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Most planets are at the top of the Gemini horoscope at this time of year.
This is a period of personal strength, independence and self-reliance.
However, collaboration and cooperation from others will remain very important in February 2024 to achieve goals. February 2024 is all about shaping career, ambitions, social life, abroad, studies and home.
There are tensions on a personal and financial level, but everything will be fine again from the Full Moon of February 25, 2024.

Love and Relationships
Asteroid Ceres will travel through Capricorn from February 7, making it easier to regain, build and maintain trust in a relationship.
Due to the influence of the Lunar Nodes on the Aries/Libra polarity, you will increasingly have to deal with karmic situations to balance karma with group processes from 18 to 19 years ago.
Venus travels through Capricorn until February 16, 2024, when the focus turns to responsibility and long-term goals. A common goal and joint long-term plans are supportive to overcome difficult situations.
Be selective with a new love, friends or the group you choose because these can make or break you. Put aside your social anxiety and do things that strengthen your inner strength and self-confidence

Family and Home
The Full Moon in Leo of January 25, 2024 fell in your House of Communication, Connection, Education, short trips, brothers and sisters, acquaintances and neighbors may have caused a conflict. In the first half of February 2024 there may be financial or emotional problems. Family and friends will provide valuable support during difficult times, emphasizing the importance of spending time with them.
The Full Moon in Virgo of February 25, 2024 falls in your House of Family and Home and this emotional Full Moon asks you to pay attention to your family or restore ties with relatives.
The emotional focus is on the home, family or those you consider family through past events or memories.
At the end of February you have the opportunity to make some big changes in your life.
This month it is advisable to keep an overview at home, so to keep everything well organized.

The New Moon in Aquarius of February 9, 2024 falls in the 9th House of Higher Consciousness, Study, Travel, International connections, Expansion and Philosophy of Life.
This encourages Gemini to explore new spiritual paths by traveling, writing a book or studying.
Neptune is the House of Career and Destiny for Gemini.
Due to the influence of Neptune in Pisces (since April 2011), Gemini can be uncertain about the direction in their career, but the influence of Neptune also allows you to find creative solutions by connecting to your intuition.
Your planet Mercury in Pisces (House of Career) from February 24 to March 10, 2024 is a favorable mental transit for applying for jobs, negotiating or launching creative ideas
Now that Neptune and Saturn are together in Pisces, you will have a stronger foundation in your career.
Saturn assesses the success you’ve had so far, but also shows you where things went wrong and what can be improved, depending on the professional or social choices made.

Due to the influence of the New Moon in Capricorn on January 11, 2024, you have had to take stock both financially and emotionally. You may have had to make a choice about what you really want, even if it means saying goodbye to something or someone for a financial or profound reason.
Venus in Capricorn until February 16, 2024 makes you more frugal. You don’t just spend money, but first check whether you need it and whether it really contributes to your life. However, caution remains necessary. Less money teaches you to appreciate the tangible blessings around you. It brings you back to basics, to yourself, to what you really need.
Provide financial overview and insight.

On January 25, 2024 there was a Full Moon in Leo (the mental 3rd House of Thoughts and Communication) which forced you to talk about things, things that are bothering you, something that needed closure, possibly something about yourself, something which requires completion and balance. Negative thoughts and pent-up feelings can translate into physical tension, stress complaints, pain, fatigue and physical complaints.
On February 9, 2024 there is a New Moon in Aquarius in the 9th House of Higher Consciousness, Study, Travel, International Connections, Expansion and Philosophy of Life.
This encourages Gemini to embrace the spiritual side and open the heart to make dreams come true. Red planet Mars travels through Aquarius from February 14 to March 22, 2024, which is an extra incentive to think differently.
Uranus and Jupiter in the 12th House of Cosmic Consciousness ask you to let go of fears and limiting beliefs through the path of meditation, retreat and seclusion and to surrender to loving connection, unity and spirituality. Gemini needs relaxation such as meditation, exercise, yoga, body work and massages.

After 14 years of Pluto in Capricorn (8th House) you can look back on intense years in which you may have lost a lot, money, possessions, loves and you experienced the relativity of life.
Pluto in Aquarius in the 9th House of Higher Consciousness opens the door to a philosophical, spiritual approach to life. Pluto gives you the primal power to let go of old conditioning and fear, make the right choices and find answers about how and why things have happened in your life.
If you don’t know what to do or are lost, the influence of Saturn in Pisces brings karmic lessons to strengthen your connection with yourself.
Once you have found your way, you will receive recognition and admiration from others who in turn offer you great opportunities.

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