts of Europe and Asia, Northwest Africa, large parts of North America, the Atlantic Ocean and the Arctic.

There will be only one Eclipse in the element of Air in 2021 and that can affect our collective memory, cognition and judgment. Profound changes in thinking are likely, where it will be difficult to distinguish fact from fiction.

Confusion or general mental chaos can ensue, so delay important decisions. Also, do not reveal too much information.

This mental confusion and turbulence can result in great creative ideas that can be invaluable for the future.

In the element Air, a new form of life is being sought and this new form of life requires making social adjustments and that sacrifices must be made so that the way to the future is paved.

Air signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are most affected by this Solar Eclipse in Gemini.

Read more about the Solar Eclipse and the influence on the signs under NEWS on this website.

The contradictions in our highly polarized society are growing ever greater.

A lot is being asked of us all and we are forced to make choices when it is so difficult to find the truth.

A society of alienation and exclusion cannot exist.

Only a just and respectful multicultural society of tolerance and mutual respect and recognition for and from everyone offers perspective, enrichment and future.

On June 14, 2021, the second 2021 catalytic square will take place between retrograde Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. The old world is over and this transition cycle of redeeming collective karma must allow for lasting social, cultural and global progress.

Pluto in the last decan of Capricorn is unrelenting.

In a form of final battle between “Good and Evil”, “Light and Darkness”, existing structures and systems are challenged through themes such as power and abuse of power, control and fear.

In fact, we are in the middle of the so-called Dark Age where truth and pure wisdom is lost.

We are not living according to our true spiritual nature.

Out of uncertainty and fear, we relinquish our authority so that we basically live in an orphaned and dazed society.

So this is a dark period of decline, to allow humanity to make the evolutionary leap to a deeper consciousness, back to the Light, to the Inner Source.

In fact, the world is in a global crisis in which the personal and collective energy field is being turned upside down. We must conclude that Saturn square Uranus is writing a bleak scenario for the global economy.

Until early 2023, Saturn square Uranus marks a social, political or material crisis, a period of scarcity in the world market. During 2021-2022, we will face high unemployment rates, resource scarcity and severe economic circumstances,  unprecedented inflation and major threats to our health and personal freedom.

The Limiter Saturn in social Aquarius tries to control humanity with social distancing.

Uranus in Taurus, however, demands freedom at any cost.

Losing individual freedom is disastrous, because freedom is a fundamental right.

Saturn square Uranus is the cosmic storm paving the way for a productive and innovative future.

Uranus square Saturn forces us to choose to act, to rebuild on the ruins of the past. To start over, both on an individual and a collective scale.

Our collective energy field must be cleared and healed, so that we can move forward together in the new reality.

It is a long-term social reform process on both an individual and a social level.

If we choose to ignore all this, external circumstances will force us to make that change.

By 2023, when the dust of this ordeal has settled, the world will be totally changed.

The radiant center of the sky, the Sun, will be in the joyful sign of Gemini until June 20, 2021, and will then obey the eternal dynamic law by joining the Water sign of Cancer on June 21, 2021.

It is Midsummer or the Summer Solstice.

On this day we celebrate the arrival of the astronomical Summer and the Summer Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. We celebrate the festival of Litha, when the Sun is at its highest point.

The longest day and the shortest night.

For the Southern Hemisphere, this day marks the beginning of the Winter and the Winter Equinox. Mother Earth shows her divine fertility and makes us drink from her abundant source. From this day on, the days in the Northern Hemisphere are slowly getting shorter again until the time of the Winter Solstice on December 21, 2021.

Like every year, Summer is the period of retrograde. Pluto in Capricorn is already retrograde from April 27, 2021 and Saturn in Aquarius from May 23, 2021.

The strong retrograde influence of June 2021 shows that it is not a favorable period to make significant changes. Take the time to analyze, adjust our behavior and expectations, learn from what has happened since the start of the pandemic, learn to think differently and see things from a different perspective.

Jupiter in Pisces turns retrograde from June 20, 2021.

Jupiter retrograde from June 20, 2021 to July 28, 2021 in Pisces and from July 29 to October 17, 2021 in Aquarius is a period of re-evaluation and reassessment of multiple sectors such as collaboration, education, travel, marriage, business partnerships.

Read more about the influence of Jupiter retrograde on all signs under NEWS on this website!

Neptune is retrograde in Pisces from June 25 to November 30, 2021.

Neptune is the energetic bridge between the old and the new. During this period, fear and control will lead to an increase in confused people and more incidents of drug or alcohol abuse.

Fear paralyzes and blocks the flow of life. Fear takes strength away and takes over forces that take advantage of fear.

By trusting again in the magic of life, room is offered for positive changes in ourselves and we will see the effect of the Law of Abundance.

Read more under the influence of Neptune retrograde on all signs under NEWS on this website!

The Full Moon in Capricorn of June 24, 2021 deals with themes such as responsibility, limitation to the essential. Taking deliberate steps to achieve goals are at the forefront of this grounded Full Moon.

Read more about this Full Moon and the influence on the signs under NEWS on this website!

Until the end of June 2021, we must be extremely careful about making commitments and promises, especially those that cannot be kept.

From June 28, 2021, Venus will enter fiery Leo. In fiery Leo, Venus guarantees a lot of fireworks, especially when Venus joins red Warrior Mars there in early July 2021 and forms an opposition to retrograde Saturn in Aquarius.

More on that later…!

Wishing you all a safe month of June!

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