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The Full Moon in Libra of March 28, 2021

The Full Moon in Libra of March 28, 2021

The first Full Moon after the Spring Equinox shines in the sign of Libra, the sign of Relationships, Cooperation and Balance, Harmony and the true essence of love.

This Full Moon at 8º18 in Libra is a Super Moon and is the continuation of the cycle that started with the New Moon in Libra on October 16, 2020.

The time of completion and fulfillment. We will reap what has been sown. 

The Aries/Libra polarity axis is about relationships, where Aries is all about “the SELF”, Libra is all about “the OTHER.” The ME and WE and finding a balance between the two.

The conflict that arises because of this is the choice you make for yourself or for someone else. 

Just like in nature, everything is about to germinate, to break out, but everything is still very quiet, young and vulnerable.

This Full Super Moon shows how fragile that balance is between autonomy and dependence and especially affects the Cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn and anyone with their ascendant, personal planets and Lights from 4 to 12 degrees in Cardinal signs.

Ruler of Libra is Venus. Venus forms an exact conjunction with the Sun in Aries and Saturn in Aquarius forms a harmonious trine with Mars conjunct the North Node in Gemini. 

With these positive planetary contributions, there can be useful interactions with older and experienced individuals who, through their life experience, are the catalyst for resolving conflicts and bringing structure, balance and harmony.

Growth and awareness by learning from each other!

Mutual considerateness in equality and justice.

Especially now we need to support each other in mutual respect.

We need each other.

Especially now.

The influence of the Full Moon on each sign (Tip: look at your ascendant):


The Full Moon in Libra on March 28, 2021 falls in the House of Relationships. In the coming month, your relationship will be strengthened by a proposal, promise, engagement or marriage. The time has come to express your sense of love and respect, but if you don’t feel loved or respected, let it known! The Full Moon in Libra also clarifies a relational situation. In any case, the way of compromise is the best way. Talk to each other and cross that bridge. The theme of connectedness does not only exist in your private life, but also in your circle of friends and in your business life new connections are made or broken. It can be an end or a beginning. Whatever happens, the end or beginning is a new way for all involved.


The Full Moon of March 28, 2021 falls into your House of Daily Routine, Work and Health. A busy period in which existing projects at work come to completion. The Full Moon also shows that it is time to resolve any issues with a business partner or customer. After things are done, you can look back with satisfaction. Maybe a good time to celebrate? The Full Moon is also a great time to make the decision to exercise more and eat healthier. A healthy breakfast, good exercise, organizing your time more efficiently, a healthy daily routine, before you know it you will be completely in balance.


The Full Moon of March 28, 2021 falls into your House of Self-expression, Love and Romance.

This Full Moon promises unforgettable and loving moments of creative, recreational and sporting events. In the next two weeks love will give you more self-insight and in a steady relationship there will be more dynamism. New relationships bring you in touch with your inner soul, your inner child, and help you get in touch with who you are. However it develops, they will be friends for life!

Spontaneity is the magic word. Don’t just wait-and-see, but go for it, looking for love, passion and pleasure. Let yourself be carried away on the waves of creation and life energy!


The Full Moon of March 28, 2021 falls into your House of Family and Home and is the cosmic gateway to a change in your living situation, such as a move or renovation. The Full Moon therefore brings something new to the home front, so a new adventure! Maybe a move to a different place of residence and that could be related to your career.

It is possible that you are also busy renovating, new styling of your home or you postpone these plans until later. In any case, involve family members in whatever you decide, because peace, home harmony at home is all it takes to be happy and successful in your career.

In any case, there will be changes at home. It could also be that the walls are closing in on you and you need more personal space.


The Full Moon of March 28, 2021 falls into your House of Communication, Connections, Education short trips, siblings, close family, acquaintances and neighbors. This Full Moon brings a special message that demands your attention. You get that message by listening. Listen to yourself and be honest. It’s about something that needs to be closed, possibly something about yourself, something that requires completion and balance. Disagreements can also be resolved differently, you’ll be making progress by understanding. New ideas are for later, now you need to close something first.


