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The Full Moon 🌕 in Capricorn ♑️ June 22, 2024

Just as every New Moon shows a new beginning, the Full Moon is about completion, letting go. The completion, culmination, the result.

The Strawberry Moon falls exactly one day after the Summer Equinox and is the first of two consecutive Full Moons in a row in the Cardinal Sign of Capricorn.

The Full Moon of June 22, 2024 falls at 1º07 in Capricorn and the next one is on July 21, 2024 at 29º09, also in Capricorn.
With these two consecutive Full Moons in Capricorn, personal goals and ambitions of recent years can still be achieved or brought into balance.

Capital sign Capricorn is the top of the horoscope and symbolizes the crown of the Tree of Life.
Capricorn is earthly goal-oriented and, with astrological ruler Saturn, is among other things
about social success, recognition, ambition and responsibility,
The opposite sign of Capricorn is water sign Cancer. Cancer is ruled by the Moon and symbolizes the roots of the Tree of Life. The origin and basic security.

The Cancer-Capricorn polarity is about basic security versus social success.
Social success is only possible when you are emotionally and physically settled, committed to yourself, feeling at home in your home and in yourself.

The Full Moon in Capricorn opposes Venus in Cancer, so the delicate balance can be a wake-up call.
Saturn also rules Karma. Not only within ourselves, but also collectively now and many generations ago. This Full Moon in Capricorn can be of great significance for domestic and foreign politics.

If success has been forced or something has not been done in the right way for the right reasons or one thing has come at the expense of another, we can experience a backfire.
Something needs to be faced or must be accounted.

Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn and Lord of Karma is about to go retrograde in Pisces from June 29, 2024, so there’s some completing and clearing to be done.

Prune anything that is out of balance. Pruning maintains our tree of life, so that the roots become stronger and the crown is balanced.

In summary, this Full Moon asks you to take responsibility for what you do and how you live.
A great time for summer pruning, both internally and externally.
This Full Moon in Capricorn is of great significance for anyone with natal ascendant, Sun, Moon or planets at 0º to 3º in Capricorn, Aries, Cancer and Libra.

The influence of this Full Moon on all zodiac signs:

ARIES ♈️ (March 20 – April 19)
The Full Moon in Capricorn of June 22, 2024 falls in the Tenth House of Career, Reputation and Status. This Full Moon influences your career, whether you are completing an important project, ending a job or hoping for more or less responsibility or looking for a new challenge. Is there any doubt about the career path you chose six months ago?
Are there power struggles and excuses, being underpaid or unappreciated?
The square of the Full Moon with Aries shows that things need to change in your career or your attitude towards your work or life path needs to change when you notice that something no longer suits you emotionally.

TAURUS ♉️ (April 20 – May 20)
The Full Moon in Capricorn of June 22, 2024 falls in the ninth House of Higher Consciousness, Philosophy of Life, Wisdom, Travel and Spirituality. This Full Moon can help refocus goals and ambitions for your future, brightening everything you couldn’t see before.
The trine of the Full Moon with Taurus brings inner peace to surrender yourself to the flow of life. This Full Moon challenges you to learn, grow as an individual and develop your spiritual and philosophical sides. There is still a lot to learn and experience!
Everything around you changes, but nothing or no one can change you into something you are not.

GEMINI ♊️ (May 21 – June 20)
The Full Moon in Capricorn of June 22, 2024 falls for Gemini in the eighth House of the Soul, Shared Finances and Intimacy. It’s about finding balance in give and take when it comes to shared resources, financial independence, trust.
The focus will also be on an emotional situation that has caused you great anxiety or that is still present.
Prepare for something important in your life to be transformed in the coming month. A blockage can be removed to allow a stagnant personal situation to flow more freely. Your self-esteem, especially how you feel valued at work and in your relationships are factors to consider.
Acceptance of what you cannot control brings peace of mind.

CANCER ♋ (June 21 – July 21)
The Full Moon in Capricorn of June 22, 2024 falls for Cancer in the seventh House of Relationships.
New connections are made or broken in your social circle and business life. Whatever happens, the end or beginning is a new path for all parties.
New negotiations are possible or a contract can be broken in both work and personal partnerships to pave the way to security, stability and strength. The Full Moon opposite Cancer shows changes in the relational area, creating space for growth and deepening in the relationship. It can mean a breakup, but also a promise or marriage proposal, marriage, engagement or a business partnership.

