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February 2024 is a dynamic month, but not an easy month for Pisces.
A feeling of being adrift, doubt and regret leads to drastic decisions. Pisces has no choice but to face reality.
Mars in Aquarius from February 14, 2024 makes you restless and rebellious.
The focus in February 2024 is on finances, social contacts, health and relationships.

Love and Relationships
February 2024 is not an easy month for love, Pisces.
In the first half of February 2024, due to the influence of Venus in Capricorn, there may be conflict situations and misunderstandings related to the suspicion of deception. If you feel like your relationship is on the rocks or that you’re not right for each other, don’t jump to conclusions. Take some time to think about what is causing those doubts.
The single Pisces is looking for emotional connection, understanding and empathy.
In the second half of February 2024 there is a renewed sense of intimacy and emotional depth, but the key lies in open communication and expressing vulnerability.
The Full Moon in Virgo of February 24, 2024 falls in your 7th House of Relationships and shows whether a relationship that started in mid-September 2023 has fully blossomed or not.
It’s a great time to make the decision to spend more time with your partner or your social connections. Surprise your loved one with a nice gift or spontaneous outing!

Family and Home
In the first half of February 2024, there may be some tensions at home related to developments in your career and professional and financial challenges, forcing you to improvise.
Being successful in your career is nice, but you must be able to count on the loving backup of your family.
Pisces must therefore make more progress in February 2024 by freeing up more time.
Make a plan with the transit of Mercury in Capricorn until February 5, 2024.
Create a clear action plan, a to-do list, especially for your home, family and relatives to make your plans more meaningful and purposeful.
A short holiday, playing games together at home or a fun family outing really works wonders.
Set priorities, Pisces. Leave things alone for a while and that also applies to your work.

The Full Moon in Leo of January 25, 2024 fell in the 6th House of Work. A project at work or daytime activities has been completed or will be completed in the first half of February 2024.
The first half of February 2024 may bring professional and financial challenges. In the second half of the month there is a career opportunity with financial benefits.
Unfortunately, Pisces can also be confronted with bureaucratic hassle. That requires a lot of patience, endurance and concentration.
Empathy, sensitivity and helpfulness are prerequisites for connecting with colleagues and customers. Pisces who work in the field of social causes, health care or education will have the best opportunities.
Collaboration and showing compassion and understanding and the ability to resolve conflicts therefore play a crucial role for recognition and advancement on your career path.

The strong influence of the Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 14, 2023 can lead to the repayment of a financial or energetic debt. Awareness of money can bring about major shifts that make Pisces financially stronger.
Due to the influence of the Lunar Nodes on the Aries-Libra polarity, Pisces has to deal with matters such as shared assets, alimony, inheritance, company, tax matters, insurance issues and household expenses.
February 2024 offers a sense of financial security. Making well-considered financial decisions leads to financial stability. February 2024 also shows that sharing is important for Pisces. Donating to charities or investing in socially responsible companies or obtaining financial support for others through crowd funding may arise, giving Pisces the opportunity to make a positive impact on the world while securing your financial future.
Pisces should focus on managing finances responsibly, making healthy investments that contribute to social well-being and align with what you find important. February 2024 is also favorable to seek expert advice, collaborate with financial advisers and explore investment opportunities to research.
Even though making money is important to you, Chiron in Aries (2nd House of Finance and Valuation) shows you that your inner value, your soul, is worth so much more than money or outer wealth can ever be.

On January 25, 2024 there was a Full Moon in Leo (House of Health). The influence of this Full Moon makes Pisces more vulnerable in the first half of February 2024 and can be the cause of mood swings and emotional stress.
Pisces is extra sensitive this month and that can lead to emotional overwhelm.
Due to the influence of Mars in Aquarius from February 14, 2024, Pisces may feel a bit lost. Emotional and mental well-being will be top priority in February 2024, so take care of yourself. A regular daily routine and maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial for emotional well-being.
Exercising more and eating healthier, meditation and yoga, organizing your time more efficiently and a healthy lifestyle is the road to balance and emotional recovery. It’s about your well-being and inner peace, Pisces.

The transit of Pluto in Aquarius in the Twelfth House of Cosmic Consciousness brings out deeply hidden aspects of yourself, events from years gone by that still have a powerful influence on your life.
With Pluto in Aquarius, Pisces increasingly feels the need to withdraw for healing and space for intuitive and spiritual gifts.
Pluto in Aquarius is a psychological and spiritual cleansing process of processing trauma and guilt from your past or even from previous lives.
Pluto in Aquarius digs deep into your subconscious problems, motivations, desires to gain insight into the how and why. Because you gain more insight about yourself, it becomes easier to let go of the heavy burden you carry, making you stronger internally.
Fear becomes power with Pluto in Aquarius.

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