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The total Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8, 2024

The New Moon on Monday, April 8, 2024 in the combative Cardinal Sign Aries is a total Solar Eclipse.

During a Solar Eclipse, the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth.
With this Solar Eclipse, the light of the Sun is fully eclipsed by the Moon.

The influence of a New Moon lasts four weeks, but the impact of a Solar Eclipse like this can last up to six months and can be felt weeks in advance.

A Solar Eclipse has a major influence on the world around us, but also in your own world.
A Solar Eclipse is a turning point, an ending and a new beginning.
Situations or people are ‘overshadowed’, but also on a personal level, an unhealthy situation or person can disappear from your life to make way for new beginnings.

With the Solar Eclipse, hidden truths and secrets come out.
Situations that are no longer ‘destined’ disappear.

This Solar Eclipse at 19º24 in Aries is part of the series of five eclipses on the Aries/Libra axis. This Aries/Libra major axis cycle lasts from April 2023 to March 2025.
The first eclipse was the annular Solar Eclipse of October 14, 2023 at 21º08 Libra,
the second a penumbral Lunar Eclipse of March 25, 2024 at 5º07 in Libra.
The third eclipse in this series is this total Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8, 2024.
There will be another annular Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2, 2024 and a partial Solar Eclipse in Aries on March 29, 2025.

This total Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8, 2024 is also called the Great North American Eclipse because it will only be visible in the United States, Mexico and eastern Canada. It is also the last total solar eclipse to be seen in the United States until August 23, 2044.

After each Eclipse, an irreversible event occurs in the world such as a natural disaster, political shift, an assassination attempt on a world leader or the death of an important person.
In the fire sign Aries it means a cosmic reset and the beginning of a new reality.

The North Node will remain in Aries until early January 2025, so I see little chance for peace.
With so many global conflicts, we are dealing with a global fire and with it a nuclear threat.
The almost exact conjunction of Mars with Saturn in Pisces (exact on April 10, 2024) is a classic recipe for war, shortages, scarcity or system failure.

This Solar Eclipse is in conjunction with the Wounded Healer Chiron in Aries, so Chiron is also Eclipsed, so we can also speak of a Chiron eclipse.
This could be a major collective wake-up call.

The Solar Eclipse conjunct Chiron in Aries can initiate a beneficial transformation process in which old pain is healed and the relationship with yourself is restored.
A transformation process of self-reliance and autonomy is underway.

If a Solar Eclipse occurs on your birthday or a few days before or after your birthday, it will affect your entire Solar year. A kind of rebirth.
Everyone with the Sun or ascendant in the cardinal signs Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn at approximately 14 to 24 degrees are the most affected by this total Solar Eclipse in Aries.

Influence of this total Solar Eclipse in Aries on all signs of the zodiac.

ARIES ♈️ March 20 – April 19 (Sun in Aries or Aries ascendant)
The total Solar Eclipse conjunct the North Node and Chiron in Aries of April 8, 2024 falls in your first House of Personality. This Solar Eclipse indicates a period of personal growth and development. Your personal choices and beliefs are tested by an event. Trust this energy.
This cosmic event forces you to face your shadow side that prevents you from developing yourself. This Eclipse gives you the power to realize new goals and dreams.
This Eclipse can mark a positive turning point. This Solar Eclipse releases so much power to make the leap into the future and start over.
In the next six months there will be valuable encounters that feel like destiny, encounters with a special purpose to guide and learn from and can unlock new paths of inner knowing.
This Solar Eclipse paves the way for a whole new you, especially if this Solar Eclipse falls on the ascendant.

TAURUS ♉️ April 20 – May 20 (Sun in Taurus or Taurus ascendant)
The total Solar Eclipse conjunct the North Node and Chiron in Aries on April 8, 2024 falls in the 12th House of Letting Go and Cosmic Consciousness.
This Solar Eclipse affects your inner healing, a moment for healing and intuition. Listen to your inner voice. An external event makes a deep impression on you. The connection between mind and body is tested by this Solar Eclipse. Yet this Solar Eclipse can give you new inspiration, allowing you to make the most of the situation you find yourself in. For Taurus, it is advisable to quietly think about your place in the world and where you want to go. Isolation or retreat gives you spiritual insights. Surrender to the silence, because then you will receive answers to all your questions from the universe. Time to clear unwanted entities and old stuck pain… It’s about restoring precious mental and physical balance.

