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The Full Moon in Cancer of December 30, 2020

The Full Moon in Cancer of December 30, 2020

Each Full Moon marks the opposing forces or polarities in life.
Public life versus the inner life, Ego versus We, freedom versus sacrifice.

The last Full Moon of 2020 falls at 8º53 ’ in emotional Cancer, which is almost exactly the position of the North Lunar Node (at 8º26’) during the Lunar Eclipse in Cancer of January 10, 2020, just before the historic alignment of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. 

The Sun in Capricorn is joined by Mercury and right opposite the illuminated emotional Moon in Cancer, this is a moment of awakening and contemplation.
We can therefore consider the last Full Moon of 2020 as a light that shines on all the events and intentions of the eventful year 2020.
We look back on a difficult year and many express the hopeful expectation that 2021 will be better than 2020.
The sextile with Uranus in Taurus makes us extra motivated to make changes in our lives and to think about the future.

Cancer is about inner life, the foundation, home, family.
In the past year, the Corona crisis forced us to work from home, which has created tensions in many families. Suppressed feelings related to fear, sadness, boredom, frustration, guilt, regret and disappointment have painfully surfaced.
Inner turmoil and relationship problems make it more difficult to understand each other’s feelings and communicate with each other.

Also on a collective level (the Moon), the media flood us with propaganda, oppression and violation of human rights, prejudice, addiction and racism and restrictions on freedom of expression by governments and multinationals.
What is the truth? What are lies? What to believe?

Perhaps in this time of crisis we hold on to what we are familiar with and seek comfort and emotional support in the wrong place. Sometimes home doesn’t feel right (anymore).

Cancer is the bottom of the zodiac, so solutions must be found in order to be successful.
The base needs to be reinforced.
If the bottom is not stable, the top will crumble and fall.

The last Full Moon of 2020 can be seen as an open door to welcome the new and to restore or let go of disturbed family relationships.

The Full Moon is supported by the fixed star Alhena. Alhena has a positive impact on health and well-being, so it looks like the easing of the restrictive measures can be expected soon.

The historical conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on December 21, 2020 has opened the door to a new era of growth both personally and collectively and this Full Moon in Cancer clears the way with the help of Mars square Pluto which can be seen as the home stretch of collective fear, tension and anger of the past year.

The Full Moon in Cancer of December 30, 2020 will last two weeks until the New Moon in Capricorn of January 13, 2021. Following the total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius of December 14, 2020, a stream of energy and initiative is released to set new goals and face to future with confidence.

As of early February 2021, the dust will settle and we will see the results of the energetic shift resulting from the six Eclipses of 2020.

Blessed Full Moon!

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