LEO ♌️ (July 22 – August 21)
The Full Moon in Capricorn of June 22, 2024 falls for Leo in the sixth House of Health, lifestyle, daily routine, work and habits and even pets! A beautiful Full Moon to stop and maintain a bad habit, tackle a health problem or see the results of a diet or exercise program or simply take a time-out to recharge.
Concentrate on recovery and your own well-being. The Full Moon also shows that it is time to resolve any issues with a business partner or client, wrap up existing projects at work or home, and do some deep cleaning in your daily routine.

VIRGO ♍️ (August 22 – September 21)
The Full Moon in Capricorn of June 22, 2024 falls for Virgo in the fifth House of Love, Emotions and Self-Expression. This Full Moon forms a trine with Virgo, giving you a strong desire to let things go and have fun. New relationships bring you into contact with your inner soul and who you are.
A budding romance can take shape or you can make full use of your creative talents! You feel like something is missing or there is an unfulfilled desire for something or someone. Perhaps you feel the need to detach yourself from a creative or personal project or someone. This Full Moon is also about letting go of things that no longer bring you joy.

LIBRA ♎️ (September 22 – October 22)
The Full Moon in Capricorn of June 22, 2024 is square on Libra and shows concrete changes in your home. At home or in the family, something is being completed, such as a renovation, a new project, moving, joint holiday, reunion, family gathering, new interior or a move to another place of residence that is intertwined with your career.
The square with Libra is about setting boundaries in a literal and figurative sense. A situation at home or in the family comes to an end or conflict with neighbors or living environment. This Full Moon is about clearing out the old to make way for the new, in short, a breath of fresh air through your home with a chance for stability.

SCORPIO ♏️ (October 23 – November 21)
The Full Moon in Capricorn of June 22, 2024 falls for Scorpio in the third House of Communication. This Full Moon forms a sextile with Scorpio, offering a great opportunity to ask for help and get feedback on a creative project, business or romantic advice. This Full Moon in Capricorn encourages you to talk about things that are bothering you in order to strengthen the mutual bond in the family, at school or in your immediate living environment.
Sometimes conflict is unavoidable, but it is necessary. Take into account your words, how you say something and what you say. A secret can be revealed. You have to work extra hard to get your message across, but this is the ultimate moment to make yourself heard.

SAGITTARIUS ♐️ (November 22 – December 20)
The Full Moon in Capricorn on June 22, 2024 falls for Sagittarius in the second House of Finances, valuation and self-esteem. This Full Moon shows the financial completion or improvement of an important project or moment in your life, something to celebrate or regret. This influence can be the reason for a temporary financial crisis, which will ultimately turn out well.
A less pleasant event shifts the material focus. It brings you back to the core, to yourself, to what you really need. This Full Moon is favorable to settle an existing money situation. A perfect period for financial planning and strategy formulation.

CAPRICORN ♑️ (December 21 – January 18)
The Full Moon in Capricorn of June 22, 2024 falls in your House of Personality and heralds a new powerful cycle in your life in which attention is focused on who you are and where you want to go in this life. This Full Moon in Capricorn is a good opportunity to take stock of your lifestyle, personal goals, ambitions and strategic planning. This Full Moon asks you to let go of everything in your life that does not fit with who you are or want to be. In the light of the Full Moon you see everything much more clearly, what works and what doesn’t, so that clear steps can be taken. Letting go, both internally and externally.

AQUARIUS ♒️ January 19 – February 17)
The Full Moon in Capricorn of June 22, 2024 falls for Aquarius in the twelfth House of Cosmic Consciousness. You need rest, relaxation, retreat and meditation to achieve and stay in balance. Time to catch up on sleep or take a short vacation. Peace provides space for insights and clarity. Time for yourself, but also be there for those who need you. With this Full Moon you want to be on your own to focus on your inner life. This emotional Full Moon can evoke deep-seated fears, feelings related to stability, limitations, your place in the world. A good time for some form of therapy or for dealing with suppressed emotions. So not a moment for action, but for dreams, intuition, inspiration and recharging yourself.

PISCES ♓️ (February 18 – March 19)
The Full Moon in Capricorn on June 22, 2024 falls for Pisces in the eleventh House of Social Engagement, friendships and communities.
Every Full Moon reflects everything that is hidden, unknown to you or reflects a situation from the past. This Full Moon is sextile Pisces and brings to light things that could cause Pisces to decide that it is time to say goodbye to a friend, network or group or to join a new group that better suits your ideas and dreams for the future. Cherish your true friends, look for meaningful connections. Especially in these times you come to the conclusion who your true friends are. Something comes to completion in your social circle. In the coming weeks, information will come to light that will help you build a stronger foundation for current friendships and future connections.

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