The Full Moon of March 28, 2021 falls into your House of Finance.

In the next two weeks, more money is coming in through a different job, allowance, benefits or more turnover. Financially, something comes to completion and financial projects are completed. Not a good time to make new investments, but to pay outstanding invoices before starting a new project.

In any case, Virgo comes to terms with self-esteem. A sense of pride.

If you own something you don’t want or can’t get what you want, the Full Moon will set things right. Letting go can be emotional, so distinguish between what you really need and what you can miss.


The Full Moon of March 28, 2021 falls into your House of Personality and heralds a new cycle in your life that focuses attention on who you are and where you want to go in this life. It gives your personality a strong boost. Your strong will, creativity and motivation makes April 2021 the most productive month of the year. The time is right and the pressure is great to complete personal projects. It is not so much about what you show to the world, but about your specific personal contribution.

The focus is on yourself, but also on establishing the connection with others.


The Full Moon of March 28, 2021 falls into your House of Cosmic Consciousness and Release.

With this Full Moon you can make contact with your inner self, with your soul. In solitude you find the wonderful fullness to heal inner pain, so seek the peace of retreat or a place of spiritual tranquility to get the insights you need. Rest and relaxation are necessary to come and stay in balance. Massages are beneficial to get in touch with yourself. The way of meditation also brings the connection with yourself, but also on establishing the connection with others. Listen to what is being said and listen to your inner voice, your soul. A lot is happening around you, but you also have a lot of influence on everything that happens around you.


The Full Moon of March 28, 2021 falls into your House of Friendships and Social Involvement. The Full Moon is like a spotlight and in its light you see everything you do and do not want to see. Which friends or social contacts are supportive, who is nice to you, but has ulterior motives?

Are you the one who is there for someone when the ships are down?

The Full Moon shows completion, so a friendship can come to an end or a situation can arise where you feel what true friendship or commitment is.

Be honest with yourself, be honest with others. The truth is not always fun, but it is necessary.


The Full Moon of March 28, 2021 falls into your House of Career. This is the prelude to a period when things will change in your career or your attitude towards will change. A project develops. You now know where you stand!

Perhaps Mercury square Mars gives you a restless feeling as if nothing much is happening and results are lacking, but the opposite is true.

A great time to start career plans that you have been dealing with for a while. It is now mainly about joint responsibilities. Capricorn isn’t in the front line to share decision-making tasks, but collaboration is the magic word now.


The Full Moon of March 28, 2021 falls into your House of Higher Consciousness, Spirituality, Travel and Philosophy of Life.

This Full Moon is a game changer for you, Aquarius. You are almost at the top of the mountain and you can oversee your entire world. You oversee your life, what it has brought you. Things are just falling into place, like a legal conflict. In view of your career, you are engaged in broadening your horizons, studying, a business-oriented course or retraining course. The Full Moon is like a spotlight that shows you what is or is not true and who or what to trust or not. When in doubt about a decision, especially travel, legal, or social media, be cautious about making a decision, because it’s all about details. Mercury square Mars allows you to desire more than there is.


The Full Moon of March 28, 2021 falls into your House of Shared Finances, death and rebirth. Under the light of the Full Moon, money is released through a credit, mortgage or from insurance, tax, alimony, repayment or loan, estate or salary increase. Entering into financial partnerships and financial agreements are favored by the Full Moon. Pisces is able to meet financial obligations and there is room for restructuring of your expenses, tax advice and financial negotiations. A good moment to resolve old financial woes, but also what bothers you emotionally. Due to the influence of the Full Moon, you long for a deeper emotional connection and emotional stability. Your expectations may be too high and that can lead to friction. The key to the solution is to compromise.The ultimate relationship does not exist, so let go of that illusion. Don’t be too critical, no one is perfect and neither are you!

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