Libra has woken up from hibernation. Career, relationships, outside world and ambitions take precedence.
The Eclipse Season has a major influence on Libra.
The Lunar Eclipse in Libra of March 25, 2024 marks the conclusion of a cycle that began with the Solar Eclipse in Libra of October 2023.
Libra lets go of old fears and enters a new phase in terms of your relationship and the relationship with yourself. The Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8, 2024 shows a whole new chapter in your life, your relationship, work or lifestyle.
Love and Relationships
Mercury retrograde in Aries from April 1 to 24, 2024 falls in the 7th House of Relationships.
Libra can close a chapter with this Mercury retrograde in the middle of the Eclipse season. You will gain insights about relationships that will make you look differently at the problems that have arisen. During this period, an ex, a boyfriend or girlfriend from the past may cross your path again. However, friends can become enemies during this period and enemies can become allies. With Mercury retrograde you are even more inclined to avoid conflict or come on too strong. Make time for each other, talk to each other!
The total Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8, 2024 falls in the 7th House of Relationships, both private and business. This Total Solar Eclipse is the gateway to a period of personal development and change. A relationship is going to change, it can (still) end or a new relationship can start. Whatever or who comes or goes in the coming months will be here to stay.
Pluto in Aquarius in the 5th House of Creativity and Love is a transformative and innovative journey, a profound metamorphosis to yourself, to your heart, your inspiration, your passion, your authenticity, playfulness and creativity. In love it is all or nothing and nothing in between.
Love gives you unprecedented inner strength.
Family and Home
Due to the shift from Pluto to Aquarius, you will see changes in your children. A transformation process that goes faster than you would actually wish. Make time for your children, because they need you. Pluto in Aquarius gives you more space for yourself and reveals where emotional blocks lie so you can break through them and focus on what you like, your creative ambitions and projects that really inspire you. April 2024 is a favorable month to go on holiday with your family.
The shift from Pluto to Aquarius shows major changes in your children, but that can also be your own inner child. Children need to be able to play in order to develop and that is something that you can do too.
Make time to tidy up your house. Make space in your home, your head and your heart. Asteroid Ceres in Capricorn continues to remind you that a home should also be a safe home, where you can feel safe and supported.
Pisces represents your House of Work and Daily Routine.
Mars travels through Pisces until April 30, 2024, giving you extra productive energy to better focus on what needs to be done.
This is the best time to start a new work project or job.
April 2024 is also a favorable month for business travel.
There is a good atmosphere in the workplace and that benefits your work.
Projects can be completed successfully.
Due to the influence of Saturn in Pisces, you can count on the support of older colleagues and expert advice. Due to the influence of the Full Moon in Scorpio on April 23, 2024, there may be a dispute about pay at work. A temporary financial crisis shifts Libra’s material focus and level of appreciation. This Full Moon is a wake-up call to appreciate yourself in different ways.
The Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus falls for Libra in the 8th House of Shared Power.
With this cosmic conjunction, financial breakthroughs are achieved by third parties, such as more income through your partner, an inheritance, an allowance, an insurance payment or a refund from the tax authorities. Libra gains more financial and emotional freedom with Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus. Libra can free itself from unhealthy commitments. With the Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8, 2024 in the 7th House of Relationships, it is about the quality of your relationships, the sacrifices or compromises, the give and take. Are you giving too much and getting too little back? How can balance be restored emotionally and financially? How can you free yourself to generate more freedom or opportunity?
Scorpio is the second House of Finance for Libra.
On April 23, 2024 there will be a Full Moon in Scorpio in the House of Finance.
This Full Moon also shows completion in the financial area or focuses on something that needs to be completed or improved financially. This is a perfect period for financial planning and strategy making and approaching financial matters with rationality and logic, but this Full Moon now calls for you to get in touch with your intuition.
Pisces is your 6th House of Daily Work and Health.
The influence of Mars and Saturn in Pisces can be the cause of constant pressure to perform, at work, but also in daily activities.
Saturn in Pisces can be the cause of constant pressure to perform, at work, but also in daily activities. Mars and Saturn in Pisces can be the cause of overload and stress. Stress at work is mainly because you do not manage your time properly and that is at the expense of your energy and your health.
By keeping a good timetable, you have an overview and can cross items off your list. More structure and order make you better organized and that is also better for your health. Health problems can also arise due to stress in April 2024, so take extra precautions. Be kind to yourself, Libra.
The Solar Eclipse of March 25, 2024 was the cosmic opening to a new way of living, creating a home and dealing with relationships.
The April 8, 2024 Solar Eclipse in Aries, opposite sign, falls in the House of Relationships, marking the beginning of a new chapter in work, relationships and lifestyle.
Due to the influence of the North Node in Aries, you will increasingly strengthen, develop or improve your relationship with yourself and the world. From the Cosmos you receive exactly what you need to understand your inner motives and those of others.