GEMINI ♊️ May 21 – June 20 (Sun in Gemini or Gemini ascendant)
The total Solar Eclipse conjunct the North Node and Chiron in Aries on April 8, 2024 falls in the Eleventh House of Friendships, Group Participation, Future and Social Processes. This Solar Eclipse indicates major changes in your social network. So expect changes in your immediate environment. Your social life is about to undergo a purge. Having lots of friends is nice, but the cosmic message of this Solar Eclipse is that quality trumps quantity.
Superficial friends and connections that you have outgrown disappear naturally.
This Solar Eclipse represents a great opportunity for Gemini to realize a joint creative project.
New alliances with a vision of the future have a great influence on staying motivated. New friends or contacts may not be the type of people you would initially think of, but they do provide you with that missing piece to make your dreams come true.

CANCER ♋ June 21 – July 21 (Sun in Cancer or Cancer ascendant)
This total Solar Eclipse conjunct the North Node and Chiron in Aries on April 8, 2024 falls in the 10th House, the MC, the very highest point in the horoscope. This Eclipse can be a true game-changer for your career. This Solar Eclipse can therefore lead to changes in your career, new opportunities or overcoming difficulties.
This is your chance to take the initiative and show the world what you have to offer. Progress and success can only be achieved if you put your heart and soul into it.
The focus will be on balancing your private life and your public life.
This cosmic event marks a driven and ambitious period of 6 months in which social progress is made or not. Either you get public recognition or you can fall deeply due to bad business connections.

LEO ♌️ July 22 – August 21 (Sun in Leo or Leo ascendant)
The total Solar Eclipse conjunct the North Node and Chiron in Aries on April 8, 2024 falls in the 9th House of Philosophy, Study, Travel and Culture. This Solar Eclipse is about your relationship with the world. Leo goes on a journey!
Leo will broaden the horizon by going on a trip, a sabbatical, retreat, a study or spiritual group that gives you a different view of life.
A special encounter during a trip or study can have a great spiritual influence on you.
A love abroad, a move abroad, a return to a place
Where you were happy, doing research or studying a cultural topic, can now become a reality.
This is the gateway to a powerful and transformative time of growth as a human being.

VIRGO ♍️ August 22 – September 21 (Sun in Virgo or Virgo ascendant)
The total Solar Eclipse conjunct the North Node and Chiron in Aries of April 8, 2024 falls in your 8th House of Communal Finances, Resources, insurance, debts, loans, taxes etc. This Solar Eclipse, shows a new financial start, but also reveals your dark side, your fears and insecurities.
This Solar Eclipse a time for transformation and acceptance of the truth.
This Solar Eclipse offers the opportunity for new beginnings. This Solar Eclipse is also a good time to organize finances and expenses or start saving for the future. The Solar Eclipse may be dark, but it is also a revelation, because what has been hidden is now revealed. Events force you to reevaluate financial responsibilities, including issues related to intimacy, sex, passion and power. Issues of giving and receiving are discussed. If you give more than you get, the balance is straightened out, and this also applies the other way around.
News comes about a stalled financial issue such as a loan or settlement, which creates room to make an investment to make your dream come true.

LIBRA ♎️ September 22 – October 22 (Sun in Libra or Libra)
The total Solar Eclipse conjunct Chiron in Aries on April 8, 2024 falls in the 7th House of Relationships.
This Solar Eclipse in the 7th House indicates a period of personal development and change. Whoever you are with or work with now, positive change will come in the next six months. This Solar Eclipse will give Libra more insight into itself in the coming six months, about interactions, attitude towards others and adaptability, private or business. Whatever your journey of self-discovery, you can start taking steps now.
The message of the powerful total Solar Eclipse is to set your standards higher. You don’t have to accept playing second fiddle in a relationship. It’s about a healthy balance. A toxic relationship will disappear or there will be a new phase with the partner, such as entering into or breaking off a business partnership, friendship or relationship. Something in the relational field has already come to completion or something is coming to completion.

