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The 2022 Lunar Node Shift to Taurus/Scorpio

The 2022 Lunar Node Shift to Taurus/Scorpio

The Lunar Nodes change every year and a half and according to polarity, this sets the cosmic tone of what we need to experience and feel.
A process of growth, a new collective consciousness in our evolutionary story.

The old system, the hierarchy continues to crumble and takes us to the core of the here and now to free us from collective illusions. In the Light of the new consciousness, evil is revealed.

The North Node indicates the direction of growth and development, the karmic lessons to learn, the challenges ahead and prioritization.

The orbit of the Lunar Nodes is in the opposite direction through the zodiac and takes an average of 19 years. The last time the Lunar Nodes were on the Taurus/Scorpio axis was from April 2003 to December 2004.

The shift from January 18, 2022 of the Lunar Nodes from the Mutable polarity Gemini/Sagittarius (Air and Fire) to the Fixed polarity Taurus/Scorpio (Earth and Water), until July 17, 2023 focuses on economy, finance, health, love, nutrition, safety, comfort and conservation, but also a societal shift from everything we have taken for granted.

In the coming year and a half, this development means that tangible self-evidence and materialism must be abandoned (South Node Scorpio) and that economic sacrifices must be made in order to secure the future. Creative building on a tangible level. (North Node Taurus).
Personal responsibility can make the difference.

Due to the pandemic, many of us are at the limit of our capabilities mentally, emotionally and financially.
With this energy we must focus on ‘what is’ instead of ‘what could be’.
We can’t take life for granted, we need to let go greed. We should be satisfied with what we have.

The cycles of the Lunar Nodes are intertwined with the cycles of the eclipses.
The eclipses of 2022 therefore also shift to the Taurus/Scorpio axis.
In general, Solar Eclipses (universal clearing) and Lunar Eclipses (cosmic power outages) bring about deep transformation and sudden changes indicated by Taurus and Scorpio themes.

First season
April 30, 2022: Partial Solar Eclipse at 10°28′ Taurus.
This Solar Eclipse in Taurus asks us to embrace change.

May 16, 2022: Total Lunar Eclipse at 25°18′ Scorpio.
This Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio balances the ego (masculine energy) and emotions (feminine energy).

Second season
October 25, 2022: Partial Solar Eclipse at 2°00′ Scorpio.
This Solar Eclipse in Scorpio is a long awaited growth moment and stimulates us to change, transform and evolve.

November 8, 2022: Total Lunar Eclipse at 16°00′ Taurus.
This Lunar Eclipse in Taurus blurs the ego and takes us out of our comfort zone. Expect the unexpected.

Pluto, the planet of profound transformation, is the astrological ruler of Scorpio and as such has a major influence on the Lunar Node shift to Taurus/Scorpio.
The first Pluto Return for the United States will therefore have a major impact in 2022 (on February 20, July 11 and December 28, 2022 exactly on 27º31).

On July 31, 2022 revolutionary Uranus will be conjunct the North Node in Taurus and this conjunction will lead to a radical geographic shift in economics, politics, food supply and the environment. The path to the global future becomes clear.

The Lunar Nodes and Eclipses are indicators of change.
When we are able to embrace change during this transformation journey, there is a world to gain.

Anyone with a Taurus or Scorpio ascendant, Sun, Moon or Lights in Taurus/Scorpio will experience massive changes.

What can the zodiac signs expect for 2022/2023? (Sun or ascendant)

The North Node in Taurus activates the second House of Finances and Values ​​for Aries.
So the theme of the Lunar Nodes on the Taurus/Scorpio axis is financial change.
Themes from April 2003 to December 2004 intertwined with property evaluation, metaphorical or symbolic perceptions of value, valuables, finance, insurance, taxes and real estate, stocks, charity and philanthropy return.
Aries may be forced to make new financial decisions or reconsider old ones in order to gain a different sense of financial stability.

The North Node in Taurus activates in the first House of Personality activates themes related to your self-image and self-reflection. This cosmic shift makes 2022 an important year for you, Taurus. The North Node in Taurus shows you the way to yourself and the direction you need to go. Self-image can therefore change drastically in the next two years. Themes from April 2003 to December 2004 that are intertwined with your identity and self-image and material and financial matters return. With Uranus in Taurus, choices have to be made. When Jupiter enters the sign of Taurus from May 16, 2023, your world may have changed!

The North Node in Taurus activates for Gemini in the twelfth House of Cosmic Consciousness themes that have to do with finding or rediscovering spirituality.
In the field of mental and physical health, Gemini is about renewal, improvement and liberation. Themes from April 2003 to December 2004 that are intertwined with spirituality and mental and physical health return. Clarity and meaning must be found through the path of spirituality and the Higher. Open your heart to the Higher to allow inner peace, understanding, hope and yourself.

