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The New Moon in Virgo of September 17, 2020

The New Moon in Virgo of September 17, 2020

The New Moon is a recurring magical moment when Sun and Moon merge and Mother Moon’s Light is not visible in the sky. With this magical retreat of the Moon, the power of the unconscious increases.
It is the breeding ground for all that is needed for the growth of the next cycle,
the phase of the Full Moon.

The New Moon of September 17, 2020 at 25º01 in Virgo is the gateway to the Autumn Equinox of September 23, 2020 and is the first in a series of three Super Moons. 
The prelude to the Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius of December 14, 2020.

The Earth sign of Virgo symbolizes purity, daily work, health, productivity, organizing, practical thinking, sorting and cleaning.
This New Moon in Virgo conjunct the Fixed Star Alkes emphasizes imbalances in our daily habits and patterns resulting in sickness and addiction.

Virgo’s healing and purifying energy is also about the digestive system which, in addition to our food, processes and assimilates the energies and events we experience in daily life.
Just like our digestion stagnates due to a wrong diet, we must process and digest our emotions to prevent energy blockages in our body.

Especially now it is good to make the choice for yourself to purify body and mind.
What is it you have trouble with processing, digesting and eliminating on an emotional level?

The whole world is out of balance and Mars in retrograde in Aries reinforces the feeling of insecurity and uncertainty. This is manifested by an increase in violence and hostility.
The quincunx of the New Moon with retrograde Mars in Aries and Eris (Pluto’s wicked sister) brings additional confusion and delay.

The New Moon in Virgo squares the Lunar Nodes odes on the Gemini/Sagittarius axis and this challenge of heightened energy can feel unstable and throw us off balance.
However, the New Moon square with the Lunar Nodes is a powerful energy of inner growth and spiritual awakening! It seems like all the transformation and breakdown of the past few months is finally paving the way for something new.

The New Moon in Virgo is trine retrograde Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn.
This earthly Triangle gives us the inner strength and makes us determined to carry out a solid plan.
When Virgo connects with her independence and inner strength, she connects with her full potential. Even though there are sorrows and adversities, know that this terrestrial New Moon is a step forward in the right direction.

Now is the best time to give projects a second chance, projects that have not been followed through or completed. With the New Moon in Virgo, this mainly applies to projects that are intertwined with health. In order to achieve your goals now, it is advisable to do everything one step at a time.

What is important to you for your personal growth within the global shifts that are taking place right now?

Step out of the darkness of fear, insecurity and division and step into the Light of silence, confidence and inner strength. Even though there is fear and sorrow, we are all divine beings connected with an untouchable infinite flow of love, light and protection.
This New Super Moon helps to remind us of the divine essence that lives within all of us.
Fill your heart with love and unity, not only to heal yourself, but for the whole world.

Blessed New Moon

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