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The New Moon in Libra on October 16, 2020

The New Moon in Libra on October 16, 2020

At New Moon, the Moon cannot be seen from Earth.
When the Moon is New, it always feels like a moment of awakening, of a new beginning.

The Sun and Moon merge in Libra at 23º53, the zodiac sign symbolizing love, equality, harmony, cooperation and social justice.

However, the first New Moon after the Autumn Equinox shows many contradictions due to its opposition to retrograde Mars in Aries and the square to Saturn conjunct recently awakened Pluto in Capricorn.

Red planet Mars is astrological ruler of Aries. Mars has been traveling through Aries since September 9, 2020. During the previous Full Moon in Aries of October 1, 2020, Mars in retrograde was already exact square to Saturn in Capricorn. 

With this New Moon in Libra, once again retrograde Mars forms a exact square to Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. This dynamic, yet razor-sharp and intense T-Square of Sun and Moon in Libra with retrograde Mars in Aries, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn causes collective anger against the government, aggressive and dominant behavior, urge to control, resistance, power struggles and hostility. Due to Saturn’s interference in Capricorn, we face delays, criticism, limitations, pessimism, disappointment and frustration.

A planetary tension of frustration and impatience, of wanting but not being able or allowed to, which is now even more intense, now that powerful Pluto in Capricorn is direct again since October 4, 2020.

The intensity of this New Moon in Libra is softened by two fixed stars, Spica and Arcturus, which means that opportunities are being offered in the absurd time we live in!
Aggressiveness is converted to assertiveness. Fighting for a common goal instead of fighting each other.

This New Moon in Libra calls to come clean in order to restore the disturbed balance.

The tricky yet instructive quincunx of Neptune retrograde in Pisces with this New Moon in Libra makes it difficult to establish or restore the connection. The quincunx requires adjustment.

The influence of this New Moon of October 16, 2020 will last four weeks until the New Moon in Scorpio of November 15, 2020. The next Full Moon in Taurus of October 31, 2020 (Blue Moon) forms an exact conjunction with retrograde Uranus in Taurus, so we have to take into account a restless and unpredictable atmosphere.
So, the US presidential election of November 3, 2020, falls during this troubled Moon phase, which is the same day that Mercury turns direct in Libra.
With this influence there will be a bitter struggle fueled by ego conflict, crisis, polarization, extremism, conflict and violence.

The keyword for this New Moon is balance, unity and connectedness….
Regardless of who you are, where you are, who you are with, where you want to be or who you want to be with.

We are more complete as humans in togetherness, even though the illusion of separateness in this absurd time is experienced more than ever before.

Blessed New Moon!

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