SCORPIO ♏️ October 23 – November 21 (Sun in Scorpio or Scorpio ascendant)
The total Solar Eclipse conjunct the North Node and Chiron in Aries on April 8, 2024 falls in the 6th House of Work, Lifestyle and Health.
This Solar Eclipse has a profound impact on daily routine, work, physical and mental health. From now on and in the next six months, a new job, lifestyle, healthy diet, exercise, ergonomic adjustments at work can give you new joy and well-being. The Solar Eclipse in Aries is the cosmic opportunity to take steps and move in a new direction.
How can you create a routine that feels supportive, nourishing and productive? How can you create a routine that feels aligned and allows you to focus on what’s really important?
The connection between mind and body is tested by this Solar Eclipse, as by a burnout.
There will be more clarity in your situation at the workplace and in your relationship with colleagues.
In the coming six months, events will take place that will cause changes in the daily routine such as daytime activities and working hours. A lot has to do with the level of satisfaction with your daily life.

SAGITTARIUS ♐️ (November 22 – December 20)
The total Solar Eclipse conjunct the North Node and Chiron in Aries on April 8, 2024 falls in your 5th House of Love, Self-Expression and Romance.
This cosmic event will bring changes to your personal life from now on and in the next six months, such as a marriage or family expansion. This cosmic gate shows the beginning or end of a love relationship.
This powerful Solar Eclipse brings incredible energy for new beginnings for love, but also a new creative project or idea. Take a leap of faith, because the universe will be your safety net.
This event also has a profound influence on children, self-expression, playfulness, creativity, sexuality, relaxation, fun and your inner child, so being able to be yourself. This Solar Eclipse brings to life your spiritual self, love and creativity and brings everything together. This Solar Eclipse opens the heart and lets love flow abundantly.

CAPRICORN ♑️ December 21 – January 18 (Sun in Capricorn or Capricorn ascendant)
The total Solar Eclipse conjunct the North Node and Chiron in Aries of April 8, 2024 will have a major influence on your home, private life, emotional bonding, roots, place of residence, parents and children from this moment and in the next six months.
The foundations of your life, both physically and emotionally, are reset with this total Solar Eclipse. There may be an unpredictable event at your home or in the family. Your house is your castle, but more importantly: Do you feel at home within yourself?
There will be changes in your living situation, such as a renovation, move or new interior, settling in a place where you feel at home, expanding your family, spending more time with your family or with people who are like family to you. This Solar Eclipse in the 4th House may also bring news of a family member or a family crisis.
Capricorn may cut ties with a family member. A journey into the past, immersing yourself in family history, back to your roots, a move or making the decision to move to another place of residence because of your career or life path. The focus will be on balancing your private life with your public life.

AQUARIUS ♒️ January 19 – February 17 (Sun in Aquarius or Aquarius ascendant)
The total Solar Eclipse conjunct the North Node and Chiron in Aries on April 8, 2024 falls in your third House of Communication, Connections, immediate living environment, school, neighbors and the things you are familiar with.
This total Solar Eclipse forces you to reevaluate those things you take for granted and become more aware of how you communicate with others.
An event brings clarity so that you know what to do.
In the coming six months, mutual ties will be restored with close family or acquaintances or you will distance yourself from family or friends that you have outgrown.
This Solar Eclipse in Aries opens the door to a new school, orientation about education, a course, an internship, a trip, the purchase of a means of transport, a new hobby or doing research, a podcast, writing a book or writing articles for a magazine or website. Stay open to new ideas, Aquarius.

PISCES ♓️ February 18 – March 19 (Sun in Pisces or Pisces ascendant)
This total Solar Eclipse conjunct the North Node and Chiron in Aries on April 8, 2024 falls in the 2nd House of Finances and Values and will have a profound impact on Pisces’ financial situation over the next six months.
The total Solar Eclipse in your financial sector may create a new source of income from now on and in the next six months. More money comes in, but be careful with your expenses. In the coming months you will make thoughtful changes to improve the financial situation for the future.
This Solar Eclipse can lead to changes in your financial situation. As a result, you start to reconsider the value of money.
This cosmic event can be a great wake-up call to pay attention to your unique talents. Are you developing your natural skills or wasting them?
Do you invest in yourself and do you actually receive back what you are worth?
This Solar Eclipse can be a test of how committed you are to staying on the path you’re on or drastically changing course.

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