The North Node in Taurus activates themes related to social engagement for Cancer in the 11th House of Social Processes.
Themes from April 2003 to December 2004 that are intertwined with friends you had then, the group you belonged to or group you influenced or were influenced by, such as political organizations or social movements return. Old friendships, acquaintances, fellow sufferers, like-minded people, colleagues, neighbors from that time can return, but in a different form. The coming years will be dominated by changes in your social circle and new social turns that offer you support, reliability and respect, Cancer. Be confident in the choices you make. Focus on the communities. Put everything in a wider perspective.

The North Node in Taurus activates for Leo in the tenth House of Career and Destiny and increases the opportunity for professional growth. However, professional growth also comes with more responsibility. During this period, themes from your school days, college or university education, unpaid work or a full-time career from 2003 to 2004 recur thematically. Former classmates, colleagues or employees that period return or in another form. You tend to make decisions that are at odds with your current life, but these decisions are learning opportunities.
It is possible that Leo will make use of old knowledge or acquired qualifications.

The North Node in Taurus activates the ninth House of Higher Consciousness for Virgo and encourages themes related to broadening your horizons. Themes from 2003/2004 that are intertwined with culture, study, abroad, foreigners, travel, emigration, education, study, publication and scientific themes, globalization, tourism, immigration and migration return symbolically. Take the plunge into the unknown, immerse yourself in a study or learn a new skill. You don’t have to be perfect, no one has ever been!

The North Node in Taurus activates for Libra the eighth House of Shared Finance and Deep Dimension.
2003/2004 themes intertwined with shared finance, mortgages, business matters, taxes, banking, returns and credits, real estate, investments, stocks and inheritances, as well as themes of deep desires, sensuality, sexuality, trust and surrender return. Take financial fluctuations into account.
Big changes are coming your way, Libra that have to do with desires, trust and surrender. With whom and where you can find safety and security and with whom you can share about what you want and what your real desires are.

The North Node in Taurus activates the seventh House of Relationships for Scorpio.
Themes from 2003/2004 intertwined with partnerships of all kinds return, from business partnerships, adversaries to love affairs return thematically.
Personal relationships will be a fundamental element of Scorpio’s evolution and life mission during this transit.
Events, possibilities and impossibilities from 2003/2004 thus return symbolically, but in a different guise. Opposites attract and this can be seen cosmically with the North Node in Taurus. Scorpio is attracted to everything and people who are a little different, especially in love. Through the polar opposite, the mirror, you get the chance to meet and understand yourself.

The North Node in Taurus activates the sixth House of Daily Routine, Work and Health for Sagittarius. With the shift from the Lunar Nodes to Taurus/Scorpio in 2022/2023, it will be about work and health. Themes around health and well-being, lifestyle, work pressure, servitude, paid or unpaid work, health, food, drugs and alcohol from 2003/2004 return symbolically. Sagittarius faces big challenges in daily life and that has to do with taking responsibilities. The daily routine can change completely, Sagittarius. It is about your sense of well-being, emotional and physical health, daytime activities, comfort and stability in the small, everyday things.

The North Node in Taurus activates for Capricorn the fifth House of Love, Self-expression, Children and Creativity.
Themes about self-development, creativity, pregnancy, babies, school-age children, young people, teaching, guiding or leading young people and parenting from 2003/2004 return symbolically. The desire to let go of the past and the search for yourself does not come without challenges. Your social circle and mutual cooperation will be a theme in 2022 due to the shift of the Lunar Nodes. Existing social contacts may change or there may be another social dynamic that benefits Capricorn, such as a new alliance or new group of like-minded people in which you can be yourself.
The North Node in Taurus challenges you to break the rules and show, live and experience your emotions. Looking for your unique creative power to what makes you happy. Show your emotions, dare to live. Show your tears when you are sad, but also show your tears of joy.

The North Node in Taurus activates the fourth House of Home and Family for Aquarius.
Themes from 2003/2004 that are intertwined with the family history of parents or ancestors return, also themes that are intertwined with real estate, place of birth or country of birth, relatives or housemates. The focus is on creating an emotionally secure future by building or buying a house and strengthening the family bond.
The North Node in the fourth House asks you: ‘where and with whom do you really feel at home?’
To answer that question, you must first acknowledge and accept yourself. It’s about self-acceptance. You can never create a sense of security for yourself when you give it away to please others.

The North Node in Taurus activates the third House of Communication for Pisces.
Themes from 2003/2004 related to all forms of communication, such as language, writing, public speaking, media, television, newspapers, magazines, translation, books, presentations, performances, graphic design and advertising return symbolically. The North Node in Taurus asks Pisces to make well-considered choices about studying or abroad.
Life proceeds as it is cosmically predestined. With Jupiter in Pisces there are great opportunities, but it is your responsibility to seize those opportunities! It is about a new way of communicating at work, at school or at home.

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