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Jupiter Retrograde 2022

The Great Benefactor Jupiter symbolizes growth and development, happiness and success.

From July 28, 2022, Jupiter will retrograde into Aries and descend back into the waters of Pisces, where it will return on October 29, 2022.
At November 23, 2022, Jupiter will turn direct into Pisces again.
Jupiter will be back in Aries from December 21, 2022, where it will remain until May 16, 2023. 

The meaning of Jupiter retrograde in Aries and Pisces
When Jupiter, the ‘Great Benefactor’, goes retrograde, it doesn’t really slow down our life on Earth as other retrograde planets do, on the contrary it intensifies.
Jupiter retrograde teaches us wise lessons of life….

With Jupiter retrograde in Aries and Pisces, from the end of October 2022 to the end of November 2022, we face challenging moral dilemmas that keep us from making decisions.

In this time of distorted reality, fear and anxiety, we need peace and inner peace more than ever.

Jupiter retrograde in Aries form July 28th and from October 29th in Pisces is a period of restoring trust and unification with the universe.

Faith and trust in yourself is the way to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

When Jupiter leaves the sign of Aries in mid-May 2023, we will be accustomed to the new world.

Influence of Jupiter retrograde in Aries and Pisces on all zodiac signs:

For Aries, retrograde Jupiter in Aries/Pisces falls in Houses 1 and 12.
In the first part of retrograde Jupiter in the House of Personality, the focus shifts to yourself.
A period in which you are restlessly looking for meaning in your private life, your relationship and your career. Do you still stand by the choices you make in your private life and at work?
Beginning in late October 2022, retrograde Jupiter in Pisces in the 12th House will put Aries in a reflective mood. You think back to decisions you made in the past, whether they were good or bad. You get the chance to free yourself from self-destructive tendencies, deep-seated fears and guilt. Trust in the protection of the universe.

Retrograde Jupiter in Aries/Pisces falls for Taurus in Houses 12 and 11. The first part of this retrograde Jupiter in Aries until the end of October 2022 is a period of introspection and reflection during which you think about decisions you made in the past, whether they are good or bad.
The second part of this retrograde Jupiter will fall into the House of Friendships and Social Involvement from the end of October 2022. From the end of October 2022, Taurus notices that the social circle and networks offer unprecedented opportunities for the course of your career, but also asks you to take an honest look at yourself. Perhaps you expect too much form others in society or do others expect too much from you? Give and receive in the right proportion.

Retrograde Jupiter in Aries/Pisces falls for Gemini in Houses 11 and 10. The first part in the House of Friendships and Social Involvement is about the expectations in your social circle until the end of October 2022. Don’t you expect too much from others? Friends may come and go and during this process it is good to take a break from social events. From the end of October 2022, the focus will shift to career goals.
Jupiter asks you if you are happy with your current career and social status. Do you care what others think about you? Can you live up to what you promise socially?
Don’t be too trusting when making a professional decision.

Retrograde Jupiter in Aries/Pisces falls for Cancer in Houses 10 and 9. At the start of this retrograde Jupiter, Cancer focused on career and reputation. Intense disagreements may make you compromise your career or public reputation. You may have big plans for the future, but remember that realizing your dream takes time. With Jupiter retrograde in Aries, you are getting ahead of yourself until the end of October 2022.
From October 29, 2022, Jupiter is retrograde in Pisces in the House of Higher Consciousness and Philosophy of Life. A period of inspiration to believe in yourself, to experience and (re)discover the spiritual life. A return to core values ​​is your best choice to end up in calmer waters. Say goodbye to the idea that you can’t do something, but embrace the seemingly impossible. What do you have to lose? Only great opportunities…

Retrograde Jupiter in Aries/Pisces falls for Leo in Houses 9 and 8. The beginning of this retrograde Jupiter takes place in the House of Higher Consciousness and Philosophy of Life and offers Leo opportunities to experience and (re)discover life. Leo may become embroiled in socio-cultural or political disputes about other cultures, religion, or legal issues. You want to move forward, but you notice that the world around you is not in a hurry. A return to core values ​​is your best choice to end up in calmer waters. By the end of October 2022, your focus will shift to money, sexuality, investment and joint resources. Too much money can be spent or you are too generous. Don’t be too indulgent with others and yourself.

