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The New Moon in Leo, July 28th, 2022

At New Moon, the Moon cannot be seen from Earth.
When it’s the New Moon, it feels like a moment of awakening for us, of a new beginning.

The Hay Moon of July 28, 2022 falls at 5º39 in fiery Leo.
The New Moon in the Fire sign of Leo is spontaneous, passionate and exuberant. 

The courageous Fire and passionate power of Leo pushes us forward into our inner fire and creative power.

The New Moon in Leo of July 28, 2022 falls just before the triple conjunction of Mars, Uranus and the North Node in Taurus, exact on July 31, 2022 and August 1 and 2, 2022.
At a collective level, the atmosphere is intensely charged with this increasing field of tension: socio-economic and political upheavals are possible.
During this New Moon, Mercury in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus. We have to take into account unexpected events in the fields of the environment, finance, energy, food supply, agriculture, livestock and natural resources. The old and traditional disappear and make way for new views and methods. A situation can escalate because there can be impatience, miscommunication, confusion and misunderstanding.
It is advisable not to make impulsive decisions or agree to a proposal under pressure, be careful with your choice of words and double check travel documents before you leave.

The New Moon in Leo conjuncts the asteroid Ceres and trines retrograde Jupiter in Aries.
The mild maternal influence of Ceres brings confidence and opportunity for personal, spiritual and material growth by seeing things from a different perspective.
What is your truth?
What social contribution can you make?

The influence of the New Moon in Taurus of July 28, 2022 lasts four weeks until the New Moon in Virgo of August 27. The best time to start new projects is during the Crescent Moon phase from July 28, 2022 to the Full Moon in Aquarius of August 12, 2022.

Be open-minded, courageous and creative with the inner Fire of Leo.
Don’t get discouraged and open your heart!

Influence of this New Moon on the zodiac signs: (ascendant)

This New Moon in Leo falls for Aries in the House of Love, Passion, Creativity and Self-expression. This New Moon inspires and challenges you to live out your creative fantasies! A new romance, fun activities with children, family expansion or connecting with your own inner child is all possible. A new start for sincere, playful and sparkling passions, talents, hobbies, exciting encounters, love, everything you love, what your heart longs for. Retrograde Saturn in the opposite sign of Aquarius in the Eleventh House shows that it’s not just about you.

With the New Moon in Leo in the House of Family, Home, Origin and Security, an urge to find your true self awakens. Taurus wants changes, in family life, domestic affairs and living situation. Your emotional foundation! This New Moon encourages you to look for your origin, country and origin, your ancestors, your upbringing, safety, connection and security. Where and with whom do you feel safe? With the New Moon and Mercury in Leo you are busy with a new interior or move.
Retrograde Saturn in the opposite sign of Aquarius shows that a balance must be found between private life and career. With the Full Moon in Leo on February 5, 2023, Taurus sees the results of intentions being set now.

The New Moon in Leo in the House of Communication and Exchange makes Gemini excited and inspired to explore and experience. Gemini wants to be heard, but the most important thing is that you give others the chance to listen to what you have to say. With your planet Mercury in Leo you are in exactly the right place at the right time to get clarity in the area where you live. The New Moon also invites short trips, city trips, shopping or visiting siblings and close relatives, friends or acquaintances. Retrograde Saturn in the opposite sign of Aquarius deepens your quest to see life from a new perspective by studying, reading books or traveling. With the Full Moon in Leo on February 5, 2022, Gemini sees what has been accomplished.

With the New Moon in the House of Finance, Taxation, Money, Valuation and Personal Property, Cancer is focused and proud of the fact that all earnings are also their own merit. You can be proud of what you have, both tangible and intangible. Financial ambiguities are clarified and Cancer receives all the information needed to make sound financial decisions. Saturn retrograde in the opposite eighth House of Shared Resources reminds you that money does not appear out of the blue. Your capital and degree of profit depends on the cooperation of third parties, such as customers, friends, associates, colleagues, mergers, agencies or commitments.

