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The planetary shift to the upper half of the Scorpio horoscope indicates that the energy of the outside world is getting stronger. Due to the influence of the North Node in Taurus, personal relationships remain a fundamental element to Scorpio’s evolution and life mission.
Patience, cooperation and adaptation to achieve your goals are recurring themes during this period. The second half of February 2023 shows the most opportunities at work that allow you to prove yourself. The focus this fast month is on communication, private life, home, family, love, relationships and career.

Love and Relationships
February 2023 is an auspicious and joyful month for love! With a seductive Venus in Pisces until February 20, 2023 in the 5th House of Love and Self-Expression, you cannot fail to attract the necessary attention with your magnetic charm. In the steady relationship there is harmony and peace. Your partner needs more attention and support and you want to do everything you can to make your partner happy. Single Scorpio opens the heart to love. It is important that you take the initiative. The New Moon in Pisces of February 20, 2023 falls for Scorpio in the 5th House of Self-expression, Love and Creativity and forms a smooth trine with Scorpio. This New Moon inspires and challenges you to live out your creative fantasies! A new start for sincere, playful and sparkling passions, talents, hobbies, exciting encounters, love, everything you love, what your creative heart desires. A new romance, fun activities with children, expanding your family or connecting with your own inner child is all possible.

Family and Home
The New Moon in Aquarius of January 21, 2023 fell for Scorpio in the House of Family, Home, Origin and Security. Because of this energy, Scorpio needs to return to itself in the first half of February 2023, to the base, to ‘come home’, sense of security and your personal space. Family is an integral part of finding your destiny in this life. The house where you live shows the degree of stability in yourself. A house is not always a “home” and tensions can arise when personal space and freedom are increasingly restricted. Mercury in Aquarius after February 12, 2023 shows a contract related to real estate or housing situation. Purchases will be made in the second half of February 2023, such as new furniture for your home. Saturn is nearing the end of the cycle through Aquarius, a period of great inner processing and forgiveness of the past, a “great karmic cleanse” in which family karma is broken and early parenting conditioning is released. This month you realize what you have learned and released from the end of December 2020, how strong you have become.

February 2023 is a month in which you are focused on setting goals and priorities. This month offers opportunities for business travel and foreign projects thanks to Jupiter in Aries in the House of Work. February 2023 is favorable for a career switch with better working conditions and salary. The Full Moon in Leo of February 5, 2023 falls for Scorpio in the tenth House of Career, Vocation and Status and is the prelude to a period when things will change in your career or your attitude towards your work will change. You may be in charge of an important project. Scorpio can get a promotion or public recognition with this Full Moon, get a public podium on Social Media, get attention or get a new position at work. An important project is being completed. There will be changes in your Scorpio life path and career direction when you notice that a job doesn’t emotionally suit you anymore.

The transit of Jupiter in Aries not only guarantees success in your career, but also brings financial prosperity and windfalls! Pluto and Mars both rule Scorpio. Mars in Gemini is the eighth House of Shared Power, Intimacy, Trust, Emotional Matters, Secrets and the Soul. The energy of direct Mars in Gemini empowers you to deal with any debts you may have. Time to take action when your budget is under pressure. There may be a settlement of an estate, but this can be accompanied by difficulties such as problems with other beneficiaries. A loan at the bank or tax case can be processed or completed this month.

Aries symbolizes the sixth House of Health for Scorpio. Due to the influence of Jupiter in Aries, Scorpio gets more energy to exercise or create a lifestyle that suits you better. Jupiter in Aries offers great opportunities, but beware of exaggeration. Too much of something is not good. A sensible diet, adequate sleep, a work schedule and regular exercise will help you stay physically and mentally healthy and fit during this demanding transit. Do not set the bar too high to avoid overloading. Asteroid Ceres will remain in Libra until March 22, 2023, supporting Scorpio to nurture the subconscious self and feel more secure. This can be a powerful time to clear emotional baggage and reconcile with the past. During this period you are more introverted, more introspective and reflective. Scorpio may feel overtired, but this is your soul calling you to let go of what’s not healthy for you anymore. Surround yourself with gentleness and healing energy.

February 2023 is not a bad month for Scorpio. Get carried away with the planetary energies and have faith. Of course there are ups and downs, but the biggest problems can be solved by communicating openly and honestly The transit of Jupiter in Aries in the Sixth House of Health may reveal a health problem that Scorpio was unaware of. If we don’t listen to our body, our emotions and our soul, the body (temple) itself will scream for attention. Scorpio needs to find a good balance between private and work.



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