Retrograde Jupiter in Aries/Pisces falls for Virgo in Houses 8 and 7. Retrograde Jupiter in Aries deals with the theme of intimacy. Relationships until the end of October 2022 feel quite intense or restrictive. You may feel as if you have outgrown someone with whom you have or had a strong relationship with. Virgo will be looking for a way out. What or who really belongs to you? Secrets and misunderstandings stifle a relationship, both business and private.
From the end of October 2022, the energy will shift and you will be asked to examine your social circle, close friends, romantic and business partnerships, both professional and private. New friendships and connections enrich your life and bring joy, love and great opportunities to grow. Be selective. Who do you open your heart to? Trust your gut. Only relationships that are strong will thrive and survive. If something or someone doesn’t feel right to you, assume it and it’s time to let go.

Retrograde Jupiter in Aries/Pisces falls for Libra in Houses 7 and 6. The first part of Jupiter retrograde in Aries in the House of Relationships could cause turmoil until the end of October 2022. In your social circle, romantic and business partnerships, both business and private, there can be irritations and annoyances. Expectations can often be too high in relationships, but you also sometimes expect too much from yourself and from others. New friendships and connections enrich your life and bring joy, love and great opportunities to grow. Retrograde Jupiter in Pisces will shift to work at the end of October 2022. You set high standards when it comes to people you do business with and make commitments with, but not everyone can be trusted. Before making any commitments or signing any documents, it is advisable to first seek impartial advice.

Retrograde Jupiter in Aries/Pisces falls for Scorpio in Houses 6 and 5.
Until the end of October 2022, Jupiter will be retrograde in Aries, and then other people’s problems can become yours. When something doesn’t feel right, don’t do it, so watch out for red flags and details. Don’t ask too much of yourself, Scorpio.
With retrograde Jupiter in Pisces, the focus will shift to love, creativity, but also to yourself until the end of November 2022. It’s time to make the connection with your inner child and enjoy everything that nourishes the soul. However, retrograde Jupiter also asks you an important question. Do you really love yourself?
Be careful not to become reckless and indulgent with yourself and others.
Try your luck, but stay within budget!

Retrograde Jupiter in Aries/Pisces falls to Sagittarius in Houses 5 and 4. Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius. When your ruling planet is in retrograde, your energy level is lower, so you need to provide rest and time for yourself. The first part of this retrograde shows a creative flow until the end of October 2022 and you feel the need to indulge yourself. A wonderful time to do creative things  that you have not taken time for or allowed yourself to create something special.
From the end of October 2022, retrograde Jupiter in Pisces is in the House of Family, inner self and private life and that puts the focus on home and hearth. Are you at home in your own house, do you feel suffocated or are you still looking for your safe spiritual and emotional haven? Retrograde Jupiter is a good time to move, for a new interior, but also to restore a disturbed family relationship or to look for your origin.

Retrograde Jupiter in Aries/Pisces falls for Capricorn in Houses 4 and 3.
The first part of this retrograde until the end of October 2022 is a good period to restore a disturbed family relationship or to search for your origin. The cosmic lesson of Jupiter retrograde is about making and maintaining connections. Capricorn should value others for what they are and not for what they have to offer. It is possible that Capricorn will look for a place with more space until the end of October 2022 or will create extra space at home.
Also during the second part of this retrograde from the end of October 2022 it is about connections. Take time to think things over before tackling a serious topic. Speech is silver, silence is gold, Capricorn.

Retrograde Jupiter in Aries/Pisces falls for Aquarius in Houses 2 and 3.
The first part of retrograde Jupiter in Aries in the House of Communication shows conflicting interests in your environment until the end of October 2022, but they are meant to be positively manipulated. People try your limits and that is something you don’t like. Be careful what you say and how you say something. Do the right thing and restore the broken contact with close relatives.
From the end of October 2022 you can count on abundance from the universe by applying the Law of Attraction. Be patient and trust the process.
Jupiter retrograde also asks you: are finances in order? What does possession mean to you? What is valuable to you? Sometimes ”you just have to have something”, but what is the added value of possession? Learn to hold on to what you have, let go of what you don’t need.

Retrograde Jupiter in Aries/Pisces falls for Pisces in Houses 2 and 1.
In the first part of retrograde Jupiter in Aries, Pisces is asked until the end of October 2022: What does possession mean to you? What is valuable to you? Financial delays during this period are intertwined with these questions.
Watch your spending pattern. Learn to hold on to what you have, let go of what you don’t need. From the end of October 2022, the focus will shift to yourself. Are you honest and sincere with yourself and others? Do you support the choices you make in your personal and work life? Are you living to the best of your ability? You can no longer ignore problems in your personal life.
As long as you are willing to change and work on yourself, the universe will find ways to reward you.

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