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The planetary forces are still on the Night side of the Scorpio horoscope. Hibernation!
Scorpio is building a new foundation that will support your social goals again from spring 2024.
Collaboration will be key to achieving your goals in the coming months.
February 2024 is a favorable month for Scorpio!
The focus this month is on domestic matters, private life, family, emotional well-being and inner world.

Love and Relationships
Taurus is the House of Relationships for Scorpio. Due to the influence of Uranus in Taurus, you see relationships change or end when personal freedom and independence are at stake, such as in your permanent relationship, family, work, friendships or business collaboration.
Uranus in Taurus wants to break through the stagnant, limiting energy in relationships to make room for more liberating forms of partnership! The Full Moon in Virgo of February 24, 2024 falls in the House of Friendships, groups and organizations. Socializing is also a form of stress relief and you need it to be together. Something comes to fruition in your social circle.
The Full Moon asks Scorpio: who can you rely on? Who adds value to your life and who doesn’t? Who are your true friends, who are your enemies? Who deserves your friendship?
Single Scorpio can find a soulmate in the second half of February 2024. The second half of February 2024 is suitable for settling a difference of opinion. Cherish your true friends, but also let go of those who are not worthy of your friendship.

Family and Home
Pluto in Aquarius in the 4th House of Family, Home and Origin initiates a transformation in your psyche and home life, such as a move, renovation or composition of your family. Old pain from the past are brought up by Pluto in Aquarius to be healed and you probably felt that during the Full Moon in Leo on January 25, 2024.
The New Moon in Virgo of February 9, 2024 falls in the 4th House of Family and House strengthens the influence of the Full Moon. This New Moon encourages Scorpio to look for your origins, country and descent, your ancestors, your upbringing, safety, connection and security. This New Moon takes you back to basics to return to your roots and restore contact with family, but also nourish yourself, nest or take your own personal space at home.
Mars is in Aquarius from February 14 to March 22n 2024 in the House of Family and Home and that shows concrete plans to move or there is an actual move, renovation or there are changes in and around the house to create your own place to to be yourself.
A situation at home comes to an end, such as the opportunity to free yourself from a restrictive family situation or conflict with neighbors or living environment.

On January 25, 2024, there was a Full Moon in Leo in your House of Career and Destiny. This will still affect your career in the first half of February 2024. Changes will occur in your career or your attitude towards your work or life path will change when you notice that something no longer suits you emotionally or when there are disappointing results.
There will be an upturn in your career in the second half of February 2024.
Good preparation will now pay off. Scorpio will now see the results, which means, for example, more profit in your company.
The second half of February 2024 is favorable if you want to apply.
Also the best period to hold meetings, delegate or implement a change at work or daily routine to prevent stress.

Mercury in Capricorn until February 5, 2024 ensures financial stability.
A budget plan or budget coach can provide overview and insight into your finances.
Stay frugal and only spend money if you have asked yourself the following question: “Do I really need this in my life?”
In the first half of February 2024 you have to take financial instability into account.
There will be financial improvement in the second half of February 2024. Scorpio can then reap the benefits of investments. The second half of February 2024 will show more turnover in your company. Whether you are an entrepreneur or not, you have to keep an eye on your expenses.

With the Lunar Nodes on the Aries-Libra polarity, the focus is on work, but also on well-being, physical and mental health. You can see the Lunar Nodes as the common thread in your life. Karma from 18 to 19 years ago that is intertwined with health causes Scorpio to change course with a radically alternative approach to work and daily routine. With the South Node in Libra (12th House of the Unconscious), the time has come for a heavenly sabbatical and simplifying your life. It is advisable to give in to your fatigue every now and then, because you need a lot of sleep. If you go against it, you may suffer from it later, for example due to insomnia.

Asteroid Ceres will travel into Capricorn from February 7 to December 7, 2024 and this influence will help you understand others’ points of view and see things from a different perspective.
The red planet Mars travels through Capricorn until February 13, 2024, giving a boost of mental energy at the beginning of February 2024. This energy challenges you to look at things from a practical perspective. Scorpio gains clarity about a situation that has been confusing or distracting. Choose your words carefully, because what you say is essential. It’s also about communicating clearly and expressing your feelings. Listen to what your body, mind and soul needs. Rely on your flawless intuition in everything.
Setting healthy boundaries is the road to self-esteem, inner strength and well-being.

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