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Most planets are still on the eastern side of the Aries chart.
For Aries, Personal strength and independence, free will, drive, self-confidence and personal autonomy are current.
The influence of Jupiter in Aries in the first House shows positive changes in your attitude and in love relationships. A physical and mental boost to make the most of it!

Love and Relationships
Venus is your planet of Relationships. The first half of July 2022 is a favorable period for dating and for strengthening bonds such as a romantic trip, engagement, marriage or making a promise.
From July 19, 2022 Venus in Cancer makes Aries long for warmth and happiness in the relationship.
From July 20, 2022 Mercury in Leo (House of Love) is about love and relationships.
From July 23, 2022 Aries will be supported by the Sun in Leo and is then open to a new love.
In the last week of July 2022 Venus square Mars can create a conflict between head and heart.
The New Moon in Leo of July 28, 2022 falls for Aries in the 5th House of Love and Self-expression. With this New Moon there are parties or spiritual gatherings and social events and new friendships are made. Chance of an exciting date for single Aries! But with the coming conjunction of Mars, Uranus and the North Node in Taurus, an encounter can also be bittersweet.

Family and Home
Until July 22, 2022, the Sun will travel through Cancer and then the focus will be on the house, your family, relatives and safe haven. A favorable period to look into your past, carry out long-delayed repairs or renovate the house, think about moving, buying or selling a house or apartment or financially securing retirement. However, there are expenditures in the field of fixed assets such as real estate and vehicles.
From July 19, 2022 to August 11, 2022, Venus will travel through Cancer, which is an auspicious time to give the house a makeover. Creative involvement in this process also gives Aries a lot of emotional satisfaction at the same time.

The Full Moon in Capricorn of July 13, 2022 falls into your House of Career. In your career or social position, there is a completion of a project.
With Jupiter in Aries, Aries gains confidence. A great time to make an impression when looking for a job or for an advertising campaign or when you want to outsmart the competition. Saturn, the planet of career, is retrograde in the House of Social Engagement until October 22, 2022. However, from July 27, 2022, retrograde Saturn pulls the brakes along with retrograde Jupiter, making Aries feel less confident and questioning social obligations. In Aries’ social network, there may be disturbances. This is a time to finish unfinished business or take some time off to catch your breath.

From July 6 to August 20, 2022, Mars in Taurus supports the return of funds or significant income through sponsors. However, the influence of Mars and Uranus in Taurus can also be the cause of unexpected extra costs, so it is advisable not to make large purchases this month.
Next month, Uranus will go retrograde, which could lead to delays in past financial decisions that require resolution. Aries needs to stay focused and be one step ahead of what’s going on in world economy. The aftermath of the May 16, 2022 Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio in the opposite House of Shared Finance could be a six-month cathartic period of new insights and greater self-understanding.

Especially in July 2022 it is advisable to take it easy, Aries. Stress can grab you emotional by the throat, especially with your planet Mars in Taurus. Taurus is about the throat chakra. In addition to a sense of inadequacy, emotions can be overwhelming, resulting in stress. Stress is harmful, both physically and mentally. In the case of work-related stress, the bearing load is greater than your capacity, so it is good to delegate work. With retrograde Chiron in Aries from July 15, 2022, focus on everything that can promote your physical, emotional and mental health. Do not ignore pain, stress or other physical or mental discomfort, but do something with it. Balance work and leisure. Neptune is retrograde in Pisces and during that period (until December 3, 2022) you should take it easy.

Mars in Taurus can be a jerk to your finances this month and can be the source of unexpected extra expenses. This is especially true for the Aries who is an entrepreneur or engaged in creativity such as purchasing equipment for an artistic project.
Think twice before spending money you can’t really afford, even if you really want to make a good impression.

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