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Most of the planets are still on the eastern side of the Aquarius horoscope. Personal strength and independence will remain important for the time being. The most important areas in December 2022 are love, self-expression, finances, family relationships, well-being and health.

Love and Relationships
The New Moon in Sagittarius of November 23, 2022 fell into the House of Friendships and Social Processes and that makes December 2022 the best time of the year to start new projects or plans, especially those involving group energy and forms of collaboration.
The single Aquarius is going to discover something very special about themselves.
The Full Moon in Gemini of December 8, 2022 falls for Aquarius in the House of Self-expression, Creativity, Love, Romance and Fun. You have a strong desire to let things go and have fun.
New relationships put you in touch with your inner soul and who you are. This Full Moon is about letting go of what you no longer enjoy. So tie that knot. However, retrograde Mars in Gemini in the 5th House can be a period of stress, as your creative flow is interrupted. You may experience drama or disappointment in love, or feel misunderstood or rushed in your creative expression.

Family and Home
The influence of the Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus of November 8, 2022 could lead to emotional reactions this month about a long-standing family issue. Something that has been hidden and that has to do with parents, elders or relatives, even from previous generations, is now coming out. There may be a career move that makes it necessary to move or that the balance between private life and career needs to be restored. Uranus is the ruling planet of Aquarius. Uranus retrograde in Taurus in the 4th House of Family and Private Life shows that choices have to be made for home, family and living environment. Old sores must be cleaned up or ties with the past broken when they can no longer be repaired. Jupiter in Aries from December 21, 2022 to May 16, 2023 in the 3rd House of Communication makes Aquarius candid about what’s going on inside you and makes it easier to convince others. Relationships with siblings, acquaintances, local groups, schoolmates and neighbors improve. December 2022 is a favorable period for a home study or neighborhood survey and to start the conversation so that any problems can be solved.
In December 2022, choices have to be made that you cannot postpone.

The partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio of October 25, 2022 in your 10th House of Career and Social Status is a game-changer and will also have a major impact in December 2022. Scorpio symbolizes the House of Career for Aquarius. In December 2022 there will be major changes in the organizational structure of your company, both private and business. Aquarius now sees whether he is on the right track with his own company, permanent job or employment.
In December 2022, Aquarius needs to prioritize, especially at the beginning of the month. Not wanting and wanting to do everything at once. Above all, the entrepreneur must be flexible and pay attention to what is going on with the staff or business partners. In a permanent job you should not miss out on good opportunities. December 2022 requires a lot of energy from Aquarius to act effectively. There are new trends in the workplace that need to be taken into account, which means that Aquarius has to make adjustments.

Jupiter in Pisces (House of Finance) can provide financial relief or generate money in the first three weeks of December 2022. The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio of October 25, 2022 also affects December 2022. Plans must be adjusted in order to move forward. Be careful with finances, the risk of deception or fraud remains likely with Neptune in the House of Finance.
Due to the presence of Neptune in Pisces, Aquarius has to remain careful with large purchases and making financial commitments and large investments.

Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008, which is the 12th House of Cosmic Awareness and Letting Go for Aquarius. Pluto is almost at the end of Capricorn, so you are now taking definite steps to clean up and follow your own path in this life without excess baggage. A form of therapy can be a guideline in your transformation. At the beginning of December 2022, health problems may arise that prevent you from performing your job properly. The New Moon in Capricorn of December 23, 2022 falls for Aquarius in the 12th House of the Unconscious and Letting Go. It is possible that during this period of inner reflection you regret something from the past, something you have lost. Aquarius may be making choices about something old or something new right now. To create something new in your life you still need that old piece and that is exactly the message of this New Moon in Capricorn. Everything you’ve avoided feeling so far will be released with this Earthly New Moon. The Full Moon in Capricorn of July 3, 2022 then shows the spiritual balance achieved.

Jupiter retrograde is back in Pisces (House of Finance) and that could be causing challenges at work and your finances until December 20, 2022. Timing is everything, so wait for the right moment to make the right choice. Mars retrograde in Gemini can be a period of stress where Aquarius tends to make hasty decisions that they will later regret. Listen to each other, because you too can be wrong sometimes. Make sure you don’t get overworked, because stress is obvious, not only emotional stress, but also physical discomfort. A good outlet valve remains indispensable. December 2022 is a great month to take a vacation, Aquarius.

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