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The Full Moon in Leo, February 16, 2022

The Full Moon in Leo, February 16, 2022

The Full Moon, the magical moment when Sun and Moon are exactly opposite, is a moment of completion, the culmination of Mother Moon’s monthly cycle.

The brilliant Full Snow Moon of February 16, 2022 falls at 27°60 in grand Leo, the solar sign of energy, courage and passion.

On the Leo/Aquarius axis it is about balancing heart and mind. 

With this brilliant Full Snow Moon, Venus and Mars form an exact conjunction at 16º in Capricorn and this inspiring boost of zest for life enhances the sense of belonging.

With this Full Moon, Jupiter in Pisces forms a nice sextile with Uranus in Taurus.
Together with the conjunction of Venus and Mars, Jupiter and Uranus guarantee a lot of excitement, a passionate spring feeling of change, new energies and innovation.

A strong desire to be together.

However, during this Full Moon there can be a sense of overwhelm and detachment due to the conjunction with saturnal Fixed Star Alphard and the square to Ceres and the North Node in Taurus. Many have a deep need to isolate themselves.

Back to the inner Self, back to your own inner child, back to your core and your own creative bubble to connect with the Higher Consciousness.
Connection to our Higher Consciousness is necessary to accept collective changes.

With the Full Moon in grand fiery Leo we have the opportunity to build a bridge to unity.
When we dare to think outside the box and dare to express an independent opinion without fear, the door is opened to togetherness and conscious living.

This Full Moon in Leo is the harvest of everything sown with the New Moon in Leo of August 8, 2021, six months ago.

Dare to live, dare to think big, use your strength and go for gold with this beautiful Full Snow Moon in Leo.

Influence of this Full Moon in Leo on the 12 zodiac signs (Ascendant or Sun)

The Full Moon in Leo of February 16, 2022 falls for Aries in the fifth House of Love, Self-expression and Creativity. This Full Moon forms a beautiful trine with Aries, giving your creativity a fiery boost. The Full Moon is a cosmic cue to embrace your creative side and your inner child. Open your heart and let the creative energy flow.
This Full Moon is healing, inspiring and beneficial to group processes and finances.

The Full Moon in Leo of February 16, 2022 falls for Taurus in the fourth House of Family and Home. This Full Moon forms a tension square with Taurus. This tension square may prompt you to change the home environment for your career. Consider, for example, creating a pleasant space for working from home, creatively adapting a room or moving house.

The Full Moon in Leo falls for Gemini in the third House of Communications and Connections.
This Full Moon forms a pleasant sextile with Gemini and this association brings a powerful energy. You’ve been walking around with an idea or opinion for a while and now the time has come to share that creative and original idea with the world. Write down everything you think and feel.
Why wait any longer?
Not everyone will be happy with your idea or accept your opinion, but for you it will be a great weight off your mind.

The Full Moon in Leo of February 16, 2022 falls for Cancer in the second House of Finance.
The Moon is Cancer’s ruling planet and its cycles affect you more than other signs. This Full Moon affects your finances and is a perfect time for financial planning and strategizing and to approach financial matters with rationality and logic.
A less pleasant event shifts Cancer’s material focus, but teaches you to appreciate the tangible blessings around you. It brings you back to the core, to yourself, to what you really need.

The Full Moon in Leo of February 16, 2022 falls for Leo in the first House of Personality. This conjunction of the Full Moon with Leo foreshadows a new cycle in your life in which attention is focused on who you are and where you want to go in this life. The need arises to put yourself first and help you to set clear boundaries in the field of business and personal relationships in order to realize progress. Through self-reflection you know what it takes to overcome emotional blocks for inner growth. Letting go, both internally and externally.

The Full Moon in Leo of February 16, 2022 falls for Virgo in the 12th House of Cosmic Consciousness and Detachment.
Virgo will soon be entering an outward-looking period and while this Full Snow Moon brings inspiration and an urge to prove yourself, now is the time to dream.
You first need rest, relaxation, a retreat and meditation to get and stay in balance. A warm bath, beautiful music and candlelight do wonders with this Full Moon to bring yourself back into balance. Busy times are coming soon!

The Full Moon in Leo of February 16, 2022 falls for Libra in the 11th House of Group Processes, Friendships, Organizations and Social Engagement.
This Full Moon forms a pleasant sextile with Libra and focuses objective attention on your social network. Which of your friends and group members encourage you to show your unique self? Who is the best to work with on that new project that matches your dreams for the future? Who can you count on? Who resonates with your soul? Take your time and look objectively at your friendships and your social life. Cherish your true friends, look for meaningful connections, but also let go of those who are not worthy of your friendship.

The Full Moon in Leo of February 16, 2022 falls for Scorpio in the tenth House of Career and Destiny. This Full Moon forms a tension square with Scorpio.
This Full Moon energy urges you to come out of the shadows professionally and encourages you to let go of the fear you had of being the center of attention.
However, is there any doubt about the path you have chosen, is there power struggles and subterfuge, being overworked, underpaid or feeling unappreciated? Then write down what is bothering you. Let go of anger and fear and give them to the Full Moon.

The Full Moon in Leo of February 16, 2022 falls for Sagittarius in the ninth House of Philosophy, Wisdom and Spirituality. This Full Moon forms a pleasant trine with Sagittarius and this beautiful aspect invites you to learn, grow as an individual and develop your spiritual and philosophical sides. You’ve been pushing your limits lately to complete certain tasks. This Full Moon is a cosmic time out for body, soul and spirit. Concentrate on what really matters, look for the answers within yourself. Everything around you changes, but nothing or no one can turn you into something you are not. Just be yourself.

The Full Moon in Leo of February 16, 2022 falls for Capricorn in the 8th House of Shared Finance and Intimacy and this is closing a difficult period. It is about balance, giving and taking, both financially and emotionally, paying off debts, financially or otherwise. There is unexpected income, including income from your social network and tax partner.
Entering into financial partnerships and financial agreements such as investments and tenders are favored by this Full Moon.
This Full Moon can also shed light on an emotional situation that has caused you great anxiety or is still present. Acceptance brings peace of mind.

The Full Moon in Leo of February 16, 2022 falls for Aquarius in the 7th House of Relationships.
This Full Moon forms an opposition to Aquarius and shows changes in the relational area, creating space for growth and deepening in the relationship.
A situation can be the reason to abruptly end an important relationship (business or private), but it can also be a new step in making a solemn promise or entering into a business partnership.
This Full Moon emphasizes the importance of unity and connection with your life partner.

The Full Moon in Leo of February 16, 2022 falls in the 6th House of Work and Health and is a wonderful moment to make the decision to gradually stop harmful habits, exercise more, eat healthier.
This Full Moon reminds you to slow down. Concentrate on recovery and your own well-being.
The Full Moon also shows that it’s time to resolve any issues with a business partner or customer, complete existing projects at work or home and doing spring cleaning in your daily routine.
It’s all about your well-being and inner peace, Pisces.

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