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Due to the influence of the Lunar Eclipse in your opposite sign Libra on March 25, 2024 and the Solar Eclipse conjunct Chiron in Aries on April 8, 2024, Aries will take an important step in a relationship, partnership or collaboration, such as making a promise or concluding a contract or an agreement.
The focus in April 2024 will be on transforming priorities and finances.
The grand conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus on April 21, 2024 falls in your House of Finance, allowing a new and innovative project to become a new source of income.

Love and Relationships
On March 25, 2024 there was an Annular Lunar Eclipse in Libra (House of Relationships) and the Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8, 2024 strengthens that cosmic energy, making Aries even more aware of the need for change in relationships, both private and business.
April 2024 is a beautiful month for a romantic trip with your loved one.
There are good chances for the single Aries to find the love of your life in April 2024.
On April 23, 2024 there is a Full Moon in Scorpio (8th House of the Soul) and that leads to a deep-rooted problem making it impossible to maintain a relationship of trust. It is then possible to work on and improve those blockages. It’s about balance, about give and take, both financially and emotionally, paying off debts, financial or otherwise. This Full Moon is transformation, because there is an emotional situation that is causing you great anxiety and is still present.

Family and Home
In your personal life there are positive changes that make family relationships more harmonious. Time and life are fleeting and precious.
Take into account Mercury retrograde in Aries from April 1, 2024. There will be conflicts and miscommunication throughout the month of April 2024. Pay special attention to children and their performance in school and sports. There may be problems with studies, which means they need extra encouragement or coaching. Aries has found a new inspiring activity. Venus in Aries from April 6, 2024 makes Aries reckless, so this hobby can lead to challenges. In April 2024, Aries will also go out with the family more often, such as day trips and events.
On April 23, 2024, the Full Moon in Scorpio may bring to the surface deep-seated issues that are keeping you from having solid and secure connections. Strong emotional bonds can be more important to you, and you can work on blockages and problems and try to improve them.

The Full Moon in Libra on March 25, 2024 will show tangible changes in your career in the first half of April 2024.
Asteroid Ceres (nourishment, support and resources) in Capricorn (the House of Career) is also your cosmic support in April 2024, offering fruitful opportunities for all your career goals. Mercury is retrograde in Aries until April 24, 2024, so be aware of workplace issues this month, especially with older colleagues, customers and employees. There may also be friction with the study. This retrograde Mercury only makes you more determined to get your way. Making yourself heard is good, but shouting does the opposite. It is advisable to update your knowledge.

Taurus is the House of Finance for Aries. The Great Benefactor Jupiter forms an exact conjunction with Uranus in Taurus from April 18 to 21, 2024 at 21º Taurus and this conjunction promises unexpected financial benefits, such as a bonus, prize, gift, allowance, profit or reward. Financially speaking, April 2024 will be a favorable stable month.
On April 24, 2024 there will be a Full Moon in Scorpio (8th House of Shared Power).
There is unexpected income, including income from your social network and tax partner.
This Full Moon is transformation, as trust must be made way for shared financial responsibilities and intimacy.
Forming financial partnerships and financial agreements are favored by this Full Moon, but it can also shed light on an emotional situation that has caused you great anxiety or is still present.
This Full Moon is about balance, persuasion, give and take, both financially and emotionally, paying off debts, financial or otherwise.

Due to the long transit of Saturn (Karma) until February 14, 2026 through Pisces (House of Cosmic Consciousness and Letting Go), Aries is releasing old unprocessed emotional baggage.
Saturn in Pisces in the 12th House can be seen as a great cleansing of the mind and soul.
Due to the influence of Saturn you need more time for yourself for reflection and introspection.
Mars in Pisces travels through the 12th House of Letting Go and Cosmic Consciousness from April 30, 2024. Mars in Pisces neutralizes negativity. Still, Aries must be vigilant. Constant tension and latent aggressiveness can lead to joint pain, muscle pain, muscle tension and headaches.
So just like last month, April 2024 is meant to pay attention to your subconscious, to understand and let go. Take time for reflection and introspection.
Rest, relaxation and time for yourself to recharge and bring mind and body back into balance.

With retrograde Mercury in Aries, you will get a second chance in April 2024 to make amends, finish something or do something you previously did not get the chance to do, and this is especially true for Aries born between April 4 and April 14.
For Aries, Mercury retrograde in Aries is a period to look back on the past. A project or idea from the past can be revived during Mercury retrograde in Aries!
The Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024 conjunct Chiron in Aries paves the way for a whole new you. This cosmic event forces you to face your shadow side that prevents you from developing yourself.
Over the next six months there will be valuable encounters that feel like destiny, encounters with a special purpose to guide and learn from to unlock new paths of inner knowing.

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