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The Solar Eclipse in Gemini of June 10, 2021 and its influence on all zodiac signs

The Solar Eclipse in Gemini of June 10, 2021 and its influence on all zodiac signs

The New Moon at 19º47 in Gemini of June 10, 2021 is an angular Solar Eclipse and is the direct sequel to the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius of May 26, 2021. This Eclipse cycle lasts until the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus of November 19, 2021.

Eclipses on the Gemini/Sagittarius polarity are bringing major shifts in the world of news media, propaganda and awareness of the role of social media in our society.

During a Solar Eclipse, the Moon slides between the Earth and the Sun.

The effect of an Eclipse can be felt weeks in advance.

The influence of a New Moon lasts four weeks, but the influence of a Solar Eclipse can last as long as six months.

Eclipses symbolize the end and a new beginning.

A Solar Eclipse therefore has a major influence on the world around us, but also in your own world.

This Solar Eclipse conjunct retrograde Mercury and square Neptune in Pisces brings cognitive confusion, deceit and vulnerability, such as an increase in psychological and health problems, immoral behavior, falsehood, misunderstanding, paranoia, deceit and betrayal, disillusionment, guilt, deceitful practices, unreliability and dishonesty. Mental chaos!

Also take into account misleading information, old ground, backroom politics, delays along the way and things that are lost, as well as people from the past who suddenly appear.

The fixed stars Auriga and Bellatrix give courage and discernment to counter the deceptive influences of the planetary aspects. Unfortunately, they also bring impatience, combativeness, recklessness and envy.

We must also take into account the risk of earthquakes and severe weather conditions.

This planetary tension under the destabilizing influence of Saturn square Uranus (exact on June 14, 2021) brings with it unwanted or unexpected constraints that make it difficult to achieve desired goals.

Check everything in detail two to three times before sending anything and be careful with signing contracts in business transactions.

This field of tension calls for caution, clarity, honesty and self-confidence over the next six months. Rather postpone big decisions.

Don’t be fooled, stay close to yourself, be honest and seek the truth in your own heart.

Listen carefully to what is being said and be clear in your words.

So this Solar Eclipse comes with limitations, but if you stay open-minded, patient and flexible, challenges can become great opportunities to rid yourself of negative, limiting and limiting issues in your life.

The June 10, 2021 Annular Solar Eclipse can be seen in northern and eastern North America and Canada, Greenland, the Arctic Ocean (North Pole), Europe, Russia, and northern Asia.

The signs Gemini, Sagittarius, Libra are the most affected.

When a Solar Eclipse occurs on your birthday or a few days before or after your birthday, it affects your entire Solar Year.

Under this news item you can read in which area of ​​life this Solar Eclipse is important to you.


The Gemini Solar Eclipse of June 10, 2021 will fall into your third House of Communication.

Over the next six months, this will profoundly affect the way you communicate with close relatives, friends and relatives, all things related to making connections, networks and information. In the coming six months, mutual ties will be restored with close family or acquaintances or you cut ties with family or friends that you have outgrown.

A hasty purchase can be a bad bargain. Be careful in everything you do.


The Gemini Solar Eclipse of June 10, 2021 falls into your second House of Finance and will profoundly affect Taurus’ financial situation over the next six months.

This cosmic event brings good financial tidings, such as the approval of a loan or mortgage, new sources of income such as a new job, position or second job.

More money is coming in, but be careful with your spending. In the coming months you will make thoughtful changes to improve the financial situation with a view to the future.


The Gemini Solar Eclipse of June 10, 2021 falls into your first House of Personality, and this cosmic event paves the way for an entirely new you. A total makeover, a new lifestyle. Gemini is going through an inner and outer transformation in ways you never thought possible. From June 10, 2021 it will feel like your life starts over again, a new start, a new you, a new relationship with yourself and…. not only from the outside, but also from deep within. Along with the North Node and Gemini Solar Eclipse, so much more power is released to make the leap into the future and start over. Put that eternal doubt aside now. What’s holding you back, Gemini?


The Gemini Solar Eclipse on June 10, 2021 falls into the 12th House of Letting Go and Cosmic Consciousness. An event makes a deep impression on you. Isolation gives you spiritual insights. The coming six months is favorable for a form of therapy or a spiritual journey, which can also be in the mind. Everything takes place behind the scenes, deep in your inner self. There may be a cathartic change in the way you feel about yourself and others now, especially with those close to you or with someone you love, perhaps someone from your past. Think carefully about a possible return, because decisions made now can change your life in the next six months.


The Gemini Solar Eclipse of June 10, 2021 falls into the 11th House of Friendships, Future and Social Processes. In the second half of 2021 this is the cosmic gateway to meet the love of your life within your social circle. New friends are going to change your life in the next six months. 

