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During this vibrant period, most planets are still at the top of the Taurus horoscope, so it’s about ambitions and worldly goals. The clear shift to the eastern side of the Taurus chart shows a period of personal strength, independence and self-reliance. February 2023 is all about professional responsibilities, while Taurus prefers to free itself from everything that hinders freedom and growth. Jupiter travels through your own sign of Taurus from May 17, 2023 and when Jupiter and Uranus meet in Taurus in April 2024, Taurus begins a new evolutionary life cycle…
Be prepared, Taurus.

Love and Relationships
With the influence of your planet Venus in Pisces until February 20, 2023, your social life will be in calmer waters. With this flowing energy, Taurus gets space to restore friendships and there are parties or events with the chance of a special meeting. Especially February 8, 2023 is a beautiful creative day to fall in love with Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus! Mercury is your planet of Love. Mercury is direct in Capricorn again and that increases the chance to expand your social circle in the first half of February 2023. Jupiter in Aries does ask to be selective with friendships with a view to the future. On February 16, 2023, Venus is conjunct Neptune in Pisces and dreams can come true, but make sure choices are in line with what you really desire.
The New Moon in Pisces of February 20, 2023 in the 11th House of Social Processes brings hope and new friendships with the chance of love. You also get the chance to convince friends or business contacts of your plans and to make them enthusiastic to participate in a special project. What is being born now will grow in the next six months.

Family and Home
February 2023 is a favorable and harmonious month for family, home and private life. The Full Moon in Leo of February 5, 2023 falls for Taurus in the House of Family and Home shows concrete plans to move whether there is an actual move, renovation or are there changes in and around the house to create your own place for yourself. It is about setting boundaries in a literal and figurative sense, a reunion with family or with the country of origin. A situation at home comes to an end, such as the chance to free yourself from a restrictive family situation or conflict with neighbors or living environment. This Full Moon is about clearing out the old to make room for the new, in short, a breath of fresh air through your home with a chance for stability. Elderly relatives give valuable advice and that only strengthens the bond. February 2023 is a favorable month for partying at home with friends and just having a good time with your family. At the end of February 2023 there will be more peace for you, Taurus.

The January 21, 2023 New Moon in Aquarius fell for Taurus in the 10th House of Career and Destiny. With the energy of this New Moon and the transit of the Sun in Aquarius in the 10th House of Career, the period until February 18, 2023 is a favorable time to focus on an incredible career move, so get networking and apply for a job! Mercury in Aquarius (House of Career) from February 12, 2023 brings more momentum to your professional life. The second half of February 2023 will be devoted to communication, negotiations, projects or the drafting and signing of contracts. Asteroid Ceres in Libra will travel through the House of Work until March 22, 2023. Taurus then wants meaningful and nourishing work, be it emotional, mental or financial. It’s about being valued, nurtured and rewarded for what you do. Saturn will remain in your House of Career until March 7, 2023, which makes you ambitious. In the past 2.5 years with Saturn in Aquarius, Taurus has been focused on success, your career, your goals, status and your direction in life. Maybe things turned out differently and you had to adjust your plans or start over. Jupiter in Aries prepares Taurus for a new cycle of life. Big changes are coming for Taurus from April 2023, so take advantage of this quiet period to make the right preparations for what’s to come.

Gemini is the House of Finance for Taurus. Red planet Mars is direct in Gemini again and that means there are favorable financial opportunities in February 2023. The influence of Mars in Gemini in your House of Finances in February 2023 can lead to unnecessary financial expenses. Budget monitoring remains advisable in February 2023 as well. Don’t let your guard down in the first half of February 2023, but make sure you keep the financial overview! In the middle of the month, some unnecessary expenses may worry you. In the second week of February 2023, a fun creative project may fall outside your budget. The second half of February 2023 is more favorable. On February 18, 2023, Mercury is sextile Jupiter in Aries and then financial negotiations can yield a lot of money. On February 23, 2023, Mercury is sextile Mars in Gemini and your tenacious powers of persuasion can also lead to favorable financial results.

In February 2023, you should do everything you can to take care of your health and avoid stress. Taurus may experience colds, nasal allergies, runny nose or sneezing in February 2023. Taurus can also suffer from digestive problems and eyes. It is important to eat a healthy and balanced diet and to exercise regularly. Do not wait when you are having complaints, but go to the doctor in time. A positive Taurus can be a true source of inspiration in February 2023. A kind word or small gesture can do wonders. As you know, Taurus is in a transition period, preparing for a period of change. Don’t be upset if something doesn’t go your way. Sometimes you have to let go of a situation and recognize that there is no point in fighting for.

The key to happiness this month is to keep a positive attitude. It is advisable not to involve third parties in your relationship, because the advice you receive may not be to your advantage. Taurus can be quite worried about finances and that can affect peace of mind. Negative thoughts lead to nothing. Older people give you good advice. February 2023 is a favorable month to travel with your family or relatives. Taking some time out in a beautiful spiritual environment works wonders, Taurus.

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