Your personal and universal solar cycles are in their growing phase. The colorful New Moon in Leo sets the tone for the next twelve months, your new personal year, a special new beginning!
The New Moon in your sunny sign Leo awakens your individuality, passion, charisma and bravery, self-confidence and generous nature. The New Moon in Leo is in the first House, dominated by your personal wishes, needs and the physical body, so it’s about a new start, a new look or a creative project! Embrace your intentions and hold onto them. With retrograde Saturn in the opposite Aquarius, the theme of cooperation, togetherness and social awareness is very current, as long as you can create space for yourself and your own needs.

The New Moon in Leo in the House of Cosmic Consciousness encourages Virgo to make changes and embrace new challenges with courage. This New Moon encourages Virgo to go into the depths to look for themselves like going into retreat. Embrace transformation and purification, withdraw from the world in silent surrender to take care of your inner well-being. You need rest and relaxation to recharge yourself and to bring mind and body back into balance. There may be topics that have long been hidden and avoided that require a solution. A wonderful opportunity to give yourself over to a selfless cause or charity project, to help someone else or to live a dream. Retrograde Saturn is watching from the opposite sixth House if you are taking good care of yourself! It’s about your health and well-being!

This New Moon in Leo in the 11th House of Social Processes brings hope and new friendships. Libra gets the chance to broaden the social network. New ways of collaborating to create something great, both online and in physical form. There will also be great opportunities to convince friends or business contacts of your plans or to make them enthusiastic to participate in a special project, in music or sports or something that offers a sense of belonging. These ideas will develop in the coming six months. Retrograde Saturn in Aquarius reminds Libra that there is more to life than just obligations. You are not only responsible for the happiness of others, but all the more for your own happiness!

The New Moon in the generous Leo in your House of Career shows new professional opportunities. An ambitious time for a career boost. The best time to climb the social ladder and show the world what you are capable of. It encourages Scorpio to focus on a new challenge, an incredible career move, or make other societal changes. Stand firm and remain confident, even if you face headwinds and opposition. In the coming six months, Scorpio will have the opportunity to change course with this fiery Leo energy. With the Full Moon in Leo of February 5, 2023, Scorpio sees the result.

The New Moon in the Fire sign Leo in the House of Study, Higher Consciousness, Culture, Travel, and Connections encourages Sagittarius to explore new meaningful avenues by traveling or studying, launching a website, brainstorming, writing a book about things that are innovative and future-oriented or things that appeal to the imagination. Be open to experiences and encounters on your travels and find the answers you are looking for. Follow the golden path of truth to your true philosophy, faith or field of study that suits you. Retrograde Saturn in Aquarius reminds you to listen to the people around you.

With the New Moon in Leo in the House of Shared Resources, attractive financial options can arise. The Eighth House is about everything you bring together with others, such as joint income, tax matters, inheritances and pensions. The New Moon urges you together with Mercury to take stock of financial obligations. The House of the Soul is also about intimacy, of belonging and the recording of promises. Make sure you are surrounded by people who will offer you security with whom you feel financially, emotionally and spiritually safe and secure. Retrograde Saturn in Aquarius in your House of Finance brings important lessons about resources, worth and self-esteem. You do not always need the input and contribution of another person to develop equity capital and securities.

Mother Moon and the Sun in Leo are merging, it’s New Moon! The New Moon phase symbolizes all forms of new beginnings, projects, relationships or desires expressed under the light of the upcoming Full Moon in Leo on February 5, 2023. The energy of the New Moon can be felt throughout the month! With the New Moon in Leo in the House of Relationships, this is the perfect time for an exciting date, a new step in the permanent relationship or starting a new relationship. For example, it is quite possible that you will live with the Full Moon in Leo of February 5, 2023 in the seventh House. A new business collaboration, burying the hatchet with an opponent, business or private, is one of the possibilities. Entirely in Leo’s spontaneous style, Aquarius is challenged to create new connections.

With the New Moon in Leo in the House of Health and Work, Pisces will make the decision to make improvements in the work environment and with peer interaction. It is about new technologies, teamwork and new ideas in the field of well-being and the environment. The New Moon in Leo brings a new daily routine to stay on track. Think of it as a purification process, so be less stressed or less indifferent about yourself. Retrograde Saturn in Aquarius in the House of Cosmic Consciousness prepares you for this inner journey of self-development. Connect with people who make you happy and make you feel better, people who give you an emotional and spiritual boost!

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