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Most planets are still at the top of the Gemini chart.
This time of year is about personal strength, independence and self-reliance.
The influence of the Lunar Eclipse in Libra on March 25, 2024, the Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8, 2024 and the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus brings enormous potential for personal growth and healing in addition to great creative energy.

Love and Relationships
Gemini is in the midst of the Eclipse cycle which mainly concerns the love and relationships you have with others. The Lunar Eclipse in Libra on March 25, 2024 (House of Love) and the Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8, 2024 (House of Friendships and Social Processes) shows a new cycle where you connect in a new social group, work environment or at Social Media.
Mercury rules Gemini. With Mercury retrograde in Aries, it is important in groups that you know what you say and especially how you say something. Avoid impulsive reactions that can lead to conflict. Gemini will get a new social group, a new team or will fulfill a different role within a form of cooperation.
The single Gemini can meet someone with whom you will have a permanent relationship in April 2024.
In the permanent relationship there may be a pregnancy or a creative project with children. Asteroid Ceres will travel through Capricorn, the eighth House of Soul Processes, in the coming months, so whether or not you will receive trust and support will remain an underlying and recurring theme for the time being.

Family and Home
Virgo represents the House of Family and Home. Mercury rules Virgo.
From April 1 to April 24, 2024, Mercury is retrograde in Aries. Due to this influence, things can get lost in the house, at an event, sports club, party or during transport, for example the bus or train.
April 2024 is not a good time to go on holiday, so look closer to home in April 2024.
During the month of April 2024, there will be struggles with siblings, but Gemini will have the opportunity to resolve differences.
However, it is a favorable month to strengthen the relationship with the elderly in the family.
Studying or school-going children need extra attention this month, because there may be problems at school.
It is advisable to keep everything well organized in April 2024, for example by working according to schedule.

Due to the influence of the Lunar Eclipse in Libra on March 25, 2024, a work assignment may be completed, giving you more time for a creative project.
Due to retrograde Mercury in Aries, there will be little progress in your career or studies in April 2024, and business travel will not yield immediate results.
Pisces is the House of Career and Destination for Gemini.
The red warrior Mars travels through Pisces until April 30, 2024 and this planetary energy and drive is favorable for planning new projects and networking in April 2024.
Even if there is little progress in the career, there is a good atmosphere in the workplace.
On April 23, 2024 there will be a Full Moon in Scorpio (House of Work and Health).
The time has come to complete an existing project, resolve and finalize any issues with a business partner or customer, and focus on being productive and efficient in your daily life.

April 2024 is a favorable financial month for Gemini.
Gemini may expect a raise, a pat on the back or other reward.
Sufficient money comes into your company, giving you the opportunity to meet your payment obligations and even save.
The family income is also stable. Thanks to good financial planning and sensible budget management, you can save a lot of money. The Moon rules the House of Finances for Gemini.
The Waning Moon until April 8, 2024 is suitable for completing financial matters and paying invoices. With the increasing Moon from April 9 to April 23, 2024, more money will come in.
It is advisable to invest money in a creative course or business-oriented training.
Everything you learn now will pay off.

April 2024 is a beneficial month for your health, Gemini.
The great Benefactor Jupiter forms an exact conjunction with Uranus in Taurus on April 21, 2024.
Taurus is your 12th House of Cosmic Consciousness. This influence is in force throughout the month of April 2024 and encourages you to let go of fears and similar solutions through meditation, retreat and seclusion and to surrender to loving connection, unity and spirituality. The Full Moon in Scorpio on April 23, 2024 falls in your 6th House of Health. There can be stress in your work situation and daily life. This Full Moon reminds you to slow down.
Mars in Pisces until April 30, 2024 reinforced the insight that life is meant to be lived and not to waste your time with negative thoughts.
Find relaxation such as reading, meditation, exercise, yoga, bodywork and massages.
Be kind to yourself. Make time for yourself.

Gemini is currently in an intermediate phase.
The great Benefactor Jupiter will travel through Gemini from May 26, 2024 to June 9, 2025 and Uranus will also travel through Gemini from the beginning of July 2025. Saturn will also leave your House of Career at the end of May 2025. You can see the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction of April 2024 as a seed of growth and liberation. A cosmic promise. It will take another year and a half, but then you can expect something. In the meantime, Saturn in Pisces can put the brakes on.
Don’t force yourself into impossible turns, just wait for your chance.

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