In the coming six months, new friendships will be formed, friendships strengthened or broken, when they have been diluted.

With this Solar Eclipse you can expect the unexpected! New friends may not be the type of friends you would initially think of, but they will give you that missing piece to make your dreams come true. This Solar Eclipse highlights the importance of social networking related to your career. New alliances with a vision for the future and broadening your social network is of great influence for the future.


The Solar Eclipse in Gemini of June 10 2021 falls in your House of Career. A true game-changer in your career this year, a period of self-development, ambition and drive.

This cosmic event marks a period of 6 months in which social progress is made or not. Either you gain public recognition or you can fall deep due to wrong business connections. Progress and success can only be achieved if you put your heart and soul into it. More money can come in or a new colleague will come who is completely on your wavelength. It feels like everything is falling into place, so the career moves you’re taking now will take you further along the career path. However, the Solar Eclipse does not provide all the information you need, so do your research before taking an unbridgeable step.


The Gemini Solar Eclipse of June 10, 2021 falls into the House of Philosophy, Abroad and Study and this influence accelerates projects related to international travel, abroad, publications and higher education. A cosmic gateway to half a year of ‘growth’ as ​​a person, the beginning of a journey, a sabbatical, retreat, study, a new perception of Life and life philosophy that can lead to career changes or work opportunities. A foreign love affair, a return to a place you once visited or a subject you have always been fascinated by and want to learn more about can now become a reality. A new love or relationship therapy can lead to doubts and a problem can also arise with money. Make it happen, because in the late summer of 2021 you will see developments and improvements that affect the future.


The Gemini Solar Eclipse of June 10 2021 falls in your House of Shared Finance, insurance, taxes etc. Secret or unrealistic financial decisions may have been made in recent months and this Solar Eclipse is exposing all of this.

There is news about a financial stall that will allow you to build reserves, make an investment to make your dream come true and strengthen your financial position in the second half of this year. Events force you to reevaluate financial responsibilities, including issues related to intimacy, sex, passion, and power. A period of evaluation and adjustment is essential to ensure you are doing the right things, with the right people, for the right reasons.


The Gemini Solar Eclipse of June 10, 2021 falls into the House of Relationships and will give Sagittarius more insight in the coming six months, about attitudes towards others and adaptability, private or business. It indicates a new phase with the partner, entering into or breaking off a new business partnership or relationship. A period to strengthen a relationship with a pregnancy or marriage or to end it when it can no longer be saved. Something has come to completion or something is coming to completion.

Some facts may seem hidden, so stay alert, who you work with now will likely have a major impact in the next six months. In the long run, this collaboration can even bring about a positive change of life.


The Solar Eclipse in Gemini of June 10, 2021 falls in the House of Work and will bring clarity in your situation at the workplace and in your relationship with colleagues, a new job or a new position or career direction in the coming six months. Over the next six months, this Solar Eclipse will have a profound impact on daily life, work and health.

In the coming six months, events will take place that lead to changes in the daily routine, such as work and working hours. A lot has to do with the level of satisfaction with your daily life. 

The connection between mind and body is being tested by this Solar Eclipse.

Capricorn can face health issues such as burnout, feeling burned out or exhausted or simply unable or unwilling to move on. It is about restoring precious mental and physical balance by establishing a harmoniously integrated rhythm of life. It’s all about endurance and lasting results.


The Gemini Solar Eclipse of June 10, 2021 falls into your House of Love and Romance.

In the next six months, this cosmic gate signifies the beginning or the end of a love affair. A new love, but also more dedication, a commitment or deepening of an existing relationship or an abrupt change in your love life.

Over the next six months, this Solar Eclipse will have a profound impact on self-expression, playfulness, creativity, sexuality, relaxation, fun and your inner child, so being able to be yourself.

This Solar Eclipse brings your self-expression, love and creativity to life and brings everything together.

Children are changing and need a lot of attention, while you are looking for your own inner child. 

It’s about you now. Your life energy, Prana, the eros flow or creative life force, is healing and protective power. It is a constant invisible and timeless flow that connects every human being to give heart and soul expression to whatever comes to mind. This Solar Eclipse opens the heart and makes it flow abundantly.


The Solar Eclipse in Gemini of June 10, 2021 has a major impact on the home, private life, roots, home and residence, parents and children. The Solar Eclipse in your House of Family and Home is the gateway to improvements in your living situation, a renovation, relocation or new interior, spending more time with your family or with people who are like a family to you or planning a family gathering.

This Solar Eclipse will have a profound influence over the next six months, triggering deep-seated feelings, calling Pisces to return to the origin. A journey to the past, immersing yourself in family history, back to your roots.

It is possible that Pisces will move in the coming year or will make the decision to relocate to another place of residence. It’s about strengthening your home base and that also applies to the bond with family members. 

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