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The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius and its influence on all zodiac signs

The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius and its influence on all zodiac signs

On December 21, 2020, coinciding with the Winter Equinox, the magical moment when the light will slowly return, the time has come …… 
Jupiter and Saturn, the very largest planets of our Milky Way will align at zero point in Aquarius! The critical 0 degree always symbolizes a new beginning in astrology.
Seen from Earth, the super conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius resembles a huge bright star in the southwestern sky. Just before Christmas we may speak of the next Biblical “Star of Bethlehem” in nearly 800 years!
The super conjunction is joined by fixed star Altair, the brightest star of constellation Aquila.
This conjunction has not been so close to Earth since the year 1623.
The Great Conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn occurs on average every 19 years, the previous super conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Taurus was in 2000.
Throughout history, this planetary event has been associated with the rise and fall of royalty, governments, presidents and celebrities.
For the past two hundred years, the conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn have been in Earth signs. The current Jupiter / Saturn cycle started in 1802. This Earth cycle was linked to the industrial revolution, consumerism and capitalism.
The energy will shift from Earth to Air (intellect, information, cooperation), a new 200-year cycle of conjunctions in Aquarius, Gemini and Libra.
This astrological event in Aquarius marks the official beginning of a new awakening for humanity, the new dawn, a shift of consciousness.
The Beginning of The Age of Aquarius.
In the next two decades, the world order will undergo a complete metamorphosis. A new hierarchy and balance of power in world politics and economics.
Jupiter conjunct Saturn in Aquarius is a period of opportunity, growth and happiness.
There is a sense of completion on an individual level. Maybe you realize that you cannot continue in your current career or just feel like a new challenge.
This is a time of greater self-awareness in which you take stock.
Too much responsibility, a boring job, stifling traditions and rules, not enough time, or a demanding boss or partner can be the drop that overflowed the bucket.
You can keep poking holes in your bucket, but where does that take you?
A leaky bucket makes no sense!
It is time for growth and this Great Conjunction offers that possibility and opens the gate to New horizons, a study, long-distance travel, a new career or a new relationship, an investment, buying or renovating a house or starting or growing your own business.
It is now or never!
The influence of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius on all zodiac signs:

The Age of Aquarius will inspire Aries to expand the social network, a great time for making lasting and fruitful connections.
Collaboration with the aim of a common project can lead to good results.
Aries will say goodbye to friends and groups that do not feel good (anymore), so only the pure and essential remains.


The Age of Aquarius will shift its focus to your career and destiny in this life. Taurus is ambitious and gets a huge boost to succeed. This ambitious attitude can lead to promotion, a bonus or a salary increase, but also a new partnership, a marriage or a new job. It is now or never!. Sometimes it is good to think outside the box in order to build a firmer base and Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus give you just that little push to make a difference.

The Age of Aquarius is an age of enlightenment for Gemini! Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius have big plans and are encouraging Gemini to travel, physically or astral by exploring other cultures, studying or completing a degree. Gemini discovers unconventional new horizons and unexpected boundaries within your spiritual ideals and belief systems. An unprecedented thirst for knowledge can help you push your boundaries and discover the beauty of anything new.

The Age of Aquarius asks Cancer to be vulnerable while maintaining their own boundaries. Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius can bring financial benefits.
In any case, for Cancer, the income of third parties is a double-edged sword, benefiting from the income of third parties. Relying on other people, financially or emotionally, can be challenging, but makes your inner warrior even more militant. Bundle your financial resources with the partner to be able to invest successfully.

The Age of Aquarius puts the focus on relationships for Leo and opens the gate for marriage, cohabitation, family expansion, a fruitful business partnership or meeting your soul mate! Jupiter brings harmonious and supportive partnerships, and Saturn creates the right conditions for a firm union. If you are in a relationship, be ready to redefine the rules of your partnership. Freedom within the relationship and learning to compromise will remain a theme.

The Age of Aquarius leads to greater productivity for Virgo, but also raises the bar for Virgo, which means workload, stress, more responsibility and a feeling of overload of work.
Expectations are high at work, from others and yourself. You also want more freedom and space around you, so better working conditions or a better job if you no longer enjoy your current job. Watch your limits, Virgo, because success should never come at the expense of your health.
The Age of Aquarius requires Libra to show the best of themselves. Withdrawing yourself is not an option, because in one way or another you are constantly challenged to come out. It is also about taking responsibility and giving and receiving criticism in a romantic and creative sense. For Libra, the Great Conjunction is the gateway to a new love, passion and forms of creativity. Don’t take a wait-and-see attitude, because in the end it is you who will make all those dreams come true.

The Age of Aquarius focuses on home and family for Scorpio, so the gateway to a positive period to buy a house or a change of residence and living situation.
Your family and relatives grow and distressed family relationships are restored. Family support Scorpio’s professional goals. Also a period of great inner processing of the past. Family Karma will be broken and early conditioning from education is released. A new foundation is built of stability, security and connection.

Sagittarius loves to connect, share ideas and express opinions, but this is the dawning of a period of listening and observing. By listening more than speaking, important information comes to you that you would otherwise have missed, information that can lead to important breakthroughs. Open up to new ways of connecting with the people and things around you. Honesty, persuasiveness and open communication remain important.

The Age of Aquarius is about possessions and finances, Capricorn. Capricorn learns what is really valuable in life, material, psychological, spiritual and moral values.

A lot of good is coming your way, but to hold on to that you have to stay disciplined in managing money and values. Financial adversity is for stabilizing and discovering your essential values. Material possessions reflect your inner value pattern. Loss of possessions has to do with friction between what you think you need and what you really need.

The Age of Aquarius is a cosmic rebirth and regeneration for Aquarius.
The Cosmic Wave of Change! Jupiter in Aquarius is the beginning of a whole new 12-year cycle of inner growth towards a new realistic and strong you. Saturn in Aquarius looks over your shoulder to see if you are letting go of all those old behavioral patterns that do not serve you with that inner growth, so restructuring remains the theme! Great life lessons are opportunities to grow.
Even though it can be difficult at times, Aquarius feels more confident and empowered than ever.

The Age of Aquarius marks a period of quiet but steady growth, expansion and clearing for Pisces. Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius in the House of Cosmic Consciousness plunge into the depths and force Pisces to listen to the Higher Self.
Who are you and what do you keep hidden from yourself and the world? Retrograde Jupiter and Saturn together is nothing more than introspection to release all negative from the subconscious, whether this is limiting beliefs, unhealed emotional wounds or toxic relationships.
A spiritual liberation.

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