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Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Wednesday, November 23, 2022
This Wednesday is all about renewal! Today the Sun enters the fiery realm of Sagittarius, (the House of Jupiter) and remains there until December 21, 2022. For the next four weeks, the energy of the Sun in the zodiac sign Sagittarius will take us to the Winter Solstice f Every year when the Sun is in the optimistic zodiac sign Sagittarius, you have the opportunity to (re)discover and renew yourself. Today Jupiter also goes direct into Pisces at 28º! Take time for yourself to ask yourself questions such as: What is the reason for my existence? What is the purpose of my life? Look back on what has been and focus on what is to come.
And today is the New Moon in Sagittarius, the beginning of a new optimistic period.
More about this New Moon and its influence on all zodiac signs under NEWS on this website!

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