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The New Moon in Aquarius, January 24th, 2020.

The New Moon in Aquarius, January 24th, 2020.

The New Moon is that special, magic moment when the Moon and the Sun merge.

The Moon then charges itself with the power of the Sun in preparation for its new monthly cycle of growth. For us, every New Moon is a moment of birth, of a new beginning. 

The first New Moon of 2020 falls at 4°22 in the air sign of Aquarius. The New Moon in Aquarius is square its planetary Ruler, Uranus in Taurus, the planet of the Unexpected and Unpredictable.

Wayward Aquarius puts freedom and independence first.

The square of Uranus in Taurus with this New Moon in Aquarius conjunct the fixed star Dabih leads to challenges, unexpected events, crisis situations and uncertainty in social processes. Venus in Pisces square Mars in Sagittarius can also cause problems in all forms of relationships due to a great need for independence.

It looks like the road to harmony and peace is still a long way off.

Fortunately, the New Moon gets planetary support!

Mercury in Aquarius sextile Mars in Sagittarius stimulates mental processes such as flexibility, enthusiasm, fighting spirit, initiative, clear thinking and decisive response to unexpected changes.

Staying mentally and emotionally focused is the key to happiness, love and success in this volatile time of rapid change.

Venus in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Capricorn soothes, brings peace and tranquility, love and understanding, where there is chaos and tension.

The New Moon of January 24th 2020 requires caution, flexibility, restraint and common sense, to let go of fear, to trust, to persevere and to see everything in a different perspective.

Many of us have trouble with life changes.

Changes in life offer new opportunities!

Accepting life as it is and to be yourself to be and stay that way, even though there is chaos around you and in the world in which we live.

Dare to be free and independent from whoever or whatever.

The message of this New Moon in Aquarius is: accept yourself and the world around you.

Make a break with the past and let go all those things that are useless, such as self-imposed limitations, bad habits or addictions and being dependent on people, things or beliefs.

This New Moon is very special, because there won’t be planets in retrograde now and that will not happen a second time this year!

So everything you start or decide with this New Moon has the greatest chance of success!

The effect of the New Moon in Aquarius of January 24th 2020 lasts four weeks to the New Moon in Pisces of February 23, 2020. The best time for a new start, decision and for starting new projects is during the first two weeks of this new lunar cycle. 

This waxing phase of the Moon lasts from January 24th to February 9th, 2020, the Full Moon in Leo.

Blessed New Moon!

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